The Journey Begins!

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Here's is the first chapter of this story I hope you like it and remember I don't any video and pictures.

Narrator P.O.V

Ah pallet town a nice peaceful place were our heroes are going to start their journey starting with two boys Ash ketchum and his little brother Neon ketchum at their house * Snore * well they both are sleeping and oh here comes their mother.

No one P.O.V

* SLAM *

"ASH AND NEON WAKE UP YOU TWO!!!" A woman voice yelling at the boys.

"Yyyyaaaaaahhhhhhhh" They both jump out of there bunks beds and on to the floor.

* BAM *

"Ugha" They both groan in pain.

"Mom why you yell at us?" Ash ask his mother.

"Yeah mom why?" Neon ask too.

Ash and Neon look up and saw their mad mother Delia ketchum.

"Well when you are still sleeping is about almost seven so you guys have to hurry to professor Oak's lab and your alarm clock is broken on the floor." Their mom said as she pointing at the broken pokeball alarm clock on the floor.

The boys look at clock then their mom and then each other over and over.....

"OH NO!!!" They scream and start running to go the professor lab wearing their pajamas.

*sigh* "Boys will always be boys." Delia said to herself.

"Bro why did you break the clock when we were sleeping!" Neon said mad at his brother.

"I didn't know I broke it!" My brother said to me.

They keep running until neon trip over.

"Aaahhhh!" Neon yell and face plant on the ground.

Ash looks back and saw his brother trip over and he ran towards him.

"Neon are you okay." Ash ask him.

"Yeah I'm fine hey look at this." Neon said to his brother and he pick up a thing that's he trip on and look at this black object with blue spots on it.

(Think that the egg is black and the spots are blue.)

"Hey bro what you think this is?" Neon asking his brother.

"I don't know let's take this to the professor's lab." Ash said.

"Okay." Neon said.

They start to run again to the professor oak's lab.

At the Professor lab~

When they go see the professor they saw a bunch of crowds hovering at the professor place.

Neon P.O.V

When we try moving through I heard one of the cheerleader said Gary.

'Oh no not that guy.' I growl little bit because gary thinks that he's the number one in kanto I hate that guy.

I saw my brother bang into gary from the crowd.

"Hey watch where your going!? Well if isn't ash better late than ever I guess at least you can chance get to meet me." Gary yell than smirk at my brother.

"Gary." Ash said surprise face and stand up.

"That Mr. Gary to you show some respect."  Gary said with a proud to himself.

I was trying and going to my brother from these bunch of crowds until I got hit and accidently bump into someone and we land on the ground.

"Ugah I'm sorry are you O-okay." I said and look at this girl that has Black hair with red on the tip wearing tan shirt, black and red skirt, black socks and boots, red hood with a cape that has rose symbol on her left side, and red and black glove on her left hand. 

(This is was ruby look like with her cape and hoodie on it.)

'Whoa she so cute.' I said with pink blush on my cheeks.

"Yeah I'm okay but um can you get off of me please." Red and black hair girl said.

"Oh I'm sorry here let me help you out!?" I said and grab her hand then pull her up from the ground she look like my age.

(Oh one more thing the age will be change like Blake, Yang, Weiss, and Ash even JPNR are 14 years old Ruby and Neon are 12 years old.)

"Thanks oh my name is Ruby rose branwen and you are?" Ruby said and ask for my name.

"My Name is Neon ketchum nice to meet you ruby." I said to her.

"So your here for your first pokemon and what's that?" She said and point the object on my arms.

"Yup oh and this thing I don't know what this is I found it when my brother and I are going to professor oak lab to check what this thing is and you?" I said to her then ask.

"Well same thing I found this one but the spot color are red so I come here to ask professor oak what this is too." She said to me.

"Wow well let's go and see the professor shall we." I said.

"Yup let's go!" Ruby cheer and she fist pump in the air.

So me and ruby go to my brother and I see Gary left and I turn to look at my brother then saw the man of himself professor oak ruby and I walk to him

"Um are you professor oak by any chance?" I ask him

"Why yes I am you are here for your first pokemon yes sir and I like to ask you a question sir." I said and ask him.

