The Mindset of a Servant 🖤✨️

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(CW: Mild depictions of panic attack and brief mention of death)

Luminix walked around the house that all of them were currently housing in to help keep ver mind occupied. However, the urge to serve someone had itched in ver systems. Luminix was an assistant. A servant. Someone who was made to honour and protect ver lord. And now, Luminix's lord was dead. But, vers servant mindset was still lingering.

Luminix sighed, looking up to see Pulsar and ver eyes widen in excitement. Pulsar is a lord. Maybe Luminix could be of assistance to them. At least, that's what Luminix thought. Luminix walked over to Pulsar; who was currently on a couple digital, floating screens that they produced from their hands. Pulsar transfered files to one another, looking up to see Luminix.

"Oh. Hey Luminix. What's going on?" Pulsar asked.

"I've decided to explore the place, and while doing so, I saw you. Do you need help with anything?" Luminix replied, hands clasped in front of ver while the lower set of ver arms were clasped in the back.

Pulsar was taken aback but thought for a moment and then nodded. "Actually... yes. I do. You know how to work with anything digitally?" Pulsar asked, earning a nod from Luminix. "Good, come here." Pulsar said, Luminix at their side.

Pulsar explained the task that they needed help with, Luminix taking half of the harder work while Pulsar took the other. While working, Pulsar glanced at Luminix, who had a very focused look of ver face and pressed their lips into a thin line, going back to work.

"Hey Lumi?" Pulsar said suddenly. 

Lumi flinched at the nickname and replied, refusing to take ver eyes off the screen. "Yes, Pulsar?" Luminix replied.

"How do you feel about being here? I mean, you are in a brand new environment. Being transported in here via your own star and not knowing where you are has to be scary. I assume you haven't been out and about outside your own dimension..." Pulsar said, watching as a few lines of codes go across one of the screens.

Luminix bit ver lip and replied. "Well, you're right about that. It is scary to be a new environment. My headmaster had made sure to keep me in our dimension for safety reasons. This was due to fear of what other dimensions might be capable of. Lord Orbit was always like that." Luminix answered. 

Pulsar hummed, choosing their next words carefully. "I... I overhead your lord... passed away..." Pulsar turned their head, Luminix pausing and watched the screen. "I'm sorry for your loss. Sounds like you and him had a good relationship." Pulsar said.

Luminix nodded. "We did. Though, I acted like an emotionless AI. He then told me he caught on quickly. He wasn't mad. They just said that I don't have to act around them and to be myself..." Luminix lowered ver head. "Now that they're gone... I feel the need to act again. I am made to serve." Luminix said, placing one of ver hands up to ver chest.

Pulsar saved whatever work that the two of them were doing and closed up the screens, walking in front of Luminix. The other looked up at them, looking into their eyes and at their halo. Pulsar's beautiful halo laid at the back of Pulsar's head with big diamonds spread out evenly with little diamonds in between. Luminix stared at Pulsar and kneeled at Pulsar's feet and bowed ver head, catching them off guard.

"Lumi?" Pulsar asked in worry.

"My lord... I'm sorry. I apologize for my behaviour. Please forgive me. I didn't mean to act out!" Luminix said, heavy breathing escaping from ver mouth.

"Oh Lumi...." Pulsar said, crouching down to Luminix's level. Luminix looked up at Pulsar and panicked.

"I-I'm sorry! I... I didn't mean to! I-I'm sorry! I need to be replaced immediately! I'm so sorry, my lord... I- Pulsar. Pulsar... My Pulsar." Luminix panicked, hyperventilating and rays retracted, body shaking.

Pulsar lunged themselves at Luminix and hugged ver, rubbing ver back in a soothing manner. Luminix broke down and hugged Pulsar back, burying ver face into Pulsar's neck. Pulsar whispered sweet and soothing, reassuring manners to Luminix.

"It's alright, Lumi. It'll be alright." Pulsar whispered.

"I'm sorry. Y-you're... you're just like him. You're so nice. Y-you're beautiful. You know what you're doing. You don't question why I help you! I-I just want to feel useful again." Luminix sobbed.

Pulsar hugged Luminix tighter, like as if they were comforting a child. And, it felt like they were. Pulsar had to guess that Luminix was young. Very young. Younger than the other two. Definitely younger than themselves; being over hundred years old. Pulsar rubbed the back of Luminix's head. Once Luminix had calmed down but still shaken up a bit, Pulsar spoke.

"Lumi... Let me tell you something, yeah?" Pulsar said, getting a nod. "While I'm flattered that you have envisioned me as being kind, nice, and just like your lord, I was terrible. I hurt everyone. I only kept very few people around, and I hurt my servant...  Twilight. My Sun. I regretted it and still do to this day. I freed Twilight, but he already had the same mindset as you..." Pulsar said, Luminix listening very carefully.

"Twilight then finally realized he was free, but also he took a long time to forgive me. He was wary, but he came around... seeing his brothers alive and well..." Pulsar paused, Luminix hummed. "My world is destroyed... just like yours... and so did Twilight and his brothers... What I'm saying is, you don't have to live in this mindset. I don't want to live in a mindset of a good lord... cause I'm not... and you're not a servant anymore. You're your own person." Pulsar said, caressing Luminix's rays.

Luminix listened and hugged tighter,  bringing a hand up to Pulsar's chest, feeling their star hum quietly. Luminix looked up at Pulsar and closed ver eyes. "I..." Luminix sighed. "Looks like we both have things to work on... huh?" Luminix said.

Pulsar let out a small chuckle. "Yeah. Yeah, we do, Lumi." Pulsar looked down at Luminix.

"Ya know... 'Lumi' reminds me of what Orbit used to call me. I always loved that nickname." Luminix let out a small smile.

"You want me to stop using it?" Pulsar asked.

To their surprise, Luminix softly shook ver head. "No. No. I love it too much. I... I feel like it's the first step for me to heal..." Luminix said.

Pulsar gave a comforting smile to Luminix and rocked Luminix gently. "Well... looks like we're both having to do some healing to do." Pulsar sighed.

"Pulsar..." Luminix looked up with Pulsar looking down at ver. "I'm sorry for your loss." Luminix said.

"Heh... thank you. I'm sorry for yours as well." Pulsar said, bringing Luminix closer.

Luminix let out a small giggled, relaxing in Pulsar's arms, head resting on Pulsar's chest, hand sliding down to hold Pulsar's arm. "Thank you." Luminix whispered.

The two of them sat on the floor, arms tangled in each other in a comforting and soothing manner; an ex lord and ex servant content in each other's present and arms.

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