Company Introduction 💕

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Pulsar had Luminix sleep in ver room to rest up and take a break for the day, and due to ver panic attack. Once Pulsar did that, they went to their own bedroom and saw Paradox laying on the bed and perked up once Pulsar walked through the door.

"Pulsar. Is everything ok? How's Luminix? That's their name, right?" Paradox asked, spewing out questions.

"Calm down, Peri. Firstly; everything's alright, secondly yes Luminix is vers name, and Luminix goes by ve\ver\vers. Just for next time, ok?" Pulsar replied.

"Ok. Good. Sorry for the wrong pronouns. But, I'm glad Luminix is alright." Paradox said, crossing xyr legs.

Pulsar chuckled and walked towards xem, putting xyr rays. "You're ok. Anyways, wanna introduce yourself to Eclipse and Solaris. They guaranteed didn't forget about you." Pulsar asked.

Paradox nodded enthusiastically and stood up, Pulsar giving a playful scoff and walked out with Paradox; looking for Eclipse and Solaris. The two entered the family room, seeing the two of them chatting on the couch. Pulsar hummed and walked closer with Paradox closely behind. The two of them got Solaris's and Eclipse's attention, Solaris straightening their posture. Paradox waved happily.

"Hey... uh... so... this is Paradox." Pulsar awkwardly introduced.

"Hey..." Solaris said, unsure of the animatronic while Eclipse waved.

"Hello!" Paradox said with a smile on xyr face.

"You're wondering why I made xem... huh?" Pulsar gave an awkward smile and giggled.

"No... what gave that away?" Eclipse said sarcastically.

"Ok. No need to be sarcastic." Pulsar said, crossing their arms and sat down across from the duo, Paradox sitting next to them. "I'll explain. Simply, I got the feeling of loneliness and decided to bring Paradox into existence for some company." Pulsar explained casually.

"What's wrong with us?" Solaris asked.

"Nothing's wrong with you. Nothing's wrong with any of ya. I just decided to bring another person into my- our... our lives. Just someone to talk to or to have fun with... or just to have some casual company with... and so on and so forth." Pulsar licked their lips.

Eclipse looked at Paradox and shifted uncomfortably before clearing his throat and leaning forward.  "Ok. That's fine. But why do xe look like Solar Flare?" Eclipse asked.

"I'm sorry... who's Solar Flare?" Solaris turned his head towards Eclipse, all eyes on him with confusion.

Eclipse realized they had no idea who Solar Flare was. Eclipse paused and leaned back and muttered. "No one... no one." Eclipse slouched a bit. Solaris looked at him and tried to shift the conversation to something else.

"So... Paradox your partner?" Solaris said all casually.

Pulsar blushed while Solaris laughed, and Paradox looked confused. "What does that mean?" Paradox asked. Pulsar stuttered while explaining themselves.

"I-It means many things! Uh... like business partners. Causal partners. Friends..." Pulsar paused. "U-uh." they stuttered.

"Romantic partner. Sexual partner." Solaris said bluntly with a smirk.

"Solaris!" Pulsar yelled with a dark blush across their face. Solaris laughed harder, while Paradox took a moment to process all of the information and had a look that told everyone that xe got it.

"Oh. Well, if Pulsar wants to be friends or lovers. I'm down for whatever." Paradox smiled.

"Wait. Really?" Pulsar turned their head towards the other who nodded.

Solaris giggled and stood up. "Welp, me and Eclipse will leave you two alone." Solaris grabbed Eclipse's hand, and the two left.

"Damnit, Solaris." Pulsar cursed under their breath.

"Did you want to be partners, or did you want to spend time together before you decide?" Paradox asked.

Pulsar exhaled and turned their head to Paradox. "I want to... I wanna spend time together first." Pulsar replied, earning a nod from the other.

The two smiled and hung out in a family room a bit longer.

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