"Hmmm what is it young man." He ask me.

I show him the object I trip "Well you see sir I found this and I like to ask you what this thing is?" I said and ask him.

"Oh you found a pokemon egg!?" he said with excitement.

"Wow a pokemon egg!?" I said with joy and excitement then I turn to ruby.

"Hey ruby maybe your is a pokemon egg as well too!?" I told her.

Ruby have a star on her eyes.

(This is was ruby when she all excitement and stuff.)

"Wow all this time I have a pokemon egg YES!!! but what kind a pokemon is it though?" Ruby said with excitement and then a question look.

"Yeah me too?" I said with a same look like ruby.

"Well young man and lady you have to find out soon in enough well come on in." Professor said.

No One P.O.V

"Wow this is huge lab professor." Neon said with an awe on his face.

"Why thank you young man come this way and get your first pokemon." The professor said walking to the machine table press a button and the table reveal three poke balls on it.

We walk in front of it then the professor talk to us.

"Well here's are the three starters pokemon Bulbasaur the grass type pokemon, then there's Squirtle the water type pokemon, and finally Charmander the fire type pokemon but the only pokemon I have is Charmander." The professor said.

"Well Neon why don't you take Charmander with you." Ash said to his brother with a smile.

"Wait what but brother you always want to get your first-." I was cut off from my brother.

"No I want to start which starters pokemon I want to choose but there's only one so take it is yours little brother I'll wait for another one to come." Ash said to him with a smile.

"Oh ok thanks big bro." Neon said and give his brother a hug and took the poke ball.

"Ok come on out Charmander!" Neon yell and throw the poke ball in the air and open it up that shoot out Charmander on the floor.

Charmander looks around and saw me then walk towards me.

"Hey charmander my name is Neon and I'm going be your first Pokemon trainer and my partner will you like to go a journey with me and my brother." Neon said to charmander.

Charmander smile and yell char with joy on his face.

Neon smile at Charmander than look at ruby.

"Hey ruby sorry there's anymore starter pokemon for you." Neon said to her with sad a face.

"Oh don't worry about that neon I have my own Come on out budew!" Ruby said to him then grab her poke ball and throw it up high that summon her small Pokemon that is a grass type.

"Bu." Budew call out and smile.

"Whoa I never seen that pokemon before!?" Neon said in awe.

"Mmmm Ah I know that pokemon that pokemon is budew a bud pokemon that came from sinnoh regions." Professor Oak said.

"Wow." Neon and ash said in awe.

"Yup I got rosy when she was an egg from my mom for my birthday from her roserade." Ruby said smile at us.

"Ash can you come over I have some thing just for you." Oak said to ash.

Ash went up toward's professor and the professor press a button and in the middle of the three poke balls another poke ball with lightning bolts symbol on it.

"I should warned you about this one this one well stubborn and doesn't good with trainers." Oak said.

"Don't worry professor I will make this pokemon friendly soon." Ash said to the professor.

"Well in that case." Oak give ash the pokeball and it's open and reveal a yellow mouse pokemon.

"Pikachu" It said.

"This pokemon right here is Pikachu." Oak said.

"Wow it's so cute hi Pikachu my name is ash I hope me and you can be friends." Ash said taking his hand out to shake Pikachu's paw.

"You're right bro it is cute." Neon said.

"It's adorable!" Ruby squeal at cute and adorable mouse pokemon.

Pikachu look at ash then his hand he put his paw on ash hand and smirk then shock ash.

"Bro!" Neon call his brother and was shock that Pikachu use his electric move on ash.

"Well that was shocking oh and here are your guys and girl pokedex and poke balls for each of you." Oak said and give them 3 pokedexs and 15 poke balls.

Ruby and Neon sweat drop at professor pun then grab their pokedexs and poke balls but when ash grab his Pikachu use thunder shock and shock all of them and lay on the floor.

"Um Professor can I have 3 more pokedex for my sister and my friends." Ruby said as she still on the floor from the shock attack.

