Chapter Thirty-Five

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So, recap since its been awhile. Recall Magnus and Alice's fight after the lamb slaughter experiment. The experiment had left Rachel comforted at first by how kind he was to his animals but then she had nightmares... In spite of that, when they argued ( before Magnus left for Torvald's) Alice said that she intended to move Rachel with the others. Hopefully all of that tracks but let me know if you find this jump jarring.



It was strange how quickly the summer seemed to pass. Faster than the blink of an eye. It wasn't long before the sun began to set earlier and the leaves on the trees started changing. Inspired by the cooler air, their foliage was soon painted in an aray of dazzling reds and oranges, all gilded in brown and gold tints. As beautiful as the estate had been in the spring and summer, the brightly colored world Rachel found herself surrounded by seemed even more lovley. Fall had always been her favorite season.

After the oppressive heat of the late summer, it was nice to once again feel the brisk cold of the season and smell burning firewood in the air from the hearths Alice now kept lit in both the slave quarters and the main house.

Rachel had even taken to wearing a jacket again, though the one Magnus had bought her the day he took her from the slavers was now growing tight. She knew she would soon have to ask Alice to let it out. Or perhaps the woman would help her make a new coat that might be warm enough for the coming winter.

Now weeks after she'd moved into the slave quarters she was fully content in her bed next to Kathryn, the friend who truly made her feel safe. In fact, Rachel had finally begun to feel as if she belonged in her new home.

Now that she lived with them officially, she stayed late into the night with the others more often, listening to their stories of their previous homes, laughing and singing, and enjoying the company of the women who had become her new family. When they finally left their revelry and went to their beds, Rachel was glad for the comfort of so many around her as she closed her eyes and difted off to slumber. Their collective presence made her feel safe and welcome.

When Rachel awoke that morning however she saw that most of the room was already empty. Sitting up she rubbed her eyes to wipe the sleep from them.

"Good morning, Rachel."

Kathryn's cheerful voice drew her attention imdeatly.

"Where is everyone?" Rachel asked. She pulled her blanket up to keep her arms covered as she sat up and leaned against the headboard of her bed.

"I thought I would let you sleep a bit," Kathryn said with a smile. "I know you must be tired after last night."

Rachel nodded. They had been up quite late the night before. Olivia had sung for them. She had such a beautiful voice, none had wanted her to stop.

"Alice said that she could manage without me in the kitchen," Kathryn continued. "And there are others caring for the animals. After we feed some scraps to the pigs, Alice asked that you and I help give the slave hall a good cleaning. We will all be spending more time inside now after all. "

Rachel nodded and forced herself to abandon her warm bed, grateful that Kathryn had already started a fire in the hearth to combat the cold of the early morning.

"We have already missed the second breakfast shift," Kathryn said as Rachel dressed, but I have brought you a couple of hardboiled eggs and a cheddar scone. Alice made them for Magnus, but she let me sneak a few."

Standing by the fire, Rachel took the flakey pastry from Kathyrn gratefully, biting into the soft buttery, salty treat.

"Come," Kathryn said, taking Rachel's free hand. "you can finish on the way. We still have quite a bit to do before lunch and I really did let you sleep longer than I should have."

Rachel smiled and nodded, happy that she and Kathryn would have the whole day together. Now that she had taken on tasks with the animals more, she missed spending time working beside her best friend in the kitchen. Alice always seemed to keep Kathryn confined to the main house.

Outside the air was warmer than it had been the past week, and Rachel was glad she'd left her tight coat behind. It seemed it would still be a bit longer before she would need to wear it all the time. Perhaps she could ask Kathryn if there were extras she might have so that Alice would not need to be bothered at all. Then again, she would likely need an entire new winter wardrobe. Her dresses were all far too thin to weather the frost when it came.

Outside of the slave quarters, Kathryn went to the metal buckets she had left there and instructed Rachel to take one.

