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'We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of two wonderful young men. Nico di Angelo and Will Solace.' Chiron says, standing proudly in his centaur form.

Jason is standing to Chiron's left, one black ring in hand. Hades let him come in ghost form, since he's Nico's best man. Anyway, Austin is standing to Chiron's right. He's Will's best man.

I stand to Nico's side, my gold and black suit matching the rest of the decorations. I'm one of the groomsmen, Nico and Will decided to have both bridesmaids and groomsmen.

I'm standing behind Reyna, who is standing on the step below Jason. Beside me is Annabeth, wearing a beautiful light gold dress. I'm going to be a hormonal boy now because dam... The dress fits her perfectly, highlighting every single curve of her beautiful body.

Night walks down the aisle, in an amazing dress which fades from gold to black. Throwing flowers everywhere, she smiles and takes a seat next to Naomi in the front row.

The crowd filled with people Nico and Will care about stand up as soft music starts to play.

One look at you, my whole life falls in line.

Will walks down the aisle in a gold suit, white shirt and black bow-tie. He looks good, his curly blond hair gleams in the sunlight, eyes sparkling with mirth. Apollo is giving him away, both of them smiling as Apollo gives his son a hug.

I prayed for you, before I called you mine.

Will takes a deep breath and takes his place in front of Chiron, looking ahead as his groom walks down the aisle.

I can't believe it's true sometimes. Oh, I can't believe it's true.

Nico is wearing a black suit, white shirt and a gold tie. They compliment each other perfectly. Nico's hair is cut short, but a few strands of hair frame his face. Hades too gives Nico a hug as he wipes the tears from his face.

I get to love you, it's the best thing I'll ever do.

There's a smile on his face as Jason gives him a pat on the back and Nico turns to Will. Hades sits down next to Apollo as the two look on at their sons with so much love, happy tears falling from their eyes.

It's a promise I'm making to you.

Nico is smiling so widely, I think his mouth may start hurting. No, scratch that... At this rate, everyone's mouths are going to become sore. We're all smiling so much.

Whatever may come, your heart I will choose.

'Your vows, Will.' Chiron says as Will nods.

'Nico di Angelo, you don't know how glad I am to see that smile on your face. That smile, I love with every cell in my body. That smile I want to wake up to every single day. Because Nico, every day is so much better with you. You and your stupid jokes and stubbornness, you make my life so much brighter. Just by being you. Being my Sunshine, my heart and my soul. My Nico. I love you and I will always love you.'

Forever I'm yours, forever I do.

Will wipes the tears from Nico's face as Chiron says, 'And your vows, Nico.'

Nico sniffles a little and chuckles. 'Will Solace, I have no idea what to say. I never thought, even in my wildest dreams that I'd be standing here today, getting married. And getting married to you? No, I never would've imagined something so amazing. But I'm happy to be here, with you. Will, you were the person who was there for me when I needed a shoulder to cry on. When I needed someone to cheer me up. Or just when I needed a band-aid for my paper cut, you were there. And I adore you for that, tesoro mio. Ti amo. Ti amo, sempre.'

I get to love you.

Nico takes the black, Stygian ring from Jason's hands, 'William Solace.'

Will takes the gold ring from Austin's hands, 'Nico di Angelo.'

As the two slip the rings onto each other's fingers, they say in perfect harmony, 'I am and will always be, your loving husband.'

I get to love you.

Tears fall down my cheeks as Chiron says, 'I now pronounce you as one.'

And there come the waterworks. As they embrace in a sweet and loving kiss, Hazel buried her head in Frank's shoulder, sobbing. Naomi bursts into tears, hastily wiping the tears away. Apollo starts crying as he smiles happily. Even Hades, whose face is normally without emotion is covered in a large smile. Aphrodite, well... She's ruining her makeup for this. That's saying something.

'Hey Jase.' I ask him as Nico and Will walk down the aisle together.

'Yeah, Perce?' He asks, turning to me. It's still weird to see him like this, when he's a ghost. I can't hug him or give him a fist bump anymore.

'Our little Nico's all grown up, huh?' I say, smiling. Jason laughs happily and smiles back at me.

'Yeah, he is. He really is.' I chuckle and sigh with happiness. Nico and Will just got married.

Gosh, those two have come a long way.

Nico, from the small Italian boy I met him as and then as the grown-up boy who hid in the shadows. And now to this head-strong, stubborn and happy man. And Will, from the boy who saved Annabeth's life years ago and now, to this loving man who's become one of my closet friends.

I sigh again, I'm proud of both of them.

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