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It had been an hour. And still no sign of Avni, they were all becoming seriously worried. Neil paced up and down dragging a hand through his hair every few minutes. He was getting extremely worried about her, he turned to DD "Track her phone. I'm going to look for her." Ali, Aman and Ashok stopped him "We will come with you." He just nodded and bolted out the door taking two cars. Him and DD sat in one car as the Ali, Ashok and Aman sat in the other car. DD suddenly asked Neil to pull up as he almost got a direct location. "She's at....... The  Devil's club." DD's eyes widened as  Neil too looked at DD in shock. What the heck was she doing in a club? He sighed looking up into the sky.  Such florescence and dominance could not be hidden behind the creeping grey clouds, the moon shone intimidatingly on the land beneath it like that of the eye of the devil straight into the soul of the damned. He punched the stirring wheel in frustration.  And quickly speed of into the night.


Avni entered the club and sat down by the bar ordering drinks, chugging them down like there was no tomorrow. She had spent the last half an hour drinking all types of drinks. Avni eyed the amber liquid and the golden glow of the glass-like cubes. She poked them with her perfectly manicured nail to hear them jingle in the  silence of her heart. She watched, entranced, as they bounce back up- remaining mostly submerged like mini icebergs. Wrapping her long fingers around the glass, she felt her heat leach into the drink. Alcohol. The elixir of her life. She raised the glass to sip, feeling the keen burn on her tongue and throat- a burn that made her recoil as a girl. Yet now it was a feeling she longed for right from the day she came back to India. She shouldn't have come back, what was she expecting a heartfelt welcome she laughed mentally at herself thinking sarcastically. But by coming back all she had got was more pain. She grabbed one drink and headed towards the dance floor dancing like there was no tomorrow as she was a arm slipped around her waist pulling her flush against him, she turned around half expecting it to be Neil but was shocked to find Dev. "YOU." She laughed hysterically as they danced, his hands trailing all over her body.


Neil took a sharp turn, before parking up and rushing out of the car followed by the boys who were desperately trying to match his pace. He barged through the doors not caring about the impact as he did, his eyes searching relentlessly for her. As he moved forth a bunch of girls came rushing towards them, Aman looked them up and down and moved to walk with them but Ali pulled him back slapping him over the head as DD stifled a laugh. Ashok just watched as Neil glared at them causing them to gulp slightly in fear. They looked towards the dance floor their mouths opening in shock as they watched Avni dance with a guy, Aman was first to recover "IS THAT DI." Ali and Ashok just looked at each wanting some type of confirmation as DD looked at Aman.  They turned their attention back Avni as the guys hands travelled around her body. Ali, Aman, Ashok and DD gulped looking at Neil who was flaring with jealousy, cautiously they took a stride back watching the scene in front of them.  

Avni's P.O.V

 The harsh scent of drink can be smelt of my person. I know it, and so does everyone one else. They can see me struggling to keep my balance, and I know I'm struggling to keep it. It's like some sort of outer body experience. My legs don't work as I tell them. Neither do my hands. Or my fingers. Somewhere, deep inside I know my brain is sending signals telling me what to do. Whether or not my body is listening is a different story. I can feel it moving. It can feel it doing what it wants. Can I stop it? We all know the answer to that. It's doing as it pleases.

End of P.O.V

Neil managed to watch for a full minute before loosing his cool, she was drunk and was flirting with a guy. He stalked up to her like animal after its prey and looked at the guy who was dancing with her...it was the same guy from the gala. His hands clenched into fists. He grabbed onto Avni's wrist and pulled her away before punching the guy.  As Dev fell to the floor Neil dragged Avni out, the boys knew better to interfere and so taking Ali's car they left half scared for there own lives and Avni's.  

Avni stumbled slightly taking of her heels and walking bare footed. Neil spun her towards him, the smell of alcohol radiating of her as she struggled to maintain her balance "WHAT THE FUCK AVNI." Avni winced "HEY BHAGWHAN, WHY IS HE KILLING MY HEARING." She stumbled."Were you enjoying with him Avni???Were you enjoying the way he was touching you??? Was his touch better Avni..Was it?" She looked up at him "i don't ever want to see that again only i have the right on you, to touch you like that no one else." Avni shoved his chest, just because she was drunk doesn't mean she would listen to his bullshit "Who are you to claim that right on me, your no one MR Neil  Khanna, your no one to me, you lost that right years ago." He looked up at her. "I know i'm drunk right now but Neil there are reasons why do this...Why i become like this..." She gestured towards herself slurring on her words slightly. "There was a time in my life I expressed my feelings in a true way, but we can't go on like that, right? We can't keep bawling like babies and throwing tantrums like toddlers; we do need to get a grip on our own minds. But there is a balance, a point of virtue, that I went passed so long ago. Every negative emotion is buried before I can even feel it, making me passive and weak. Everyone loves me for my smile and twenty-four-seven happy disposition, meanwhile every other feeling is crammed into my chest. Problem is, that space is getting so full, so much harder to ignore, and the disparity between my outgoing personality and inner pain is so difficult to bare. I wish I'd learnt to get these emotions out instead of bottling them up; there is no "healthy release" when the internal pressure is this high. How do I defuse this bomb without triggering the damage I seek to avoid? Neil i only do this to try and get rid of the pain, that same pain that follows me like a shadow, taunting me at night and watching me cry in delight. I try so so hard to forget..to try and move on but no matter how hard i try..i can't. I'm broken. If i'm not hurting myself, i'm hurting everyone else around me and i'm tired, sometimes i just want to escape this world..escape this life. In those first six months that i left i tried so hard to kill myself hoping that i would at lest be accepted there but no...seems like god didn't even want me. i was left alone to hurt, before i got my life back on track i would walk like a lifeless body among the streets of the US and haul myself in front of cars the first time i ended up in hospital but survived and tried the second time guess who's car it was...Ashok's, he offered me a hand pulled me out  of the darkness and in that situation i remembered something Ayesha Ma told me 'Darkness can't cast out Darkness only light can do that, similarly Hate can't be driven out by Hate only love.' After Ma died, i would crawl under the cover and wrap myself in her sari trying to imagine her hugging me back. The truth is Neil...that the eight year old girl who had her everything snatched from her is still under those covers today. " Avni looked up at him, his eyes were clouded with sympathy but she mistook it for pity. She laughed the drunk affect taking a toll on her, "You said that you wanted me to tell you how i was feeling right...well i told you, you wouldn't be able to handle it." She smirked becoming tipsy. 

As Neil stood watching her claps were heard as the two turned around only to find................


HELLO PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!LOL. OKAY I DON'T KNOW WHY I'M WRITING IN CAPS. Right so back to business. So Avni poured her heart out to Neil finally, and she's drunk but still serious as ever. Who do you guys think is clapping. Sorry to leave on a cliffhanger. 

So to the current Naamkaran drama, i'm fangirling so hard, the way Avni is looking after Neil and him shamelessly flirting with her like there is no tomorrow is just...WOW. These episode have been a treat to watch, i'd love to hear your thoughts as well on the episode. 

Also juhi's entry. I know a few people who are speculating that it is Rhea who has worn a face mask but who knows. -What are your thoughts on the Juhi track????

And finally do comment your thoughts on this chapter, and don't forget to vote and follow too.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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