"All of the scraps from the last few days," she explained. "Alice had had them saved in the refrigerator. Coming into the end of the season I know Magnus likes to add a bit more good food to the pigs' diet."

Though Kathryn said the words with a smile still on her face, Rachel felt her stomach drop slightly. She knew what happened to her family's pig when the weather grew cold. Animals were expensive to house through the winter when they could not graze. Fall was harvest time.

The human trade, like any other, has its seasons.

The repressed memory of Alice's words suddenly echoed in Rachel's head. If the other livestock were nearing the end of their lives, did that mean that Magnus would soon harvest from among his human stock as well? In the past weeks she'd almost been able to forget the potential danger in her new home, but now her fears came rushing back all at once.

Was that why Alice hadn't asked her if her coat still fit? Rachel wondered. If she might need warmer clothes for the winter? Did Alice expect that Rachel would ever see the first frost? That by then she would be...

"Rachel?" Kathryn's voice pulled her mind back from the terrifying thoughts. "Are you all right? You look ill."

Rachel shook her head, trying to banish the uncomfortable thoughts. "I'm fine," she said quickly. But of course, she wasn't fine. Did Kathryn realize that the fall meant slaughter? She must. She'd been on the estate for over a year now. Was she not worried too? Then again, Rachel knew from their past conversations that Kathryn accepted their lives under Magnus. Was she really so unconcerned though that she didn't fear the possibility of death at all?

As she and Kathryn fed the scraps to the pigs and visited with the sheep that had been brought in from grazing, Rachel could not help but feel the eyes of the sibla workers upon her. She thought of the lamb slaughter Magnus had forced her to help with.

Would it be she who ended up on the metal table as her dream foretold? Did the sibla men watching already know she was condemned? What did they see when they looked at her? A girl, or a piece of meat? The thoughts piling one on top of another made her feel worse and worse until she was certain the ground itself was unstable beneath her feet and a wave of dizziness overtook her.

Kathryn must have seen her slipping because a moment later she felt the older girl's hand on her arm, helping her stay erect.

"Come on, Rachel," she said, worry laced in her tone . "Let's get you inside. I'll find you some water and you can sit down and rest for a bit."

Rachel nodded.

Inside the slave hall, Kathryn helped her to a seat by the fire, which she quickly started, the crackling heat, warming away the chill from Rachel's fingertips. Kathryn retrieved a glass and poured Rachel a cup of water, ordering her to drink it.

"You seemed fine this morning," she said with a slight frown of concern. "Have you been unwell?"

Rachel shook her head, not willing to give voice to her fears that she knew were the cause of her sudden 'sickness'.

"Perhaps you are just dehydrated," Kathryn said. "In any case, you should rest. I can start cleaning on my own and if you feel up to it you can join me."

Rachel felt guilty shirking her chores, but she nodded nonetheless. She didn't think she could stand let alone sweep.

Of course Kathryn was cheerful, as she always was. Even as she dusted and swept in silence, Rachel felt comforted by her optimistic presence. Maybe she was worried for nothing. If Kathryn thought that either of them were in danger she would act differently, wouldn't she? With her friend's attitude calming her nerves, it wasn't long before Rachel felt better and even managed to pick up a rag to help Kathryn dust. The two of them falling into a comfortable rhythm as they worked quietly alongside one another, humming their favorite songs from Olivia's repertoire the night before.


Rachel jumped at the sound and turned to see Cynthia crash through the door of the hall, swinging the door open so wide and with such force that the wood banged against the wall, threatening to break at the hinges. Karen followed a moment later.

"Cynthia, Karen, what are you doing here?" Kathryn asked, clearly surprised.

"I don't see how that's any of your business," Cynthia snapped as she sat in Rachel's vacated seat by the now roaring fire. Karen looked distinctly uncomfortable as her eyes darted from her friend back to Kathryn.

"Cynthia isn't feeling well," she said, her voice somewhat shaky. "I thought she it would be best she come and rest."

