Chapter 2: The Nightmare

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Legolas POV

As I was riding my horse through Mirkwood on one of my rides, I hear someone walking. It must be an orc I've been seeing many on this path all day. Usually there are a few of them, but this one is all alone.

I can't yet see it, but I quietly get off my horse and hide behind a tree. Its footsteps are getting closer and closer. When it gets near the tree I quickly go around and shoot at it. 

After I hear it fall, I walk to where it is. Oh Valar...I just shot an elleth (girl elf). I give a small gasp and walk towards her. I hope she is still alive.

I go over and flip her around so she is lying on her back to see the wound. Thankfully, it hit her shoulder and not her heart. She is a very beautiful elleth. I wonder where she came from and where she was going.

I kneel down next to her and carefully remove the arrow from her shoulder. I then go to my horse, Thalion, to get the Athelas plant out of my bag. And I heal her quickly, all that's left to do is wait for her to wake up. I guess I should set up camp here.

After I set up, I start to get a fire going. While doing this I just can't help but think that this elleth is probably going to be really mad at me. I mean, I shot her for no reason. Well, I thought she was an orc but that is no excuse. I should have looked at her before shooting.

I just hope she does not kill me in my sleep. She might not be a kind elleth. I have no idea who she is or where she came from. She has a bow, a sheath of arrows, and an elvish sword. I should probably take them and put them with my weapons on my horse.

First, I get her sword and bow and move them. When I get her sheath of arrows, I notice something. These are not like anything I have seen before.

I lay down and decide to get some rest. I've had a long journey and have not stopped to rest in a long while. I really hope things go alright in the morning. Almost as soon as I lay my head down, I fall asleep.


I wake up to see the elleth, that I shot with an arrow last night, staring at me. "Why are you staring at me?" I ask her, not sure what is going on. She just keeps staring at me. She then slowly unsheathes her sword, she must of found it, and moves closer to me.

I move to grab my bow, but it is not there. I see it behind her on the ground and know that I am going to die. I look back up at her, as she is now in front of me.

"Any last words, ellon? (boy elf)" She asks, sneering. Her voice is raspy and harsh.

“I am sorry." Is all I can get out.

“Oh your sorry?" She says mocking me and laughs, “You should know better, you idiotic elf!" She says as she gradually starts to get louder.

"But I-" I try to defend myself but she interrupts me.

"Don't give me any excuses, you have to pay for what you've done!" She yells in my face and I watch as she thrusts her sword into my heart.


I wake up with a start, and feel sweat on my forehead. I look over to the elleth. She is awake, but she is not staring at me, she is just looking around.

"What forest am I in?" She asks me still looking around. Her voice is much softer than in my dream, it is not raspy at all. It is calm and gentle.

"Mirkwood." I answer her, cautiously, trying to stay calm. Anticipating what is going to happen next.

She looks over to me and stares at me, just like in my dream.  I decide not to look into her eyes, then she asks another question, "Are you the one who shot me with an arrow?"

I gulp, afraid of what she is going to do. "Yes, I had thought you were an orc. I truly am sorry, my Lady." I say.

The elleth stands up and starts to walk towards me, just like in my dream. But she is much more calm and she seems to be worried. This is probably just an act.

I want to back away but I am frozen, not sure if I should move. When she gets in front of me, she sits down next to me. I look down ready for her to kill me.

When it doesn't happen, I look up at her. "There is no need to worry, I forgive you. Thank you for healing me. I owe you." She says with a soothe voice that calms me down. I am then very confused.

"Why do you forgive me? And you do not owe me anything. I thought that you would be mad at me." I say trying to figure out why she is being so kind.

"I forgive you because, you did not know who I was. It was a natural instinct of yours, so it is alright. I am not mad at you at all, I do thank you for healing me though. What is your name and where are you from?" She asks me still being kind.

I am so shocked that at first I do not answer. She must be really patient because she says, "Take your time, when you are ready you can tell me." I decide for now I will trust her, but will remain cautious and I still refuse to look at her.

"My name is Prince Legolas of the Woodland-Realm here in Mirkwood. What is your name?" I ask her with interest, maybe now I can figure her out more.

"My name is Aerlinniel. All I know is that I live in Fangorn forest." She says looking towards where Fangorn forest lies. Why would she live there? I do not know of any place to live in Fangorn.

"If you don't mind my asking, but why do you live there and where is your family?" I ask, hoping not to make her mad.

Still looking off towards Fangorn, her face turns sad. She takes a moment before replying, "I lived at the Hidden Kingdom in a village in Fangorn. A few hundred years ago, we were attacked by a dragon. I am the only survivor, at least I am pretty sure I am. My parents died protecting me. But that is the past. If you do not mind, do you know anywhere I could live? I have been on my own for so many years I would like a place to call home."

"That is awful, no one should have to go through something like that. If you would, you could come with me to the Woodland-Realm, my Ada (dad) might let you stay." I offer, feeling bad for everything that has happened to her.

"Really? Thank you so much!" She exclaims, still being calm. How does she do that? I still feel awful for almost killing her, maybe this is how I could make up for it. Giving her a place to call home.


Well, what do you think? I will most likely make a sequel to this book, what are your thoughts?

                                  ~Ellethwen <3

Edited on: October 19th, 2017

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