Chapter 4 🍁

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"Anika! What is this that I am hearing?!" Shivay yelled furiously, dwelled in his infamous anger as he he barged into his room, startling his poor wife who was too busy enjoying her aloo-puri.

Anika placed her plate down on the bed, already mad at Shivay for disturbing her meal.

"Why are you yelling Shivay? We both are in the same room and by god's grace my ears work perfectly well," Anika said in sass sipped voice, rolling her eyes complete 360.

"How could you joke even at such times? And is it true? Is G-Gauri really here? I-I wanna meet her. Right now," Shivay said, his tone lower at the mention of his beloved Rakhi sister.

oh! How much had he missed her? Her cuteness, her chattering and calling him of 'bade bhaiya'

"My dewraani is out on a date with my long haired dewar," Anika said with a wink.

"What? O-on a date? Gauri and Omkara? But they got d-divorced and- his marriage-" Shivay mumbled to himself, his head bubbling with perplexity.

"Oho! Shivay don't think too much! Right now they both don't know they are on a date but soon they will start knowing it when they would be on dates. Oh! Maybe we can plan a double date after sometime! It's will be so fun," Anika chirped as she clapped her hands together with excitement.

"Anika! Will you explain me what's going on?" Shivay asked, gritting his teeth in annoyance. His wife could be sometime.

"What do you wanna ask?"

"What's Gauri doing here? H-how did she come here?"

"I and Rudra called her..and this time she is here to stay Shivay," Anika said confidently.

"Anika..what are you doing?" Shivay asked in worried, defeated and maybe a little scared voice.

"Shivay, I am doing what's right for this family," Anika replied calmly and she gently placed her hand on her confused husband's shoulder.

"How can you be so sure? What if every thing goes wrong and you ultimately end giving them more pain?" Shivay asked. Even the thought of his brother being in more sorrow was giving him chills.

"I don't know Shivay.." Anika admitted with a sigh.

"I don't know if the things will go as I planned or if everything will go down in drain. But I know that Omkara and Gauri still love each other and if I have even the smallest of chance to bring them back together then I am not gonna leave it. Tell me Shivay, would Om and Gauri have not done the same if it were us in their shoes?" Anika asked.

"I-I don't know Anika..all I know is that I can't watch my brother in pain," Shivay said, curling his fingers in to tight fists.

"You won't. I promise. But for that I need you Shivay..I need to with me in my plan like I need you in every decision of my life," Anika said, stepping closer and cupping Shivay's face, gazing at him adorably.

"I am always with you Anika. Always and forever.." he said as he kissed her forehead.


Omkara and Gauri entered the boutique, not even daring to look at each other, pretending that they are strangers.

"I am here to collect my fianc's wedding lengha," Omkara said to the receptionist.

"By what named have you paid the bills, may I know sir?" The receptionist asked politely.

"Omkara Singh Oberoi,"

"Wait a second sir,"

The receptionist scrolled her eyes through out the computer screen before saying, "ah! It's ready sir,"

"Julia! Please take Mr and Mrs Omkara sigh Oberoi and show them their lengha." The receptionist yelled in her high pitch voice.

Omkara and Gauri were stunned. Gauri's wide eyes unknowingly went to Omkara's who looked back at her with expressionless face.

Both of them had no idea why they never corrected the receptionist. Maybe they both couldn't bring themselves to say it. They both wanted the other one to do it.

Soon Julia arrived and took them inside. She took off a royal blue lengha from one of the hangers and placed it on the table. It was the most beautiful piece of clothing Gauri had ever laid her eyes on. She was almost mesmerised.

"Maam would you like to try it on?" Julia asked.

"What, me? But i-" she looked at Omkara, uncertain what to do.

"Try it on. I mean..bhabhi!just try it on,"

Why do he always have to fumble with this words before her?

He ran his hands through his long locks frustratingly after she entered the trying trim with the lengha in her hands.

After 5 minutes Gauri stepped out.

"H-how is it?" She asked, trying to snatch his attention from his phone.

And as soon as Omkara's eyes wandered over Gauri draped in blue lengha he swear his heart forgot to beat.

He hitched his breath and his jaw dropped. His head blank.

how can anyone possible look so ethereal? So Devine?

"What happened? Is there something wrong?" Gauri muttered in a tensed voice.

Omkara shook his head. Unable to bring words to his mouth.

"Omkara, at least say something. Why are you so quite?" Gauri requested, really worried by his Omkara's sudden quietness.

