Chapter 19: New Riding Partners

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Aerlinniel POV

I am saddling up my horse for my daily ride. Thinking of the resent events that have happened. I then hear two Elleths (girl elfs) come up behind me. I turn around to face them.

“Do you need something?" I say to them.

“Hi! My name is Vandathiel. And this is my best friend, Estelwen. We have seen you go for rides and we have always wanted to do so. Do you think we could come with you?" The elleth named Vandathiel asks me. I make sure to remember rack of there heartbeats.

I am not sure what to say. Ever since what happened with Faelwen, I have been reluctant to making friends. Because if I do, what if I loose that friend too.

“I'm not sure." I say.

“Oh, please! It would mean so much to us." Estelwen says.

“Alright, you may come." I say with a sigh, still not sure how I feel about this.

“Thank you so much!" They both say at the same time.

“What's your name?" Estelwen asks.

“Aerlinniel." I say.

“That is a really pretty name!" Estelwen says and Vandathiel nods in agreement.

I give them a smile and they go to saddle up a horse for each of themselves. I go back to finishing up with mine. When I finish, I wait outside for Vandathiel and Estelwen. I can hear them talking.

“Vandathiel, Aerlinniel seems seems like such a nice person. I cannot believe she is letting us come with her!" Estelwen exclaims.

“It did not seem like she wanted us to though. I hope she is okay." Vandathiel says.

“We will ask her on our ride. Now let's go, maybe she will want to be friends with us!" Says Estelwen.

“I love how you always loom at the positive side of things, Estelwen." Vandathiel says.

“Thank you." I listen as they come outside.

“Ready to go?" I ask, pretending lime I did not hear any of what they had just said.

“Yup." Estelwen said.

We head off and I am wondering how this is going to turn out.


I know this is not that good, but all of the interesting things are going to be in the next chapter. The new Characters are based off of me and my friend, on here pingufish. pingufish is Estelwen and I am Vandathiel. Also, pingufish and I have made a collab. account! :) If you would like to follow us, it is called: We_Love_Middle-Earth. We have not started any stories yet, but we will be in the near future! :)

                                                  ~Ellethwen <3

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