Act 8: Reunions

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Justin's P.O.V.

I was currently bandaging quite the scrape on Piper's arm when she woke up.



"You... called me by my first name last night..."


"It's fine... but I want to tell you that I heard it... even though I wasn't awake... I heard your voice saying my name..."

"...How are you feeling?"

"Better..." She got up into a sitting position and her eyes widened. "Justin?"


"...You did it again." What is she talking about?!

"What do you mean?"

"You're letting me call you Justin."

"I... uh..."



"...where are Max and Cara? They're not still camping in a tent, right?"

As if I'm cue, the door was slammed open.

"Piper!" Cara and Max ran in and hugged her. Uh...

"Woah there! What's with all the hugs?" she asked.

"We're just happy you're okay, Piper," Max explained. "You're like family to us."

I noticed Piper's happiness fade a bit.

"Yeah... just like family..."

I couldn't help but notice that Piper's eyes were filled with pain and guilt. Sadness. She looked out the window... she was thinking about something... family... I know that look... I had it myself for years after dad-

"Justin!" someone yelled. I couldn't see the voice though. Everything had gone dark.

Claire's P.O.V.

Aera and I were having sparring practice together... and somehow I haven't been knocked down yet.

"Girls! I brought doughnuts!" Serenity exclaimed from the entry room. "And I picked up your latte, Aera!"

"Coming!" Aera and I yelled in sync. This is where I caught her off guard with a sweep to her ankle... and down she went.

"Congrats. You saw an opening and took it." I helped her up and we both went downstairs.

Justin's P.O.V.

Piper's being a downer... she's never a downer... I gotta do something...

"Uh... Piper..." I went over to the tree she was sitting at and leaned on it.

"What do you want?"

"It's just... uh... I want to show you something... but you have to promise not to tell Max or Carol about it."

"...fine." She still avoided looking me in the eye as she got up. I followed through and took her to the attic. To the hidden locked door.

"Ever since I moved back in, I've been working on something..." I unlocked the door with my key and opened it.

"Wow..." Piper was shocked. "You... have a garden?"

"It was one of my hobbies. I would always take care of plants. It cheered me up whenever I was down..."

Then, Piper laughed.

"So the Ice King really DOES have a heart! That's so sweet!"

"Keep it down! Max and Carol might hear!" She calmed down and cleared her throat.

"And them knowing embarrasses you? Wow. Alright, I'll keep quiet. Whatever floats your boat."

And then we headed back downstairs.

I really hope she doesn't tell them...

I'll be humiliated for life...

Claire's P.O.V.

"Jersey? Why is she here, Serenity?"

"I saw her while I was at the shop. She had heard the news and checked your apartment, but you weren't there. In fact, she said it was still as if you had moved out."

"So the charm worked then. That's a relief."


"I enchanted my apartment. I'm planning on moving out soon anyway, but I thought it would be safer and keep the evil and the omens away.

"I get how you feel..." Jersey spoke up, for the first time since I saw her today. "I think... so, what brings you back to Earth? I thought you had everything you wanted back on Neol."

I knew I'd have to explain more than once....

Here goes...

"Well, things on Neol aren't as great as I thought. Apparently my sister was spotted somewhere in this universe for the first time in the five years she's been away. And also, it turns out that Maxwell Zuki is a Neolian bad omen for some reason and will probably end my life one of these days."

"Oh! That reminds me..." Serenity exclaimed. "You know that Neolian Tale you told me last summer? Well I was at the library earlier to and-"

"Of course you'd be at the library. Typical Serenity." Aera then realized something. "Just how many places have you been this morning?"

"Almost all around town. But that's beside the point. The point is, I found this. I think it will explain why Max is an omen."

Claire hurriedly grabbed the ancient book and read it.

"It's in Earthanist Neolase... the very first attempt at translating pure Neolase into Earthian."

"Well?" Aera started. "Aren't you going to read it?"

Claire nodded and started to read.

"Long ago, there was a beautiful planet that shone above the others. It was free and beloved. It was ruled by a beautiful and fair queen, who loved her people and always sought to do the right thing... it must be talking about Clarice, the very first queen of Neol... One day, an evil spirit, a champion of pure darkness, decided to plague the land and take all the goodness for herself, along with her minions. The queen however, used immense power seen only beyond the stars and sealed the spirit away, and ceasing the existence of the minions with a rain of fire.... Are you saying that Max was one of the minions of the evil spirit?"

"Either that... or he IS the spirit..."


Justin's P.O.V.

It was getting late... and I haven't seen Piper for the past two hours...

Oh. She's on the porch... sitting on the steps...

Her past has come back to hurt her, hasn't it?

I never thought I had to do this...

"Hey..." I said, sitting down next to her. She stayed silent, her knees pulled so close to her as she practically had her face buried in it.

She was crying...

"I know how you feel, you know..." I began. She turned to me, tears still coming down her face.

"Y-you do?" I nodded.

"I lived with my father my whole life, but it was always as if I didn't exist to him... or like he didn't care about me. He completely forgot about me for six years... I only survived thanks to John Thomas... but father angered me... he frustrated me with his disability to notice me... so I ran away for two months... and he finally realized me again... and, like all true fathers, he cared... you had a fight with someone in your family... and you want to go back, but you feel as though it wouldn't be worth it at the same time... I felt like that almost the whole time I was gone... you can go to him, you know... I can tell he cares about you very much... even if he's not your father... he's your brother... and seeing how well Max and Cara get along, it reminds you of him... you can always go back and be welcomed with open arms, you know... family is like that..."

She shut her eyes and looked away, wiping her tears. I messed up, didn't I?

Apparently not, because she hugged me, a small smile gracing her tear-stained face.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"Anytime," I said back, returning the hug. "Now I think you have some family worried about you... go..."

She nodded and got up. But as she turned to leave, something pulled at my heart. There was something I really needed to say... I need to set aside the walls... even it it's just for a moment...

"And Piper...?" She whipped her head around.

"Yeah?" I got up and held her hands.

"You can always count on us... we'll always be here for you..."

I then did something I'd probably regret.

I kissed her...

And then she just ran...

Mamorou's P.O.V.

It's been so long since Piper left... and I haven't slept at all...

So many sleepless nights... all over a girl that is hardly even of this world...

But still...

She's my sister...

I heard a door get thrown open, and I saw Piper, looking quite exhausted, standing in the doorway.

"PIPER!" I yelled, running to her.

"Brother... I'm sorry..." she whispered as she hugged me.

"I'm sorry too... It's great to have you back, you know..."

I heard a gasp and then some running.

"Piper!" Mituki then joined the hug.

"Hi Mituki... I missed you both so much..."

Piper's P.O.V.

We stood there, hugging for the longest time...

I love having a family...

I opened my eyes and looked out the window to see a little, but bright star in the sky.

It's almost like it's me...

I can never lose myself again...


End of Act 8.

I cried when Justin spoke about his feelings...

Sorry if it confused you...

Bye peoples.

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