Chapter 3: Riding to the Woodland-relm

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I dedicate this Chapter to: @legolasxelizabeth because she is my 50th follower!!! :) Thank you to all of you who have followed me. And thank you so much for voting and commenting on my stories. It means soooooooo much to me!!! :')

Aerlinniel POV

As I go back over to where I was before, to get some more rest, I just can't help but think how sweet this Prince is. Normally Princes can be very mean. I would know, I knew many growing up. I do not know what...but there was something different about this Prince.

I just feel bad because he thought I was going to be mad at him. I know he did not mean to, so I of course forgive him. It was so kind of him to offer for me to go with him, back to his home, to see if he can find me a place to stay and maybe even call home.

I am so glad he cannot tell that I am blind. I guess all those years of practicing really did pay off. I already have his heartbeat memorized. I just hope that no one at the Woodland-realm will be able to tell I am blind.


When I am feeling more rested, Prince Legolas states that we should start moving. "You have a beautiful horse. What is his name?" I ask, petting its neck gently.

"His name is Thalion." Prince Legolas answers and takes my hand, helping onto the horse and then getting on himself in front of me. Then we take off for the Woodland-realm.

We take a break only once to let the horse rest and for us to get a drink. I look at Prince Legolas and start to wonder who his Ada (Father) is, because I am pretty sure I have heard of the Woodland-Realm before.

"Prince Legolas, the Woodland-Realm sounds familiar. What is your Ada's name?" I ask as we are getting ready to set off again.

"My Ada's name is King Thranduil." He answers me as he helps me mount his horse again.

"Yes, I do remember hearing his name before. It was about his wife. It is so sad." I can tell by Legolas silence that I have saddened him. I then realize that it was his Naneth (Mom). "Oh, Prince Legolas, I am so sorry. I did not mean to..."

"It is ok, let's just not talk about it any more." He mutters and I decide not to say anything else and just nod my head.

We take off, and after a little while my eyelids start to feel heavy, and I end up falling asleep.


I open my eyes and I see a waterfall in front of me. Oh no, not this again. Then everything turns black. I can still hear it, but I am blind again.

I lower my head. I hear people starting to walk towards me. I turn around to face them. They are laughing. "What are you guys laughing at?" I ask, staying calm.

One of them starts to speak, "You are blind, you're just a helpless little elleth." He tells me and laughs again before continuing, "You will never be able to see, no one will ever love a blind girl like you."

I start to feel very dizzy and their laughter starts to fade. All of the sudden, I fall.


I open my eyes to see if I can see or not, but of course I am still blind. I feel grass underneath me. "Aerlinniel, are you alright?"

I notice by his heart beat that it is Prince Legolas. "What happened?" I asked him very confused.

"I think that you fell asleep and then fell off the horse." He answers, helping me up.

Oh right...the dream I had. I have the same dream almost every night. Well, really more of a nightmare. "Why don't we take a short break." I just nod my head in response.

Prince Legolas gives me some water, then we are off again. "We will reach the Woodland-Realm very soon." Prince Legolas informs me.

"Alright." Is all I say to him.

We arrived a lot sooner then I thought. I could hear the heartbeats of hundreds of elves. "Here we are at my home, the Woodland-Realm."


So sorry it is short. I am really sick and have a bad headache so it is hard to think. I hope you have enjoyed this chapter. :)

                                                            ~Ellethwen <3

Edited on: October 19th, 2017

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