Chapter 6

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Gauri was in her room, making list of things she needed for the decoration for haldi ceremony tomorrow.

Oberois were people of the highest of the high class, practically the royalty and Gauri knew it better than anyone. So everything thing had to be nothing less than absolute perfection.


She practically jumped out of her skin at the sudden call of her name.

"Ishana, you almost startled me," she responded breathlessly.

Ishana pouted.

"Sorry, I saw you lost in" Ishana mumbled apologetically.

"Its alright, come sit," Gauri smiled and patted on the bed beside her.

Ishana smiled back, a little too much and sat beside her excitedly.

"So what do you want?" Gauri asked.

Taken that she and Ishana was in a really awakward situation, Gauri had to admit that Ishana was never mean or rude to her, infact she was always kind. Though her attitude was like that of child, she always treated her like a good friend.

"I wanna discuss few things about my big night,"

Gauri hitched her breath and started coughing.

"B-big night?"

"Yeah, I mean you are my wedding planner right? You must take care of everything, including the big night. It will be first time for me, so I am kinda confused regarding-"

"Ishana! I don't think, we should discuss such things," Gauri literally wanted to die.

Ishana furrowed her eyebrows and confused expression masked her face.

"What happened Gauri? Why do you look so pale? I mean, if you don't wanna help me plan my bachelorette party, then its totally fine," Ishana replied softly.

Gauri's eye widen as realisation hit her.

"Bachelorette party?! Phew! I though you were talking about your-"

"-Wedding night?" Ishana broke into fits of laughter. She practically stayed rolling on the bed, laughing like crazy before noticing gauri's red embarrassed face and sat up immediately.

"You are so cute Gauri!" She giggled.

Gauri replied to her compliment by a small smile, though from inside her internals were still on fire due to the embarrassment.

"Anyway here are some pamphlets of hotels and resorts for the bachelorette party." She enunciated tauntingly.

"I like all of these. Now you have to decide the best one and make reservations. I have also emailed you the list of all the my friends that would come, so that you can make the arrangements accordingly,"

"Yeah sure, anything else?" Gauri asked, scribbling down bachelorette party in her list of pending works.  

"Actually Yes. There is one more thing, I hope you won't mind," she said sheepishly.

"Of course not," Gauri replied politely.

"I am sure Omkara has not made any arrangements for his party either and I really don't want him to throw tantrums at the last minute arrangements. So can you please discuss with him about his party too? Please please please!" Ishana whined, almost like a little child, pouting.

"But Ishana I-"

"-thank you Gauri! You are the best! Bye!"

Before Gauri could even complete the sentence, Ishana was long out of the room.


Gauri stood outside Om's room, fidgeting with the ends of her silk scarf, her mouth dry and heart thumping with anticipation.

After the little scene at the pool side regarding mistaken identity of Ishana's friend, Om had hardly come before her, let alone say a word.

He was avoiding her like a plague and Gauri knew why.

Maybe it was his screwed up way of apologising.

She knew he felt sorry for what he did an when he would give her those sorry looks in the hallway or when he would pass by in the  corridors, she would  literally melt into a puddle.

She so badly wanted to tell him that she was no longer mad, but on the second though, seeing their situation, avoiding each other was much better. So she too acted unaffected.

Gauri took a deep breath and walked to closer to the door to knock when it opened all of sudden and her knuckles hit his broad chest in place of the wooden door.

"Holy shit!"
She gasped and and jumped back.

Apparently Gauri was the last personal Om was expected to stand outside his room, which explained the mask of surprise on his face.

"What are you doing here?"

"I-I," She stuttered. Her heart was still thumping badly in her chest.

"Do you need anything?" His voice was polite, almost too polite as if he wasn't talking to her but a scared little girl.


*Say something goddamit! Don't keep standing like a moron! * Gauri chided herself.

"Do you wanna come in and talk?" He asked  as he stepped aside.

She nodded and got in.

It felt weird to be in his room, but she decided to put that feeling aside and talk business.

"Omkara about your bachelors party-"

"Gauri I am so so sorry-"

They both said simultaneously and blushed.

Gauri bit her lower lip at his sudden apology.

"It's ok. Infact I have already forgotten about it," she forced a smile over her face, trying her best to sound formal and polite.

"Already forgotten? Are you really not mad at me now?"


"Really?" She felt his voice changing and his head lowers down.


"Well then why won't you even look at me. You have been ignoring me from past 3 days like I don't even exist!" He snapped, his eyes getting darker with anger and he stepped closer to her.

Gauri was almost taken back but his sudden flip in attitude. She was astonished and angry.

"I was ignoring you? Because if I remember correctly, it was you who was avoiding me like a plague! Instead of apologising to me you decided to hide from me! So stop blaming me ok?" She snapped back, equally angry.

"How could have possibly apologised when you were not ready to listen to me? You were acting like a stubborn child!"

Gauri shot him the dirtiest look she could muster and not being able to decide what to say, she kicked him hard on his leg.

Om yelped with pain and started jumping one leg.

"What is wrong with you! Who does that?" He yelled.

She glared at him hard, shooting daggers.

"You deserve it! It was you who was acting like a child not me!"

"Not it was you!"



"Ahhhh! My poor ears!"

Both Om and Gauri snapped there heads to Rudy who was now standing beside them,covering his ears with his hands as if they were bleeding.

"When did you come in?" Om asked, rolling his eyes at his little brother's drama.

"While you and bhabhi were romancing," he smirked making Gauri blush and earning a smack on head from Om.

"Uh I mean arguing..but the real question is, what were you arguing about?" Rudy rose his left eyebrow suspiciously as he rubbed his chin.

"Rudy bhaiya, we were not arguing. I simply came here to talk with Om about his bachelors party," Gauri said.

"Oh Bachelors party! Great! Ask me whatever you want babhi, I am sure O will only give you boring ideas," Rudy joked.

"Wait a sec! When did I even agreed to have a bachelors party?! I don't want any party!"

"But Ishana said-"

Suddenly something sparked in Rudy's eyes and he started grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

"Now What happened to you? Why are you smiling like a creep?" Om asked, giving Rudy weird looks. Om knew his brother too well to know that something fishy was cooking in tiny head of his.

"Oh nothing..I was just saying that you must have a bachelors party O! It's like a compulsory thing to do before the marriage!" Rudy whined.

"I don't like parties, plus who would do the arrangements in such little time?"

"Don't worry about the arrangements, I'll handle everything. Just tell me the venue and the number of guests," Gauri said taking out her note book and pen.

"Yes! So it's decided! O you are having a bachelors party! That too tomorrow. Bhabhi can you manage everything by tomorrow?" Rudy practically stared dancing with the excitement.

"I-I can try.." Gauri replied meekly, already tensed about the sudden work load.

"But Rudra how will she-"

"O! Chill! It's your bachelors party tomorrow! Leave everything up to me and bhabhi. You go to your room and rest,"

"This is my room stupid!"

"Oh sorry! In that case, bhabhi and I should leave. Good night O! Sleep tight!"

Rudy yelled before grabbing Gauri's hand pulling her out of the room.

Did y'all miss me? 😬😬
Anyway, I am terribly sorry for the delay in the update..😅
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