Chapter 5 (past 1)🍁

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Note: it takes place after Rikara return with ancestral idol..

Two years ago
#July 27 2015

Gauri felt so joyous to her heart that she was sure that it was gonna burst with happiness. She brushed her fingers against green shawl with peacock print gently, blushing to herself and thanking her stars for finally giving her the day she had been waiting all her life.
Then she picked up the letter which lay on the bed and reread it, probably for the millionth time if not less. She had now learned what was written in the card by heart.

Gauri, I bought this shawl for you from Germany but couldn't give it to you. I hope you will like it..
And yes, please be ready tonight, I want you take you somewhere special.
-Your Omkara

What tickled her the most in her stomach and made her blush like a school girl with silly crush was the way he wrote your Omkara.

Finally. Finally he began to take steps towards her, and she knew that her crazy heart will wait for him even if took him life time to cover their distances. Because for her, she had already deeply and hopelessly fallen..

On their long ride, Omkara said Nothing but kept glancing at her direction every now and then
"Omkaraji why are we here?" She asked.

Without saying any words he took her hands in his and climbed up the temple stairs. Gauri's perplexity was building up more and more, slowly taking the shape of unknown fear.

why had he bought her to the temple?

Why wasn't he saying anything?

Was he going to leave her again? Here in the temple, in the presence of her Sankarji?

Was he going to break all the bonds with her forever?

Gauri's thought drained the life out of her making her limbs feel lifeless and she stopped dead on her track. Omkara felt her body stiffening and stopped.

"What happened Gauri?" He asked in soft voice.

"Omkaraji you are going to leave me again, are you?"

"W-what? Why would you say that?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"Why else would you bring me here? In the middle of night?" She asked, lowering her gaze to the ground, feeling her throat tightening already. Maybe happiness were never part of her life.

"No Gauri, I haven't bought you here to leave you. Please don't ever think that again. I just wanted to tell you something and this placed seemed the best for it," he said as he swiftly took her little hands in his, sending chills down her spine at the contact of their skin.

"What do you wanna tell me?"

"Gauri, months ago our journey together started with your Sanker Ji's blessings. Since then, till now all you ever did was to help me and my family selflessly, but I always doubted, accused and insulted you. I-I can't even begin to describe how sorry I am for my unkind behaviour towards you. It was almost inhuman. B-But I don't know why, when it comes to you I always lose control over my emotions. I am sorry Gauri..I am so sorry," he apologised with teary eyes.

"No Omkaraji please don't cry." Gauri cried softly, cupping his gauche in her tiny hands.

"It was not you mistake. O-our circumstances forced us to be in the situation we are- so please don't blame yourself," Gauri's own voice began to crack due to her hushed sobs. But they were not the tears of sadness. Neither of happiness either to be precise. They were the tears of relief. Relief of being out of the burden that the man she loved hated her with all his heart. Omkara's own tears were the biggest evidence to her that his hate was finally beginning to disappear. She didn't need words to see that.

In their relationship, they both never needed words. And it was both, an ugly curse and also a powerful boon.

"Omkaraji, I too want to tell you something. It's about my past-" Omkara hushed Gauri by gently pressing his index finger against her lips, giving her goosebumps.

"Shh Gauri. This the dawn. Dawn of our relationship. I want both of us to forget out pasta and know each other by our present. Past only gives pain Gauri, and we both already had our fair share of pain. I want to know you again Gauri..know you from your present. I want you give this marriage a chance-" Omkara pulled away Gauri's hands, which were on his cheeks and took them in his, rubbing them gently then slowly bringing them to his lips to kiss them softly, making Gauri's heart full with sudden excitement and joy and a small smile creep over her face.

it was the moment she always waited for..

"-I want to give you a chance," Omkara whispered against her hands with a ghost of a smile over his lips.

Gauri's own smile dropped.

He wanted to give her a 'chance'. Not them, but her. He still thought that she was wrong.

But Gauri didn't say a word. Instead she smiled brightly, silently drinking her tears. Omkaraji was already trying so hard. It would be wrong to argue now won't it? Maybe she too should just forget everything and move forward.

"Just promise me one thing Omkaraji, that from this moment onwards no matter what, you always trust me," she asked.

Omkara let go of her hands only to grab her by her waist and pull her close. He smiled at her before finally saying, "always and forever Gauri. Always and forever,"

Maybe it was really her dawn. Their dawn. Maybe..


A/N- Sorry for not replying to your comments..😔
I have been really busy lately and then I fell ill..🤧
I'll try to reply all your comments now..
And those who did comment on the last chapter and left likes, a very big THANKS to all of you.
It has not even been a month and this story has got 1.2k reads and 160+ likes!
I never expected it to do so good 😅
Thank you all once again!!

⭐️⭐️PS- As the story is still being written, if you guys have any ideas for upcoming chaps or if there is something you want me to write in the story, like any request or suggestion, then please leave it in the comment box or PM me! ⭐️⭐️

It will help me to update faster!!

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