1 | you had to go and prove me wrong

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When Evelyn was younger she was very vocal about how she felt and about what she wanted.

At five, she knew she loved to dance and do gymnastics but she hated having to go to practice. She loved playing tag and having nerf wars with Elena and Jeremy and despised having to wear a dress to the stupid town gatherings.

At eight, she knew for sure that she disliked her uncle and that whenever he came over to visit she wanted nothing to do with him. And because of this, her mom and dad let her stay in her room during this time.

By twelve, she had a full blown crush on Tyler Lockwood, but of course, that remained something not even Elena knew about.

At thirteen, she started lashing out at her parents and would say things she truthfully didn't mean.

At fifteen, she met Scott and well, you know the rest of that story.

And now, at seventeen, she had absolutely no idea how she felt about anything and she hated it.

She loved Tyler and she had no idea if that feeling would ever go away but she knew deep down that she would never be able to open herself up to him that way again. But he was her first real love and that kind of stuff doesn't just go away.

Stefan, on the other hand, was her best friend. And he was dating her sister. She would never in a million years go there but that didn't stop her from feeling overwhelmingly confused.

And then there was Damon. Damon is that mysterious bad boy that you tell yourself not to fall for but you do anyway and then turn out to be right about them. Yet for some reason, Evelyn couldn't shake the feeling she had for him. Whatever those were.

Which brings us back to present time where Evelyn was at the hospital because her newly rectified best friend got in a car accident because of the vampire device that her other best friend lied about fixing. And it had affected Tyler.

Evelyn approached Matt and Bonnie, who sat outside of Caroline's room. "How is she?" she asked immediately.

"Not good," Bonnie answered but Evelyn ignored her and looked at Matt.

"What happened?"

"We were driving and Tyler heard this noise and he got..." Matt explained and she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"A noise?"

"He got this migraine or something and he lost control of the car and..." he went on and Evelyn paled slightly. "I thought that Caroline was fine and then...and then she wasn't so..."

"Bonnie," Elena greeted once she arrived, "How's Caroline?"

"She's weak," Bonnie answered. "They don't know if she's going to make it."


They hugged and Elena pulled away, "Is there something that you can do? Like a spell or something?"

"She doesn't know how, do you?" Damon accused as he approached the group.

"No, I don't."

"No, you don't because it took Emily years to learn a spell like that," Damon pointed out.

"Well, I can take down a vampire," she reminded him. "That spell was easy to learn."

"I can give Caroline some blood," he suggested.

"No, no way," Elena protested.

"No, just enough to heal her. She will be safe in the hospital and it will be out of her system in a day. She will be better Elena."

"It's too risky, I can't agree to that."

"Do it," Bonnie and Evelyn said in sync.

"This is Caroline," Bonnie explained to Elena, "We can't let her die. Do it."

"If I do this, you and me, call a truce?" Damon inquired.

"No. But you'll do it anyway," Bonnie said, glancing Evelyn's way, "For Evie."

Bonnie then left, Elena following after her.

"I know this is probably the last thing you want to do right now but we should talk about what happened last night," Damon told Evelyn.

"One of the tomb vamps got in and almost killed John," Evelyn nodded, shivering slightly at the idea that they could get into her home.

"What?" he seemed confused. "When? After I left?"

Now it was Evelyn's turn to be confused, "You were there?"

"Come on, Evie," he looked down at her. "You know I was."

"When were you at the house?"

"Really?" he rolled his eyes. "Earlier, on the porch, we were talking, all cathartic, feelings exposed. Come on, we kissed, Evie."

"Okay, I don't have time for this Damon," Evelyn rolled her own eyes and went to walk away but he grabbed her arm.

She eyed the hand that was wrapped loosely around her tricep before looking up at him as he spoke, "If you want to forget what happened fine but I can't."

Evelyn opened her mouth to reply when Jenna arrived. Damon released the girl's arm and turned away from them. "Evie, I came as soon as I got your message. How is John?"

"Where have you been?" she asked.

"At the fire department," she answered. "I had to fill out a report. I told you earlier."

Evelyn shook her head, "No, you didn't."

"Yes, I did."

"No, Jenna, you didn't," Evelyn repeated. "Maybe it was Elena."

"It was definitely you."

"Oh!" Damon exclaimed in surprise causing Jenna and Evelyn to turn to him in confusion. "Mmm, you gotta be kidding me."

Damon glanced down at them for a moment before walking away without another word. "I'm going to go figure out what that was about," Evelyn told Jenna, "John will be fine."

She then ran after Damon as fast as she could, "What was that sudden realization about?"