"Oh I'm just fine," Cynthia answered, extending the "i" for emphasis. "We are all just fine here on the Kendrick estate, aren't we? And what are you doing here Kathryn? You and that."

As Cynthia pointed an accusatory finger at her, Rachel felt the sick feeling returning to her stomach.

"We are cleaning," Kathryn answered calmly. "Now that fall has arrived and winter will soon follow, we will all be spending more time here and Alice wished for the space to be tidy."

Cynthia shook her head as she stood and walked towards Kathryn.

"No," she said. "Not all. Fall is here. The harvest is upon us and not all will huddle beside the fire through the cold of winter. There are those who will have no body left to feel the chill. There are those who will already be in the belly of some greedy sibla!"

A chill ran through Rachel's body at Cynthia's words as the woman confirmed all of her worst fears in one fell swoop.

"Cynthia, stop this!" Karen begged. "You don't know what you are saying."

"Oh I know exactly what I am saying," Cynthia countered. "How does it feel Kathryn, knowing that your time might finally be up? That Alice's new kitchen pet might take your place of safety while you fall to the knife."

Her, Rachel thought to herself. Cynthia was talking about her. Her heart beat unsteadily and her breath became short. The older girl was implying that Rachel herself would be the instrument of Kathryn's death. Was it possible? How could such a horrible thing be true!

"Whomever Magnus chooses to take will have to accept their fate," Kathryn replied evenly, apparently unaffected by Cynthia's words.

"Or perhaps I am wrong," Cynthia said, turning her attention to Rachel now. "Perhaps it will be veal our Master craves. Are you so unconcerned for the life of your little friend Rachel?

Rachel opened her mouth and closed it again. She had no words. Terror had seized her voice.

"Perhaps you should go back to the dorm and lie down, Cynthia," Kathryn suggested, her tone hardening as she came to stand behind Rachel, putting a protective hand on her shoulder. Cynthia only gave a snorting laugh and shook her head.

"Always the dutiful slave," she sneered. "Just like that greyskin who profits from our flesh."

Greyskin. Was she talking about Alice? Rachel wondered.

"Leave now," Kathryn said, her grip of Rachel's shoulder tightening.

"Cynthia maybe we should go," Karen began, but her friend's voice quickly interrupted her protest.

"So I have touched a sore spot have I?" Cynthia asked, taunting Kathryn. "Don't tell me you really believe that greyskin cares about you? Alice only uses the humans on this estate. I'll bet she even dines on human flesh when the mood strikes her. She often eats with our Master after all. I wonder if she gets to pick which of us she will sample."

Rachel felt the sick, dizzy feeling overwhelming her again, so powerful her legs again felt unstable beneath her. Was it true? Did Alice eat human flesh? Was she eyeing them all as her next meal alone side their sibla Master? She choked back the bile rising in her throat at the thought. Kathryn on the other hand merely glared back at the rabid woman, not responding to Cynthia's horrible words at all.

"Cynthia, please," her friend begged, grabbing her arm and attempting to drag her to the door. "Please let's just leave them be." Karen flashed a nervous glance at Kathryn's stoic anger.

"No," Cynthia spat, skating off her friend. "I have as much right to be here as they do. More. I'm a true human. Not a turncoat like Alice's little pets."

That's when Rachel saw it. Cynthia's hand reached into the pocket of her dress to reveal a silver flask, the letters MK engraved upon its front. Rachel watched, wide-eyed as the woman raised it to her mouth and took a great swig.

"You're drunk." The horror in Kathryn's voice was entirely unmasked. Rachel watched as the anger in her friend's face was quickly replaced by fear. "Where did you get it Cynthia?" she asked. "Where did you find that flask?"

"We were cleaning in Magnus's study earlier," Karen said, answering Kathryn's question. "I just left for a little while, but then Cynthia was acting all strange and..."

"Shut up!" Cynthia shouted, glaring at her friend.

"But Cynthia, we have to put it back," Karen exclaimed. "If Magnus catches you."

