Act 7: Cold and Alone

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Justin's P.O.V.

I was walking around kinda late at night, not really doing anything... but then I realized that it was snowing.

"It's not supposed to be snowing..." I remarked aloud.

I walked some more until I found myself in front of a frozen lake.

"I see the cold doesn't bother you either." I turned around and saw a girl in a crystal-like dress. "Sorry. I dodn't mean to startle you."

"Who... are you...?"

Max's P.O.V.

I just had another dream about Claire dying...

"Max! You're doing better at waking up without screaming!" Cara exclaimed happily.

"Yeah... wait... how come Justin isn't yelling at us today?"

"I'll check it out," Cara said, getting up and leaving the room. She came back two seconds later with a shocked look on her face. "He's still asleep!"


Justin's P.O.V.

"I still don't understand why we're keeping this girl under our roof," I told my cousins as I ate lunch... with them and that Piper Chiba girl...

"I don't understand why you slept through breakfast, Justin," Piper Chiba said back.

"We are not on a first name basis!" I yelled, slamming down my glass.

"Justin calm down," Carol tried to stop me.

"No I won't!" I stood up. "GET OUT!"

"JUSTIN!" Carol's hair fell out of place with worry, but I honestly don't care.

"OR ELSE!" I looked at the brunette coldly, and she fumbled with her words.

"Or else... what?"

"Uh Piper..." Max was a bit panicked.

I then summoned my staff.

"Woah..." Carol, not now... "Are you going to like... freeze us?"

"I'm seriously considering it."

I then charged up my staff with power and shot the blast.

Max's P.O.V.

The three of us just barely dodged Justin's wrath and ran.

"Come on!" I yelled, grabbing my sister and Piper and running out of the house. I only have one question though..

"Why does Justin have powers?"

Claire's P.O.V.

"Claire!" Aera yelled, almost busting my door down.

"What is your problem, Aera?!"

"The ice rink is on the news because of some crazy phenomenon!" She shoved the newspaper in my face.

"Local Ice Rink Mysteriously Missing Ice" I read.

"There WAS a large snowstorm late last night..." Serenity remarked.

"Girls," I started, standing up. "I think we have quite the icy villain on our hands."

"You think?" Aera raised an eyebrow.

"Aera not now," Serenity scolded.

Piper's P.O.V.

Something is wrong with Justin... and I'm going to find out what...

Don't be mad, but I'm going to stalk him tonight.

Something is causing him to stay up... and this something probably also is the reason why he has ice powers and gives us the cold shoulder.

It was about 1:00 am when I saw him leave the house. Suspicious? Definitely.

So I did what I had to do.

I followed him.

The first step to breaking a frozen heart is learning why one has it.

"Wintra?" he whispered when he arrived at a lake far from town. "Are you there?"

I watched as the lake slowly froze over and snow began to fall in the area.

"Hello again, Justin." I saw a girl wearing a crystal-like dress. In her hand was a small snowflake wand. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Nothing much. Just wanted to hang out. You are the only one who supports and believes in me... my only friend."


"THAT'S NOT TRUE!" I exclaimed, coming out from my hiding spot. "YOUR FAMILY WILL ALWAYS BE THERE FOR YOU, JUSTIN!"

"Family? I don't know any family."

I then came to a realization and looked at the crystalline girl.

"You. What have you done to him? First the strange sleeping patterns, then the ice powers, and now you've completely brainwashed him?! I wouldn't be surprised if you were merely putting the words into his mouth." I then pulled out my mask and transformed, but not into my regular MA form. No. This form... was a lot more powerful. This was my Earth Force form.

Claire's P.O.V.

"Claire... Claire wake up!" I woke up to Aera shaking me violently.

"What?" I asked groggily, looking at the time. "It's 1:00 AM..."

"There's trouble. You need to come quick."

"What kind of trouble?"

"I don't know. Serenity was the one who got the signal, not me."

"How'd she get the signal?" I asked, getting out of bed.

"I don't know."

We transformed and ran. We quickly caught up with Serenity, or actually, Sailor Eris.

"I think it's Piper," she whispered.

"What are you talking about?"

Eris then pointed at something.

She looked like Piper... somewhat. She was wearing some armor-like kind of outfit and was fighting some ice queen girl.

"I think it's time to intervene," I commented, smirking. They nodded.

Right as Piper was launched, I jumped into action.

"Neol Wand, Transform!" It changed into it's sword form as I slammed it down at the ice girl.

"Who do you think you are?!" she asked as she quickly pulled herself up. I smiled and threw off my cloak.

"I am the Legendary Guardian, who fights on behalf of Destiny for the Planet of Secrets!" I then throw my mask aside and ready my sword once more as Neolian magic flows through it a bit. "I am Sailor Neol!"

Eris and Alleyen came out of hiding after that and landed beside me.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for Justification! I am Sailor Eris!"

"And I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for Hope. I'm Sailor Alleyen!"

"And now you will see the Light and be punished for your actions!"

"Why would I be punished for anything? I did nothing wrong..." she said, looking innocent.


Justin? I looked and saw behind her was a boy with dark hair and green eyes. In his hand was a staff that was slowly glowing brighter and brighter. He had it pointed at Piper.

"PIPER LOOK OUT!" The Justin guy then blasted her and she practically flew onto the frozen lake...

And so the battle commenced.

Cara's P.O.V.

I woke up in the tent and realized that neither Max nor Piper were there.

"Max?" I asked, getting up. "Piper?"

As soon as I left the tent though, someone grabbed me.

"Please don't scream."



Claire's P.O.V.

"Alleyen Prism Explosion!" But it didn't work and she was launched into the snow beside us. Why is it snowing anyway?

Right as the two were about to strike us down, something happened.

A lotus flower quickly brushed against their wrists, scraping them and also distracting them, and then two mysterious people used some quick physical combat moves to knock them over.

The first figure I recognized as Tuxedo Lotus, aka the bad omen. The second figure though...

She looked like a ninja.

"Sailor Neol! Finish this!" she exclaimed. I nodded.

"Neol... Repentance... Spiral!"

Not only did that help with the villain, it healed the Justin guy!

Tuxedo Lotus and his new companion left and Justin was regaining his senses.

Justin's P.O.V.

When I saw the frozen lake cracking, I noticed the figure lying on the ice unconscious.

"PIPER!" I ran and slid on the ice to her side. "Piper the ice is breaking!"

Right as she regained consciousness, we fell through the ice.

I swam through the freezing water after her as she sank and grabbed her hand. The water and gravity was pulling us down, but I somehow made it back up to the surface. I swam over to the land and rested there.

"...Justin...." I looked over at Piper.


"...thanks..." She looked at me weakly and smiled. I couldn't help but smile back.


I picked her up and carried her back to the house. I then got Cara and Max to trust me enough to head home.

I feel like today has been quite eventful... but I don't remember much.

Wonder why...


End of Act 7!

How was that, peoples?

I'm not sure about anyone else, but I sense a new ship.

Ship names in the comments please!


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