10 | the award for dumbest döppelganger goes to...

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"I talked to her. She said that if we get her out of the tomb, she'll give us the moonstone and leave town forever," I explained to the group who currently sat in front of me.

"And you believed her?" Elena asked, obviously confused in the sudden trust in Katherine.

"No, of course not but we need the moonstone."

"According to Rose's friend Slater, there's a way to destroy the spell that Klaus wants to break," Stefan added. "No spell, no doppelgänger sacrifice. Meaning you live."

"How do you destroy it?" Elena asked.

"By releasing it from the moonstone," I answered.

"How do you guys even know this is gonna work?"

"We have a little witch on our side."

"You discussed it with Bonnie."

"She agreed to do anything she could to help us," Stefan nodded.

"It's Katherine who has the moonstone. She's not gonna give it to you."

"We're gonna get it from her," he reassured her.

"What he means to say is we'll pry it from her cold dead hands if we have to," I interrupted.

"Bonnie just needs to find a way to release the seal long enough for us to get in, get the moonstone, and get out in time for her to return it."

"Wow," Elena said and I got an odd feeling in my stomach, "I mean, it sounds like you guys already have it all planned out."

I narrowed my eyes at her and she continued.

"Except for one thing. I don't want you to do it."

"What are you talking about?" Stefan asked,  "Elena, we don't have a choice."

"What about Klaus?"

"We'll find him right after we get the moonstone."

"Is that before or after he kills everyone that I care about, including the three of you."

"Bullshit," I spat out standing up straight. "These two have been through lord knows what for their entire lives. I think they'll make it through some ancient psycho vamp with a God complex bigger than this house. The issue isn't that he's going to kill us because if he does, we all go down fighting and fighting together. Step off your high horse and stop trying to solve the problem the hard way when there is a solution right in front of you."


I flopped onto the bed, rubbing my face with my hands.

"Are you alright?" Damon's voice came from the door frame some time later.

I sat up and looked at him, "Yeah, I'm fine. I just needed a minute."

"You've been up here for two hours."

"Really?" I asked before checking the time, "Huh. I hadn't realized."

"We have a plan."

"You have a plan…?" I asked, not understanding what he was referring to when it hit me, "You have a plan! Right, yeah, okay, what is it?"

"You don't have to come, we've got it covered."

"I'm coming," I said, standing up.

"Are you sure you wa-"

"I'm coming, end of story," I said before pushing past him. 

"Okay…" he said as we made our way down the stairs, joining Bonnie, Jeremy and Stefan.

"This belonged to Katherine. Found it with her things after I thought she was dead, but it was hers," Stefan stated when we arrived, handing it to Bonnie.

Bonnie placed the photo into a ceramic bowl. She then dipped her fingers into a glass of water and let a few droplets fall into the ceramic bowl. Flames started to form in the bowl as Bonnie began chanting in Latin.

"What will this do?" Damon asked, clearly skeptical.

Bonnie opened her eyes and watched the picture burn, "I can turn the metal into ash. Blow the ashes on her, and it'll incapacitate her for a minute or two. Long enough for you two to get the stone and get out."

"Three," I corrected and Stefan looked up, ready to object.

"Don't even try," I warned.

Bonnie poured the ashes from the bowl into the table.

"Still gotta get the torches," Stefan said after surveying all the stuff they had gathered.

"Alaric's stake gun is in my trunk," Damon added, "Bonnie?"

"Go ahead. I'm almost done."

Stefan exited the house while Damon packed a few more things before leaving as well, me following right behind them.


We made it to the church ruins, me staying in the back as to avoid any scolding from Stefan.

Bonnie approached us as she apologised quickly, "Sorry I'm late. I had to grab the grimoire from home."

"Jeremy couldn't take the pressure, huh?" Damon asked.

"He said he'd be here."

We made our way to the tomb but my phone rang and I stopped to answer it.

"What do you want Rose?" I sighed in exasperation.

"Don't be angry with me."