Did she look so pathetic that he couldn't even say anything? Or was he disgusted by the fact that she wore his wife to be's lengha? Then again wasn't he the one to tell her to try it on?

Gauri turned on her hells furiously with teary eyes, about to go back into the trail room.

"You-you look gorgeous," Omkara finally said, making Gauri stop dead on the track.

As much as she hated to admit it, Gauri was glad that her back was to him because she couldn't stop blushing.

After changing the lengha Gauri told Omkara that Anika had told her to buy something for herself also as she would be present in the marriage functions too. So while Gauri got busy with going through every single dress in the shop, Omkara decided to fiddle with the phone.

But for not even a second his attention was on his device. A guy, in an expensive black suite and shoes was continually staring at Gauri.

It irked Om. He decided it should not bother him. So he tried to engage himself in the phone but how could he do it when that creep's eyes were almost glued to his wife- uh..ex wife.

Omkara somehow was managing the raging emotion he felt in his heart which was drying his throat with anxiety, but then Mr Richi Rich almost crossed the line and started walking towards Gauri. This was it for Omkara to snap something in and he immediately jumped up from his seat.

"Gauri?" The guy asked in an unsure voice as he approached Gauri.

Gauri looked at him with confused face. He looked someone familiar.

"Tanmay?" She asked.

The guy grinned happily like the Cheshire Cat.

"Oh my god! It's really my best friend! I can't believe it," Tanmay said brimming with happiness melting into excitement. He moved forward to capture Gauri in a bear hug, extending his arms out, but he met with shock when his arms only met empty air instead of Gauri's tiny body.

Tanmay opened his eyes which were shut only to watch her best friend engulfed in the arms of a long haired man.

"Looks like you met a friend," Omkara said lovingly to Gauri who was looking back at him with squinted eyes, struggling to break free from Omkara's grip around her waist, but her efforts only encouraged him to hold her tighter like a prized possession.

"Are you Gauri's-"

"Yes! Hey I am Omkara Singh Oberoi. Nice to meet you," Omkara said with phoney amusement.

"Hey I am Tanmay Malhotra, Gauri's best friend. I am really happy for you guy, you two make such a great couple," Tanmay said with a smile.

"Don't we?" Omkara replied with a smirk earning a painful elbow nudge from Gauri in the stomach. But said he hardly even felt to him. Dabang Gauri hit like a child plus he was all muscles. It only made Gauri frown in anger.

what was he even trying to do?

"By the way you are very lucky. There were so many guys in bareilly who were dying to marry Gauri, me being one of them too," Tanmay said, playfully winking at Gauri making her room her eyes.

"Oh Tanmay, please! We were kids then and it was just for the game," Gauri said with giggle, recollecting old childhood memory.

Omkara pressed his lips together, with very prominent bored expression on his face.

why is she laughing so much like a joker? What's even so funny?

He thought un-amusingly.

"What can I say, I am born lucky. I am an Oberoi after all," Omkara said, pulling Gauri even closer to him making her giggle die in her throat due to a chilling sensation that ran down her body, of which Omkara was unapologetically aware of. He smirked at it. Then looked at Tanmay with challenging eyes.

Tanmay shook his head as he laughed to himself. All this time he had only heard it but now he had seen it too. Oberoi men actually were territorial about their ladies.

"Actually Gauri I gotta go..maybe we can catch up later?" Tanmay said.

"Yeah of course why not! I'll be waiting for your call. My number is the same," Gauri informers excitedly.

"Okay bye," Tanmay gave one last smile to Gauri before gaping away. He didn't dare looking at Omkara. His deathly glare almost burned holes into him.

After Gauri was sure Tanmay left she pushed Omkara away like same poles of magnet.

"Would you care to explain what the hell was that?" Gauri almost burst at him.

"What are you talking about?" Omkara asked, pretending to be absolutely clueless and innocent.

"Argh! I am talking about you pretending that their was something between us before Tanmay! And what was all with last name show off? You never did that," Gauri shouted.

"I never said that anything was going between us to him. But if he assumes something then I can't help it. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with showing off what you have," Omkara said casually with a shrug.

Gauri was speechless. How could he be so carefree about it?

"After all why does it even matter to you? It isn't like you were interested in him or something," Omkara said rolling his eyes.

"What if I am interested in him? I know him scince childhood and he is a nice guy!" Gauri argued, though she was not even slightly interested in Tanmay. He was like her brother.

