2 | the good, the bad, and the okay, i guess

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Evelyn had spent her free time as far away from Damon as she could get. And the best way to do that was to volunteer for a school carnival that he would sooner be caught dead at.

She pulled the extra stuffed toys from under the counter and began to mount them on the wall as a child approached. She stuck her arm out and Evelyn looked down to see a five dollar bill in her hand.

Evelyn took the money and placed three bean bags on the counter top. "You get three chances," she explained, "The higher your score, the better the prize."

The girl threw the first bag when Evelyn stepped out of the way and missed by a long shot. She cringed before speaking up, "That's alright, try again."

The little girl tried again but failed. "Here," someone said and Evelyn froze, "Let me help you."

The little girl nodded and handed him her last bean bag. He took it and got it into the hole labelled '500' with ease.

Evelyn smiled down at the little girl, "You get to pick any prize." She jumped up and down excitedly and pointed up at the giant unicorn at the top.

Evelyn tried to reach it but was too short, "Give me one moment to get a ladder."

"That won't be a problem," Damon said and he reached up, pulling the unicorn down.

He handed it to Evelyn and she walked over to the girl and handed it to her, "Congratulations."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" she shouted in glee before running back to her mother, the giant stuffed toy clutched to her chest.

Evelyn turned to Damon with a pissed off expression clear on her face, "What do you want, Damon?"

"I know I'm the last person you want to see right now but I need you to come with me."

"What makes you think I'm going to do that?" she asked, picking up the bean bags and placing them in the bucket behind the counter.

"I need you to come with me right now, Evelyn," Damon said, the look in his eyes telling her that something had happened.

She let out a sigh. "Hey, Jordan!" she shouted and she ran over.

"What's up?"

"Can you cover for me? Something came up."

"Yeah, no problem," she said, hopping over the counter and into the booth.

"Thank you," Evelyn said with a grateful smile before following Damon into the school.


"How did this happen?" Stefan asked.

"Well, I fed her blood and Katherine obviously killed her and A plus B equals..." Damon trailed off.

"But why?" Elena asked.

"Because Katherine is a manipulative, nasty, little slut."

"And she said 'game on'?" Stefan questioned, "I mean, what does that even mean?"

"It means she's playing dirty. She wants us to know."

"But why Caroline?" Elena asked.

"I don't know."

"Caroline must be completely out of her mind, she doesn't even know what's happening to her," Stefan pointed out.

"Oh, I think she does," Damon argued, "All of my compulsion from the past started wearing off the minute she was in transition."

"We have to find her."

"Yep, and kill her."

"You're not gonna kill Caroline," Evelyn finally spoke up.

"She knows who we are. She's officially a liability, and we've got to get rid of her."

"Damon, absolutely not," Stefan shook his head.

"Need I remind you of a tragic little story of a girl named Vicki Donovan? Caroline, of all people, will not make it as a vampire. Her mother is a vampire hunter. Guys come on, we all know how this story will end, just flip to the last chapter and..."

"It's not an option," Evelyn said, hopping off the table and heading toward the door.

"No?" Damon said, "Your silence is deafening, Stefan. Wait, wasn't there a school carnival the night you staked Vicki? A town where history repeats itself. You know I'm right."

"We're not gonna kill her," Stefan disagreed.

Evelyn looked back at Damon, shaking my head, "It's not happening."

"It's the only way," he said, in a completely different tone than before. One that Evelyn could have easily mistaken for sorrow if she was naive.

She turned around and left to find Caroline before Damon could.

As Evelyn made my way through the carnival, the strong stench of copper became prominent. Blood. She could hear sobs and ran toward the sound. She saw Caroline alone crying.

"Caroline," she said cautiously, not wanting to spook her.

"He's dead," Caroline gaped. "I killed him. What's wrong with me?"

"Hey, hey," Evelyn said in a soothing tone, "Nothing is wrong with you. Everything is going to be okay, I can help you."

"You can?"

"Yeah, just come with me so we can get you cleaned up."

As we stood up, Evelyn saw Damon in front of them with a stake. "Damon," she spoke, in a serious tone, "You can't."

"I have to."

"No, you don't."

He looked at her with sad, desperate eyes and he went to speak but she stopped him, "If you're going to kill her, you have to kill me too."

Damon looked surprised by her ultimatum, Evelyn reached her hand out, "Give me the stake."

He sighed before slowly and reluctantly placing the stake in her hand, "Thank you."

"Get away from me!" Caroline suddenly shouted, "You killed me!"

"No, no, no, no, Caroline, That wasn't me," Elena explained, "You know that. That was Katherine."

"No! Then why did she look like you?! And why, why did she do this to me?!"

"Stefan, we've got to get her inside."

"It's alright," Stefan spoke calmly, "Caroline, come with me."

"She will die, it's only a matter of time," Damon pointed out.

"Yeah, maybe so, but it's not gonna happen tonight."

Damon looked like he was ready to lunge at Caroline but Evelyn placed her hand on his chest, stopping him. He looked down at her, "Whatever happens, it's on you."

Bonnie approached quietly, "Caroline?"

"It's okay, come on," Stefan said.
Bonnie noticed the blood on Caroline's face, "No, you're not. You can't be."

Bonnie grabbed Caroline's arms and gasped.

"Bonnie?" Caroline whispered.

Bonnie saw the body and shouted, "Oh, god!"


"I can't believe this is happening."

Stefan and Elena took Caroline away and Damon reappeared with a shovel in his hand, "Come on, don't pout about it. I got a body to bury."

Bonnie looked at Damon and started giving him a bunch of tiny aneurysms. She opened the faucet with her powers and water gushed from the hose, "I told you what would happen if anyone else got hurt."

"I didn't do this!" Damon shouted.

"Bonnie, it wasn't his fault," Evelyn tried to reason, panic coursing through her veins.

"Everything that happens is his fault, Evelyn."

"What are you doing?" Evelyn asked warily as the fire started and it made its way to Damon. "Bonnie, stop it!" she shouted. Damon started burning and he shouted in pain. "Bonnie! Bonnie, stop it! You're going to kill him!" Damon continued burning, "Bonnie!"

Evelyn quickly jumped over the fire line and shook Bonnie, breaking her concentration. The fire died and Bonnie looked at me, "Why...Why did you stop me?!"

"Because this isn't us. Bonnie, this can't be us," Evelyn shook her head, "You should go."

She looked at her before looking down and walking away.

Evelyn turned to Damon who was still on the floor recovering for a brief moment before shaking her head and walking away.

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