"What did you do?"

"You need to get to Richmond immediately."

"What's going on?"

"It's Elena."


"Damon!" I shouted after him before he could make it in.

He turned around in confusion but walked up to me when he saw me.

"What's wrong?"

"I need you to go get Elena."

"What did she do this time?"

"She tried to turn herself in. Rose called to tell me. If I go myself I might just kill Rose and Elena so I need you to do it."

He looked back at the tomb clearly wanting to go take his anger out on Katherine.

"Please," I begged, placing my hand on his upper arm, "For me."

He looked uncertain for a moment before he sighed, "Where is she?"

I smiled in relief before pulling him into a hug, "Thank you."

I pulled away and grabbed my phone, texting him the address, "There. Really, thank you."

"Mmhmm," he said before he was off.

I made my way into the tomb finding Stefan looking into the tomb with his usual concerned expression and Bonnie holding a blood coated stone.

The moonstone.

I looked into the tomb and saw Katherine holding Jeremy who was bleeding from his neck.

"I'm sorry," he apologized, "I took some powder."

"Don't worry, I know that he's wearing his ring, so no matter how many times I kill him, he'll just keep coming back for more. So, I'm going to be in the back playing with my new little toy," Katherine said before shoving Jeremy back into the cave, "And you guys just give me a holler when you've got the tomb open."


"Where the hell is Damon?" Stefan finally asked but I remained quiet as to not distract anyone from the task at hand. I can't afford to lose anyone else.

"We can't wait, we have to get him out of there," Bonnie responded.

"She's fed, she has her strength back," Stefan pointed out.

"We still have what's left of the ash," Bonnie said before handing Stefan the envelope with the ash in it, "You think you can get close enough?"

Stefan took the envelope, "I don't have a choice."

"It's gonna take me some time," Bonnie shook her head.

"How long?

"I don't know, a while."

"Just get me in there as soon as you can."

"Get us in there," I corrected yet again and Stefan shot me a look before walking out.


Bonnie had been doing the spell for a while now and I started to worry that it wouldn't work when the flames flared up.

“Ooh, something’s happening,” Katherine tantalized, dragging Jeremy behind her.

“Bonnie, no!” Jeremy begged. He turned to Stefan and I with a pleading look, “You have to stop her, she's not strong enough!”

The flames rose higher and a small smirk appeared on Katherine’s face, “Maybe she is.”

Bonnie’s nose began bleeding as Stefan approached her with concern, “Bonnie…”

“You gotta stop her!” Jeremy pleaded.

Katherine elbowed Jeremy in the face and he fell to the floor.

“Jeremy, Jeremy…” I said into the cave, making sure he was still alive.

He groaned softly and I let out a sigh of relief.

“Bonnie!” Stefan shouted as Bonnie suddenly fainted.

“Bonnie. Bonnie, wake up, please,” Stefan begged, holding her on the floor, “Bonnie, wake up. Bonnie.

“Yes, please because I'm still in here!” Katherine shouted.

Bonnie slowly woke up and Stefan looked down at her, “Are you okay? You all right?”

Bonnie looked out of it and used Stefan to get up, “It didn’t work… I'm not strong enough. Even with help, I can't do it.”

“Ah, that's too bad,” Katherine fake pouted and I stepped closer, “I'm still hungry.”

Katherine pulled Jeremy up by his shirt and pushed him against the wall. She extended her teeth and prepared to bite Jeremy’s neck. I vamp-sped into the tomb, grabbing Jeremy and throwing him out before pinning Katherine against the wall.

“Evelyn!” Stefan shouted but I could barely hear him, “Evelyn, don’t!”

“You were going to kill him,” I practically growled out, squeezing her neck tight enough to draw blood, “And now I’m going to kill you.”

Before I could do anything else I was suddenly on the floor, an all to familiar body hovering over me.

“Damn it, Stefan!” I shouted, “Elena’s going to kill me and then you and then me again.”

“You can’t kill her.”