Omkara wasn't liking where the conversation was going. Because he knew, in the end he would end up saying or doing something he would regret later.

"I don't have time to argue with you now. I have to got to office, so either come to the car with me or arrange your rickshaw later," he said before storming towards his car.


At his room Omkara was moving to and fro in his room like a pendulum. He felt his head was gonna explode. He just couldn't get Gauri out of his head and it was almost making him go insane.

He was to be married to a girl in 5 days. It was almost a sin to think about another girl now but somehow thinking about Gauri never felt wrong to him. Infact everything else was feeling out of the place.

The trail of his thoughts was stopped when Ishana's entered the room, crying.

He immediately rushed to her side.

"Ishana what happened? Why are you crying?" He asked worriedly.

"O-om..." Ishana whispered between her sobs. He eyes were red and swollen.

"Ishana, please stop crying. Did someone say anything?" He asked holding her hands in his. Though he was sure if he loved her or not, he surely cared about her. He was one of his closest friends.

"O-Om..Ga-Gauri.." Ishana muttered.

Omkara stood up furiously. It was like all that he needed to hear. Something to snap the sanity inside him. Something to blame her. Something let out his anger on.

Without hearing further the got out of the room, with Ishana calling him from behind but he ignored that. He was fuming with anger right now.

He looked for her in the whole house and finally found her sitting on the pool side with Rudy, giggling.

He stroked to her and grabbed her hand angrily only to make her stand up.

Gauri was startled, too shocked to react and scared looking at his angry eyes.

"Who the hell so you think you are huh?" He yelled.

"O-Om what are you saying?" Gauri asked.

"O leave her. What are you doing?" Rudy asked angrily.

"It's between me and her Rudy, so stay out of this," Omkara told Rudra in stern voice then turned his head back to Gauri.

"What the hell did you say you Ishana huh?" He asked.

"I have no idea what you are saying and leave my hand! You are hurting me!" She yelled back at him equally angry now.

"Ishana is crying in her room because of you! Oh now I get it! You can't bloody watch her taking your place right? But you know what Gauri? These petty things can't stop this marriage! I will marry her no matter what," Omkara announced.

Gauri finally managed to break her hand free from his iron grip. His words were piercing through her heat but she was done running away and crying.

It was time to stand up for herself.

She clicked her finger before his angry face.

"Wake up Mr Oberoi because I don't know which dream you are still living in. I am not at all personally interested in your marriage at all. I am here just as your wedding planner. If you get married then its fine and if not then I am not gonna stay here even for a second. I have no idea what you fianc told you because I have even talked to her since I am here. So you better clear things with her then talk to me. After all it's like second nature to you to misunderstand people," Gauri said the last part venomously, folding her hand against her chest confidently.

Omkara was a little taken back. He never expected such response from her. Usually she would just listen to him and then go away.

Soon Ishana entered the pool area running.

"Om what are you doing here?" She asked.

"I was-"

"-We have to leave fast! My friend Gauri is in hospital! She met with an accident," Ishana said sadly.

"What?! It you said-"

"That's what I was trying to tell you! I don't why you left the room in hurry? I am waiting in the car, please come fast," Ishana said before hurriedly running out of the room.

Om was left shocked and sorry. He couldn't even make himself look at Gauri.

He felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Rudy.

"See Om, I told you. It's not Bhabhi's mistake every time." Rudy said before looking down at his brother with disdain and leaving the room.

Only Om and Gauri were left behind, both quite. Gauri, overwhelmed with emotions began to walk out of the room but Omkara held her hand.

"I am sorry. I should have reacted that way," he said apologetically.

"I am not mad," she said, trying to keep her voice as stable as she can. She wanted the leave the room asap, because it was just the matter of time before she would break into tears, again.

"Gauri, please give me. I over reacted-" Omkara begged.

"I know. And I-it's not your it's ok," Gauri said as a lone tear rolled down her cheek. She kept her head down so that Omkara won't see it.

"What? I-it is my mistake Gauri..what do you mean..?" He asked in a meek voice.

"It's not your mistake that you misunderstood Omkara, after all when did you ever understand me?" Gauri said. Their teary eyes met for the briefest moment before Gauri lowered her head down and walked away.

This is my favourite chapter of this story because jealous OSO rocks and I love writing about him 😂😂

Anyway..please don't forget to LIKE and COMMENT!!

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