"Katherine?" Evelyn inquired.

"Yes, I have to go warn Stefan," Damon explained, walking toward his car.

"Wait, I'm coming," she told him, following after him.

"No," he shook his head. "No, you're not."

"Damon!" Evelyn shouted at him and he finally stopped, "Why not?"

"Get in," he told her reluctantly.


"Last chance."


"Stefan?" Evelyn said as she walked in and saw him on the floor.

"Evie," he groaned, pushing himself to his feet.

"What happened?"

"Katherine happened," Damon answered.

"I'm gonna call Elena," Evelyn told them with a sigh, leaving the brothers to talk.

She dialed Elena's number, "Evie?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna make this quick," Evelyn decided, glancing at the brother's who were watching her. "Katherine's back."

"I told Elena, she's telling Jeremy," Evelyn informed the Salvatore brothers after she explained to Elena what she knew.

"Are you alright?" Stefan asked.

"Always am," Evelyn answered before continuing, "Katherine was in our house, that means she's been invited in. What are we gonna do?"

"Move," Damon answered simply.

Evelyn shot him a look, "That's not helping."

"Katherine wants you and your sister dead," he reminded her. "There's zero you can do about it. You would be dead now but you're not, so clearly she has other plans."

"Right and we need to find out what those other plans are and not provoke her in the process," Stefan added. "What happened tonight when you thought she was Evie?"

"To risk another frown line encroaching on a very crowded forehead. We...kissed."

"And you thought it was me?" Evelyn asked.

"What do you mean you kissed?" Stefan asked, both of them ignoring the girl.

"Well, you know, when two lips pucker and they go," Damon spoke, making kissing noises. Stefan looked upset with his brother but said nothing.

"John must know something," Evelyn pointed out, drawing away from the awkward conversation, "There has to be a reason why Katherine tried to kill him."

"She's Katherine," Damon shrugged. "She loves to play games and you're fooling yourself if you think you're going to find out what she's been up to before she wants you to know."

"No, actually Evie's right, John could know something through Isobel," Stefan argued before facing her, "Your mother, she was in touch with Katherine so maybe we can go to the hospital and get him to talk."

"I've got a better idea," Damon interrupted.

"What's that?" Evelyn asked.

"I'm just gonna ignore the bitch," he explained, "See you."

Evelyn shook her head slightly, "Is that smart?"

"If Katherine thinks she's been ignored it will lure her out, she'll make a move."

"Yeah?" Stefan said, "And then what?"

"Stake her, rip her head off, something poetic," he answered. "We'll see."

"Good luck with that plan," Evelyn rolled her eyes, picking up her bag, Evelyn turned to Stefan, "Can you give me a ride? I have to get to the memorial and Elena has my car."

"Yeah," he agreed before grabbing his keys and Damon shot her a look as they left.

"Looks like the whole town has turned out," Jenna concluded as they entered the Lockwood mansion.

"Yeah. Well he is...he was the mayor," Elena responded.

"Why don't they save it for the funeral?" Jeremy questioned.

"That's what people do," Jenna shrugged, "The Lockwoods were here for us when we went through this. It'll be quick. We'll drop off the food, pay our respects and go."

"In and out? Sunds like a plan."

Evelyn caught Damon's eye and turned to her family, "You guys go ahead, I'll be right there, okay?"

Jenna nodded before she made her way over to Damon, "Hey, how are you doing?"

"Great, Evie," he replied. "Walking on sunshine, thanks for asking."


"Evelyn," he repeated in a mocking tone.

"We should be able to talk about this," she pointed out. "Damon, we're close enough now. I really want to know how you are doing."

"I kissed you, I thought you kissed me back and didn't just want me for meaningless sex," he explained. "Doppelgänger hijinks ensued. How do you think I'm doing?"

"I think that you're hurt."

"No, I don't get hurt, Evelyn."

"No, you don't admit that you get hurt. You get angry and cover it up and then you do something stupid."

"You're scared. You think Katherine is gonna send me off the deep end, don't you? I don't need her for that," Damon started to walk away but stopped, "You know, why - why is it such a surprise that I would kiss you?"

"That's not a surprise. I'm surprised that you thought I would kiss you back," Evelyn answered but immediately regretted it, knowing it wasn't the truth.

He clicked his tongue, "Now I'm hurt."

"Wait, Damon!" she shouted but Bonnie ran up to Evelyn before she could go after him.

"Evelyn," she said, looking slightly panicked.

"No, no, go talk to someone you didn't almost kill," Evelyn said, shaking her head and walking away.