“I have every reason to kill her.”

“You can't.”

“She does nothing but make our lives miserable, why should she get to live?”

“She shouldn't but you can't kill her.”

“God you and your stupid morals,” I said pushing him off and standing up, “You can take them and shove them up your ass.”

“Well someone’s not happy,” Katherine mocked.

“I swear, you should be happy he's here otherwise I would have killed you already.”

“Hello?” a new voice echoed throughout the tomb and my stomach dropped.

“Damon…” I whispered before vamp-speeding back to the entrance.

“What did you do?” Damon asked, more curious than surprised.

“She was going to kill Jeremy, I couldn’t let her do that.”

“Do you have even an ounce of self preservation?” he was trying to hide it, but I could tell he was upset by the new development.

“I can’t lose anyone else, Damon,” I shook my head, hoping to make the tears go away.

"Damon what's going on," Elena shouted down.

My eyes widened and I looked at Damon, "It's not just me in here."

"Wha…" he began but Stefan approached behind me.

"Oh great," he said as Elena ran down the stairs.

Stefan and I quickly hid in the shadows of the tomb.

"Evelyn? Stefan?" Elena shouted into the tomb.

She tried to enter but thankfully Damon was quick enough to stop her.

"Don't you dare," he warned.

"Damon! How could you let this happen?"

"What are you talking about? I was too busy saving you from your crazy kamikaze mission."

I winced slightly, looking down at the floor. The only reason he wasn't here to stop his brother from doing anything stupid is because I asked him to go after her.

"You didn't even have to go after the moonstone in the first place!" Elena shouted at him. 

"It was the right call, Elena."

"The right call? How was any of this the right call?!"

"Damon, let go of me! Damon, let go of me! Let go of me! Let go of me!" Elena shouted, hitting him repeatedly.

"Please," she begged after she had grown tired.

"Are you done?" he asked.

"Don't," Damon warned her before she could enter the cage and she stomped out of the tomb in a rage.

Stefan and I emerged from the shadows as soon as she was gone.

"Of all the idiot plans."

"Yeah…" Stefan trailed off.

"I'll find a way to get you out."

"Ah, it's all right. We'll handle ourselves. Bonnie has the moonstone. Work with her. Try to figure out how to de-spell it."

"You martyr yourself in a tomb and I get partnered with a semi-competent witch. Wonderful."

I looked up at Stefan, "Can I talk to him alone? Well as alone as we can be."

Stefan nodded before walking farther into the tomb leaving Damon and I alone.

"You need to keep Elena away from here and keep her away from the moonstone."

He scoffed, "Because that'll be easy."

"It'll be fine. Just keep her safe. Please."

"Yeah, yeah. I'll keep her safe."

"That's all I ask."

"You shouldn't have gone in," he said, shaking his head.

"I had to. I couldn't just watch my brother die."

"Stefan could have done it on his own."

"I was closer, I went in before he did."

Damon's face contorted with confusion, "So then why did he go in?"

"To stop me from killing her."

"You're telling me he came into the tomb vampires can't leave to stop you from killing the wicked vamp of the west."

I looked back where Stefan had walked away before facing Damon and shrugging, "That's what he said."

Damon looked suspicious for a moment but wiped any remnant of the suspicion off his face quickly.

"You left me with all the annoying, hormonal teenagers," Damon said, half joking, "Whatever I do to them is on you."

"Oh that's not all you're left with."

"What are you talking about?"

"You have Rose," I commented.

"Rose, what do you mean I have Rose?"

"Oh don't act like nothing's been going on with you two."

"There's been nothing going on between us."


"You're jealous."

"No, I'm not."

"You most definitely are."

"You have no proof."

He smirked, "Don't worry, I think it's adorable."

"It's not because I'm not jealous."

"Yes, you are."

"I'm going to walk away now."

"This is unfair because I can't come after you." 

"Tough luck," I shrugged before turning the corner and finding Katherine and Stefan bickering.

"Well this'll be fun."

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