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She's three now and is as lively as ever. I keep wondering when she'll get claimed but I don't think it'll happen any time soon.

It doesn't really matter though, we all know she's a daughter of Athena anyway. She's smart, brave and the grey eyes and brown hair kind of give it away. The Athena cabin has pretty much taken her in and treat her as their sister. She's grown close to Will, Nico and I.

'Percy, read book?' Night asks me, sitting on the bed in my cabin. I smile and nod. My dyslexia hasn't improved at all, but oh well. As I start reading, Annabeth flashes in front of me.

'Woah! Hey, Wise Girl.' I tell her as she grins and takes a seat next to me.

'Hey, who's this little girl?' She asks, her grey eyes identical to Night's.

'This is Night Langdon. Undetermined but she's most likely a daughter of Athena.' Annabeth nods and takes the book from my hands.

'I'll read.' I chuckle as Night crawls onto my lap. And we sit there for a while as Annabeth finishes the story. Night falls asleep halfway through and I fall asleep to the softness of Annabeth's voice.

I'm awoken to a smack upside the head. 'WHAT TH- Oh, Annabeth.'

She laughs a bit, 'Get up, Seaweed Brain. I'm heading back to Olympus, you take care of Night over there.' I smile and give her a quick kiss as she flashes back to Olympus. Sighing, I pick up Night from my lap and place her on the bed.


'Come on, Night. Get up, you have to get dressed.' I say, shaking her shoulders. She just rolls her eyes and turns to her side. 'Will and Nico are getting married today!'

Night bolts up at that, 'WELL, WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SO EARLIER?' Ok, she could really be Zeus's kid... Always yelling in my ear.

It's been a rough five years, well not rough... Just sentimental.

Nico and Will moved into a small apartment outside of camp, they're always here though. Obviously, they're getting married today.

Grover and Juniper got married and live in a small house in the woods and they have two kids. Percy... Can you believe it? They named their kid after me? I burst into tears when I found out. Their other boy, who's younger, is named Ferdinand after Grover's uncle.

Leo and Calypso have officially expanded their business, "Leo and Calypso's Garage: Auto Repairs and Mechanical Monsters". They still live in Indiana.

Piper is busy hosting seminars for women's rights all over the globe, she decided to stay at camp after finishing up her education.

Reyna and Thalia, those two visit occasionally when the Hunters stop by.

Frank and Hazel are still praetors and are always visiting. They're here now, I mean obviously they are. Hazel's brother is getting married.

Annabeth and I are still going strong, we haven't gotten married yet but eh... We've both been busy. Being the camp's official trainer and all is time-consuming.

Anyway, with my thing and her helping out her mom or matters on Olympus, we haven't had time... yet. I'll propose one day.

'Come on, come on. Those two jerks are finally getting married.' I roll my eyes at her as Night puts her hair up in a ponytail. She looks a lot like Annabeth, dye her hair blonde and the two could be sisters. Well, they kind of are already? Night hasn't gotten claimed yet though but she is only eight years old.

'I know that, why do you think I'm waking you up?'

She rolls her eyes as I roll my eyes back. She picks up her gold dress from her bedside table, 'I'm going to freshen up and get changed. You may want to do so as well.'

I mock-salute her and run out of the Athena Cabin. Waving and greeting all the campers, I rush into the Poseidon Cabin, grabbing my suit. I still can't believe Nico and Will are getting married today. Will proposed to him at one of the campfires and now... UGH, MY CHILDREN ARE GROWING UP!!! I wipe a tear from my face, fastening the tie around my neck.

They've decided to get married at the top of Half-Blood Hill since that's where they first saw each other. Will's mom is coming too, the gods let her in since it's a special occasion.

Talking about the gods, we were only going to invite Hades and Apollo since you know, they're the grooms dads... But, NO. Aphrodite ended up inviting herself, something about her OTP... I get it, they're my OTP too!

But now all the gods are coming, so that's going to be a mess.


I'm sorry, excuse me while I fangirl.

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