She walked around the house in a dazed state. Why would she say that?  Because you're an idiot, Evelyn. Admit your feelings to him and all will be well. Maybe. But honesty is the best policy. Right?

Evelyn raked her mind for a logical explanation when there was a crash from the Mayor's office.

"Get off of me!" Tyler shouted and she entered the room to see someone on top of him.

"Hey, Tyler!" the stranger shouted trying to calm him down, "Hey, hey!"

"I said get off me!" Tyler shouted, still struggling.

Evelyn turned to Carol who was on the floor and helped her up.

"Look at me. Look at me," the man said, "Calm down. Settle down."

Tyler stopped fighting Mason and Carol looked on in shock, "Oh, God."

Evelyn turned to Carol and observed her, "Are you okay?" She nodded but it wasn't all too convincing.

The stranger helped Tyler stand up and approached Evelyn, hand reached out. She took it reluctantly and he introduced himself, "I'm Mason. Tyler's uncle."

"Right..." she trailed off, "The one who comes and goes?"

"I see my reputation precedes me."

"Apparently so," she replied, looking at Tyler for a brief moment, "I have to go."

Evelyn quickly made her way out of the office and through the hallways before she made it to the main room. Deciding she had had enough with people for the day, she went home and took a shower.

She exited the bathroom in clean clothes, ready for bed when she saw Damon sitting on her bed causing her to jump, "Oh god, you scared me."

"Just doing my part in the neighborhood watch," he said simply.

"Thanks. For, um, for looking out for us. For me."

"That's me, your trusty bodyguard. Calm in crisis."

"Have you been drinking?" Evelyn asked curiously.

He held his forefinger and thumb a small distance apart, indicating that he had been drinking a little.

"And you're upset. That's not a good combination."

"No, I'm not upset. Upset is an emotion specific to those who care."

"You care."

He looked up at her, "You're surprised that I thought you would kiss me back? You can't imagine that I believed that you would want to?"


"That what we've been doing here means something? You're the liar, Evelyn. There is something going on between the two of us and you know it," he stood up and walked over to her, "And you're lying to me, and you're lying to Tyler, and, most of all, you're lying to yourself. I can prove it."

"No," she warned, taking a step back. He grabbed her face in his hands and kissed her. She wanted to give in, but she couldn't bring herself to do it and pushed him away. "Damon, don't!"

"Lie about this," he said, staring down at her with a look that made her knees buckle.

She stood her ground, "Stop it! You're better than this, come on."

"That's where you're wrong," he said and tried to kiss her again but she stopped him.

"No, no, no, Damon! I care about you. Listen to me, I care about you," Evelyn said as calmly as she could manage and he entwined his hands with her, "I do but...I can't do this, especially not like this."

"Evie, what's going on in here?" Jeremy said from the door and Evelyn pulled her hands away from Damon.

"Nothing, Jeremy," she replied. "It's okay, just go back to bed."

"No, it's not okay, Evelyn. He wants to be a vampire."

He rushed at Jeremy and pinned him against the wall.

"No, Damon, stop it!" Evelyn exclaimed, eyes wide.

"You want to shut out the pain?" Damon asked him. "It's the easiest thing in the world. The part of you that cares just goes away, all you have to do is flip the switch and snap!" And then he snapped Jeremy's neck.

"Damon! No!" Evelyn cried out, rushing over quickly. She clutched Jeremy, not wanting him to be dead when she noticed the ring on his hand and let out a muffled sob.

Stefan and Elena appeared in the door.

"Oh my god," Elena said, joining her sister on the floor.

"He's wearing the ring. He'll be okay, right?" Evelyn asked, looking up at Stefan hopefully.

"He should be..." Stefan said, "What happened?"

"Damon," Evelyn said, his name was like venom in her mouth.

"He saw the ring, that's why he did it. He knew."

"He didn't see the ring," she argued.

"It's Katherine. She got under his skin. She undid everything that was good about him."

"There was never anything good about him," Evelyn countered. "He's decided what he wants. He doesn't want to feel, he wants to be hated, it's just easier that way. He got his wish."

Evelyn clutched Jeremy's jacket as tears flowed from her eyes, "I hate him."

"I know. I know," Stefan said and Elena's arm wrapped around her sister.

Jeremy suddenly woke up with a gasp causing the two to jump slightly.

Stefan took his face and looked in his eyes.

"Is he okay? Stefan, is he okay?" Elena asked quickly.

"He's okay."

"He killed me!" Jeremy shouted, "Damon killed me!"

Evelyn hugged Jeremy with a smile, "It's okay. It's going to be okay..."

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