Chapter Forty-Three

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The mood was decidedly tense as they all sat in uncomfortable quiet in the slave hall. A few had taken up books to read, but none seemed to actually be reading and no one had the audacity to speak.

Though Kathryn had told them almost nothing of why they were waiting, everyone knew something was wrong. She had had no choice but to reveal that it was not Alice who was injured, but their Master.

Of course the news was not well received, but all readily obeyed Kathryn's commands after that. Rachel was glad. She had seen the look of surprise and trepidation on her friend's face when she'd told Kathryn she was to lead them in Alice's absence, but it seemed Alice had indeed chosen well. Kathryn was calm as she assumed a seat by the fire, just beside where Alice usually sat, staring into the crackling flames in silence.

Rachel had pulled up a stool beside her and taken out her book of fairy tales, but somehow she couldn't even focus on the pictures, her mind playing tricks on her. As she stared at the prince climbing Rapunzel's long golden hair cascading from the tower, she imagined Magnus in his stead, dangling precariously above the ground. She could almost see him clinging to the hair in desperation as he lost his grip and fell backward, down down down until he hit the ground and lay there, eyes closed, body at an odd angle. She quickly turned the page and tried to erase the image from her mind but that didn't wipe away reality. Magnus on the ground. Magnus unmoving. She'd seen it with her own eyes...

It was hours before the door of the cabin opened and Alice appeared. She looked exhausted. Rachel could feel the anxiety as all stared at her, desperate to hear her speak and yet afraid to ask her anything. In the end, only Kathryn had the bravery to stand and approach her.

"How is he, Alice?" she asked.

The old woman shook her head slightly and Rachel felt her stomach drop.

"Your Master is ill," Alice said, mastering herself and straightening to addressing the whole room with the level of confidence and authority Rachel was used to. "Moreover he has had a significant fall. I can tell you that the doctors have been to examine him. They are hopeful that his injuries sustained in the accident are not life-threatening, but the fever he still carries is grave indeed. Until he is fully recovered it is our Master's brother, Torvald, who will run our estate.

Rachel watched as everyone's expressions darkened.

"How bad do you think it will be?" Rachel whispered to Kathryn. She needed reassurance that everything would be ok, even if she knew it would be a lie. But Alice had returned to them at least. Surely that was a good sign? Kathryn's expression, however, remained grave.

"Hush, Rachel," she answered sharply.

"Is he here already, Alice?" Kathryn asked.

The old woman nodded. Her head looked heavy as she struggled to confirm the news. As if she were reluctant to do so.

"Master Torvald wishes to inspect all of his brother's slaves tomorrow in fact. He has hopes to become acquainted with us so he can fulfill his duties in our Master's absence. It seems he has arranged for his own associates to temporarily care for his own estate so he might remain here and watch Magnus's assets.

"At dawn, all will report to the main house and line up in front of the steps. As such, I believe we should all get a good night's sleep. We must be rested and in peak performance tomorrow and give Torvald no reason to find fault with any of our flock. Is that understood?"

A general wave of assent was mumbled by all the girls in the room.

"I know from your reactions that many of you are already aware Torvald is not like his brother. While he is certainly not a bad man, he does have more traditional views of the proper way in which to raise his animals. We must all be exceedingly careful not to provoke him in any way.

"Do not forget for a moment that our Master is quite different than nearly all other sibla in the leniency he allows here on his estate. With Torvald, you must never speak without being spoken to. Do not question nor hesitate to obey each and every one of his commands. I will do my best to protect all in our Master's absence but I can only do so much.

"Torvald has never particularly liked me, but it appears that, for now at least, he is willing to allow me to maintain my position as overseer and not seek to bring in any of his own men. We must be grateful for that fact.

    "That said, you must be wary as well of any of our Master's sibla employees as well now. All were aware that Magnus would never tolerate the mistreatment of his slaves by any he employed, but Torvald will not extend us that same protection. The farm hands know it well. Try to avoid being caught alone with them least they choose to use or abuse any of you now that they have the freedom to do so."

"But will Magnus recover?" one of the girls asked hesitantly.

Rachel could see the hesitation in Alice's expression as she remained silent for far too long, but then she sighed deeply. "Let us hope so," she said, avoiding a direct answer. "You all must pray for your Master. I know I will be doing so fervently until he has returned to us. "

Another wave of assent traveled through the room.

"We must all keep our spirits up, Alice said, forcing a smile to her face, "We want our Master to gain a good report of our conduct in his absence. Everyone to bed."

The women in the room slowly began to rise to their feet, heading back towards the dorm house. But as Kathryn and Rachel turned towards the door Alice stood in their way.

"Not you, Kathryn," she answered. "I wish to speak with you first." Kathryn nodded but Rachel hesitated. She didn't want to be alone and none of the other women knew her half as well as Kathryn. But as she lingered Alice's glare rained down upon her.

"What are you waiting for?" the old woman asked. "Did you not hear my order?"

"I wanted to stay with Kathryn," Rachel mumbled.

"Well, Kathryn and I have things to discuss," Alice answered, her tone hard. "Go to bed, Rachel. I do not expect I will have to repeat myself again."

"No, Ma'am," Rachel answered, hanging her head low.

Kathryn gave her hand a small squeeze. "I'm sure I will be back soon," she said. "You can sleep in my bed in you wish till I return."

Rachel nodded reluctantly. She knew neither Kathryn nor Alice would budge after all.

"Come, Rachel."

Rachel lifted her head in surprise to see Olivia standing just behind Alice. "We will go back together." The older girl gave her a small smile and Rachel felt a slight relief fill her. She gratefully accepted the hand Olivia offered and did not resist when the woman gave her a small hug of reassurance.

"We'll all be fine, " she said as she ushered Rachel towards their quarters. "You'll see. Alice and Kathryn will take care of everything. We just have to do as they say."


Olivia seems optimistic that Alice and Kathryn will somehow protect them under Torvalds's rule, but is that optimism warranted? Or is it just wishful thinking....:-/ Guess we will find out soon enough. On Friday Torvald will meet all of the humans on Magnus's estate. Anyone holding their breath yet? hehehe

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