Chapter 7

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"I always get sucked into one of my sister's shenanigans to end up in a bigger problem. Just because she's the older sibling doesn't mean that I have to clean up her mess." Dawn ranted, dismayed at the absurdity of her sister's misadventures.

"Relatable. I'll tell you what I learned as a child: just because they're older doesn't mean they're mature." Mandy stated.

"Preach." Dawn declared, pantomiming a hallelluyah.

Gail looked through the glass window of the dorm door. Her face could be seen through the glass before she frowned. “She's not here?”

"Where is she?" Gail queried angrily.
"I'm right here," the red haired turned her head to see Blair walking up to her, "I was looking around the gondolas, this aircraft is a floating mall."

Gail crossed her arms and leaned on the wall. "Yeah, there's a food court on the 2nd top floor, and there's a conference room nearby." The redhead replied nonchalant. "An arcade was recently installed for a retro aesthetic but it's only for old gamers since everyone downloads gaming apps for free anyway. If you're in the mood to see something fancy, there's also a shipment being transported for an art exhibit where it'll be sent into a museum after the aircraft lands."

"You don't sound happy." Blair mentioned while she saw the butch ginger kick the corner of a carpet with a sullen expression.

"Only the majority of the passengers come for the Wi-Fi reception, but since the signal is not as good as it used to be, they leave like a flock of seagulls." Gail put her wrists her together to flap her hands and raise them, then squawked like a seagull. "I bet they wouod hide under a rock just to get one bar."

"I wouldn't blame them. I would've done the same thing." Blair sniggered.

"The wonky Wi-Fi has been going on for months now. At least back then, you can receive a text without internet, but with the new u-Phones you can't get calls or texts without internet. It's ultra rare to receive a phone call now, and when I try to send an image, the signal crashes and the image gets deleted before it gets sent." Gail rambled on while she looked at the bumpy carpet.

"Really!?" Blair mock gasped with feigned concern.

"Yeah, it's a real bummer." Gail put her hands in the pockets of her jacket while she kicked the dusty carpet.

“If she can't get a signal in this god forsaken aircraft that means the people on this flying junk heap won't see me naked online, and the blackmail from that nerdy effeminate creep is a total dud! It's perfect!” Blair pondered while her concerned face shifted from bewilderment to joy before she felt Gail her wrap her arm around her neck, snapping the lilac haired girl from her daze.

"Y'know Blair, I'm hlad you came here to visit. It's been a month since I had someone I could talk to, and knowing that you took your time aqay from modeling to visit me really made my day. I mean, it's nice to hang out with your buds from work, but nothing beats hanging out with your best friend." Gail said to her with an open heart, before they smiled.

Meanwhile, at the powergrid...

"Give me one good reason why I should abandon the powergrid?" The head of the powergrid demanded an answer while to subordinate from diffrent jurisdictions stand before her while the fat aged woman scowled, arms crossed while two of her employees stood behind her. One employee gave a side glance to another one who wore round glasses, giving a cynical smirk while they stood behind the supervisor who was an elderly overweight woman in her 60s who had an unwelcoming grimace. "Well?" She queried impatiently, arms crossed waiting for a response. "This better be important."

Ember had her fists on her hips while she looked at the elderly supervisor, brows furrowed while Electra was standing behind her. "The boss wants everyone to leave this dump."

"And what for?"

"There's a hacker on board." Ember replied.

"Let me guess, it's Johnny. I don't have time for any of your shenanigans. I have better thongs to do than listen to your--" Suzy dismissed the warning as she turned her back from them.

"It's not him!" Electra shouted before she stepped forward, Suzy looked at the blue and black streaked employee, "There is a large man infiltrating the aircraft as we speak! If we don't put this place on lockdown, he will hack the controls of the aircruiser, sabotage the aircraft without a chance to fix it, the passengers will succumb in a state of panic. Our safety will plummet into the ocean along with everyone on board that'll make Titanic look a joke." While Electra was ranting and raving, some of the employees were staring at her as they saw her pointing at their superior. "And you will be the one responsible! But not because I was too scared for chickening out, but because you are too stubborn to listen to reason! You might as well be the iceberg that is getting in the way because YOU WON'T BUDGE!"

After Electra finished, her supervisor looked at Electra with the same cold indifferent glance, before opening her mouth. "It's about time someone had the guts to tell the truth straight to my face, instead of mumbling and brownnosing. Unlike some people." The supervisor mentioned just as two of her coworkers looked at each other.

Sinclair approached Electra and was eye level with her. "Supposing what you're saying is true, where is the evidence?"

"The boss was the one who caught him on camera. She mentioned that it was a large muscular man sneaking around the corridors. We don't know exactly where-"

"How big is he?" The supervisor inquired with the same indifferent face.

"Grandma!" One of his employees berated her.

"I don't know." Electra shrugged.

"The man looked to be 6'2" tall, looks like a mix of the gladiator from 300 and wolverine." Ember replied while she blew a smoke from her cigarette.

"Ember." Electra warned.

"What? She wanted to know, didn't she?" Ember said with a smug face that made Electra cast an accusatory glare at her.

"I have made my decision, we are putting the grid on lockdown, tell all the staff to scram. We're done here." The supervisor said on her way out.

"Right!" The employee responded as he gave a similar indifferent glare as his grandmother before he walked out of the grid.

"WHAT!? B-b-but." Carmen tried to protest.

"No buts, OUT!" The supervisor hollered.

"Grrrhhhh! You won't get away with this!" Carmen screeched.

"What are you so mad about? At least you don't have to work overtime." Ember said as she twirled her cigarette between her fingers as she walked out of the power grid with Electra.

Carmen ran after them yelling, "No no-no-no no no-no no!" Before the metal door whizzed shut in front of her. She fumed as she let out a shrilly whine.

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