"Sure thing young lady here you go." Oak said and give 3 more pokedex to her.

"T-t-thank you augh." Ruby said and grab's it and still feeling electricity all over her body.

Time skip~

Ash, Neon, Ruby, and Professor Oak went outside Ash and Neon saw there mother at the gate with two bags on her both arms.

"Mom." Ash and Neon said the same thing.

"Oh ash neon I'm so proud of you two and both of you are finally start fulfill your guys dreams as a Pokemon trainer but i-i'm going to miss the both you so much oh my little boys." Their mom said and went mother mode and tell them of their stuff.

Ash and Neon sweat drop of their mother's reaction so ash grab their bag and give neon his bag then tell his mom how embarrassing him and neon are in front of these peoples and how both of them are big boys now and how pokemon trainers can take care of themselves and ruby start to giggle of this scene and neon start to blush embarrassing from his mom.

Their mom look at ruby with curious then notice her son blushing and she smile at the girl.

"Ah hello my name is Delia Ketchum I'm ash and neon's mother." Delia said and greeting to ruby.

"Oh hello my name is Ruby Rose is nice to meet you Mrs. Ketchum." Ruby said and greet her back.

"Oh please dear call me Delia." Delia said to her.

"RUBY!" someone was calling her.

Ruby look at the source and saw her sister and her friends.

(he still a faunus and ignore the human ears for her cat ears.)

(Do you guys think this outfits are good for them and no i didn't make these pic i got it on google so i don't own them.)

"Yang, Blake, Weiss you guys are here oh and i got your guises pokedexs form the professor!" Ruby went towards her sister and friends then gave them their own pokedexs from professor Oak.

"Thanks sis your the best." Yang thanks her sister and gave her a hug.

"Indeed thank you ruby." Blake thanks her too.

"You did quite excellent Ruby." Weiss said to her.

"Ah come on ice queen can you just thanks my sister for once of your life." Yang said to weiss.

"I told you to stop calling me that!" Weiss yell at yang.

"Thank you ruby for giving me a pokedex I appreciate it." Weiss said to ruby.

"Your welcome guys." Ruby said to them.

"Um ruby who are they?" Neon asking her.

"Oh well this blond one is my cousin Yang but I we like to call each other sister, the one with black bow on her head is my friend blake, and finally the one with the white is BFF weiss and girls this here is my new friends the one with a pikachu is Ash and his younger brother Neon the one carrying the egg." Ruby said to Neon then tell her sister and her friends.

"Yo!" Yang said.

"Hello." Blake said.

"Hi there." Weiss said.

"Is nice to meet you all." Neon said to them.

"Come on Neon let's go change and start our journey right pikachu!" Ash said to Neon then to pikachu who shock everyone except for Neon and Ruby.

"Well that was a SHOCKER." Yang said of her pun joke and her body was twitching.

Ruby, Weiss, and Blake groan even neon sweat drop at yang's puns.

"So your sis has a bad joke." Neon ask ruby.

"Yup got it from her dad and my uncle Taiyang he was also a joker too but worst than yang." Ruby said.

"Wow runs in the family huh." Neon said to her.

"Yup." Ruby said with a pop sound.

Time skip~

Ash and Neon change their clothes into their journey clothes.

(This is what Neon's wear except the red are dark blue and his jean are black.)

"HEY ASH AND NEON!!!" Someone called them.

They both turn around and saw Ruby and her friends.

"Hey Ruby what's up." Neon

"Well since we are going to start a journey can the girls and I come with you two." Ruby asking them.

Ash and Neon look each other then nod and look back at them.

"Sure!" They both said.

"Yay!" Ruby cheer.

So Ash, Neon, Ruby, and the gang start their journey in the kanto region what will happen next stay tone.

To be continue.

Alright phew that was the longest time i have to make this chapter sorry i didn't finish it because of Christmas and the New Years even i have the 3DS XL to play Pokemon Ultra Sun and finish the story and the RR bonus chapter I hope you guys love this chapter.

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