Chapter Forty-Two

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Back to the present. This chapter is from...Magnus's pov! Happy to hear that? He isn't dead yet but things are not looking good at the moment as we know....


    "Master Torvald, I thank you for coming so quickly."

    Magnus heard Alice's voice as if in a dream. His head ached horribly. His eyes felt too heavy to possibly open. He was in his bed it seemed, the blurry image his eyes managed to take in seemed to confirm that, his mind registering the walls of his bedroom. But why would Torvald be there? His mind was foggy. Nothing seemed to make sense.

    "How long exactly has he been unwell? You are certain he has only been unconscious for two hours thus far?"

    His brother's voice. Magnus's eyes scanned his surroundings until they found his sibling's form. Torvald's tone was nearly devoid of emotion, as it usually was, but Magnus could still detect the hint of concern in his questions.

    "I made certain to note the time, Master Torvald," came Alice's answer. "I can't say exactly how long he has been unwell. Your brother is a strong man. I'm certain he was determined to remain at his job and not let illness keep him from his duties. I noticed this morning he seemed to have developed a fever and..."

    "Alice," Magnus managed to croak out as his gaze fixed on her. "Alice."


    He could hear the desperation in her voice and in an instant of flurried excitement he felt Alice's arms wrap around him.

    "Alice," he murmured again. The pain as she pushed against his aching bones was nothing compared to the relief he felt at her touch. Alice was there. She would watch over him. She would care for him as she always had.

    "Step away from him slave."

    Magnus heard his brother's voice and watched as Alice was pulled roughly from his sight. He tried to sit up to stop it but his head spun at the attempt. His body clearly wouldn't obey his command.

    "Relax, brother."

    Torvald's voice again. But he didn't want Torvald. He wanted Alice. He needed her. He had to apologize. She had told him not to go to the field. This was all his fault and she needed to know that. Why hadn't he listened...

    "I have spoken to your doctor," his brother continued. "You were lucky. He expects you will make a full recovery from the injuries sustained in your fall. But it will take time. Until you are well, I will see to all your affairs."

    Magnus tried to force his head to nod, but the effort sent another crippling wave of pain through his throbbing temples.

    Torvald placed a reassuring hand on Magnus's shoulder. "Save your strength, brother," he said. "All is well and you need do nothing but rest now."

    Magnus closed his eyes and sunk back into his pillows. "Alice," he said. "I want to see her." He was still struggling to make sense of the situation but he had to make certain she was alright. His eyes blinked open enough to see the frown on Torvald's face.

    "Perhaps later," he answered. "Alice has work to do and you must sleep."

    Magnus could hear the tone of his brother's voice. Torvald would not budge. He allowed the man to pull the covers around him. Magnus closed his eyes, defeated.

    "Forgive me, Master Torvald."

    Alice's voice again.

    "But will he truly recover? I heard you say the Doctor had."


    Alice's words were cut off by the unmistakable slap of flesh against flesh.

Magnus winced at the sound.

    "You have no right to listen in on our conversation slave," Torvald said, his tone hard. "If you presume to do so again, there will be consequences."

    Alice did not answer him. That was good. Torvald's temper was legendary and if she provoked him in any way Magnus knew the results could be disastrous. His brother had been known to beat his slaves within an inch of their lives to maintain his authority. Or worse, what if he were to allow one of his own workers to take on the task. One who would not take care to preserve her life...

Alice was not young anymore. If she was to face punishment at Torvald's hand and anything was to happen to her Magnus knew he would never forgive himself. He wished he could rise. That he could protect her, but his eyes were so very heavy.

    "I know my brother grants ridiculous leniency to you," he heard Torvald say, "but I am not my brother, and I will tolerate no ill behavior. You will do as I say, when I say it, and will speak only when spoken to. I advise you to make this clear to the others as well. Until my brother fully regains his health I am your master. Is that understood?"

    "Yes, Master," she answered quickly.

    Magnus couldn't stand how small her voice sounded. How weak and cowardly. But he knew it was for the best.

    Just hang on Alice, he thought to himself as his consciousness began to fade again. I will recover and things will be better again. I will do it for you.


Whelp, Torvald seems to be here to stay for a bit. Wonder what that will mean for the humans. Already doesn't look great...This chapter is on the shorter side ( sorry about that its just the way the chapters break down), but the next chapter will be up on Wednesday. Once again we will go back to Rachel. How does she feel about what's happening I wonder. How will the others respond to the news of their new ( hopefully temporary) master?

Also, today (2/21/17) is the last day to vote in this round of @TheCRYPTIC_'s Cryptic awards. After Humanity needs your help to get to move on. All you need to do is write an inline comment of 100+ words saying what you like about After Humanity. No pressure but all support is greatly appreciated. For those of you who already voted? THANK YOU! I can't tell you how much it means to have your support <3

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