"He'll what?" Cynthia challenged. "Kill me?" she laughed. "He is already going to take my life. Possibly very soon. Why shouldn't I take something of his before he can?" She took another pull on the flask.

Rachel felt her eyes glued to the raging woman. She'd seen her father drink before, his cheeks turning red with mirth. She'd seen the men and women of Demin lose control during town celebrations, but she had never seen an alcohol-fueled rage like this. Cynthia's eyes burn with pure fire.

"Give me the flask, Cynthia." Rachel turned her head from the rabid girl to see Kathryn walking towards her with determination.

"Kathryn, she's not in her right mind. Just let her be," Karen pleaded.

"I can see that well enough Karen," Kathryn answered, not stopping her advance. "But if Alice was to see her like this, if Magnus was to catch her...We have to put it back before anyone notices. We could all be held culpable."

"Don't you touch me you filthy greyskin," Cynthia hissed, backing away. Kathryn was undeterred. Rachel watched as she reached out and grabbed hold of Cynthia's wrist.

"I said, give it to me," Kathryn repeated.

"And I said don't touch me!" Cynthia yanked her arm back sharply and the smell of alcohol filled the air as it splashed from the flask onto the floor and all over Kathryn's skirt as she managed to pull it from the drunk girl's grasp.

"What is going on in here?"

Rachel felt her body turn to ice at the sound of the new voice behind her and turned to see Alice standing in the doorway, her expression stony.

"Alice I..." Kathryn began.

"Come here, Kathryn," Alice said, her voice entirely cold.

Rachel could see Kathryn hesitate for a moment, but she quickly mastered herself and walked to Alice, leaving Cynthia and Karen frozen in terror.

"Now give me the flask."

Kathryn did so, her eyes downcast.

"Look at me," Alice demanded.


Rachel cried out in shock as Alice slapped Kathryn hard across the face.

"Don't you ever attempt to hide something like this from me again," The old woman snarled. "Look at you. You are covered in alcohol and standing here holding stolen property from your Master's study. Do you know what could have happened if he caught you?"

"Alice I..." Rachel could see the tears in Kathryn's eyes as she tried to answer Alice's anger.

"No excuses," Alice snapped, cutting her off sharply. "You should know better. Now go back to your quarters and change immediately. Bring the soiled clothes to me when you are through and be certain you are not seen by your Master or any of Magnus's men. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Ma'am," Kathryn answered, her eyes focused on the floor again. She quickly disappeared from sight.

Rachel watched as Alice strode through the hall, her glare somehow encompassing them all in one fell swoop.

"It wasn't Kathryn's fault." Rachel was shocked to hear the words of protest spilling out of her own lips. But Alice had to know how unfair she was being! Still, Rachel instantly regretted speaking when the old woman focused on her.

"I just mean..." she tried, doing her best to find words in her mouth while facing Alice's hard gaze. "Kathryn isn't the one who..."

Alice held up a hand to stop her. "I am well aware, Rachel," she said calmly, her attention turning back to Cynthia and her friend.

"Tell me, Cynthia," Alice said, "do you hate me so much?"

The older girl didn't answer, her arms crossed, a resentful scowl plastered across her face, though Rachel noticed a bit of fear now laced in her expression.

"Do you hate me enough to seek my destruction at the cost of your friend's lives?"

The words sent shivers down Rachel's spine.

"My position on this estate is provisionary," Alice continued. "If I lose control of Magnus's slaves, if he was to suspect that I had for even a moment, everything that we have here could be lost in an instant. Do you despise me enough to put all of the women here in danger? To risk that they might fall under the control of a brutal sibla overseer?" She shook her head. "It worries me how little sense you seem to have, Cynthia."

"She is only concerned," Karen said in defense, her voice shaky. "It is getting colder and..."

"Do you think I am oblivious to that fact?" Alice answered, now staring down Cynthia's friend. "No excuses. I expect this mess cleaned up immediately."

"And tomorrow I will die," Cynthia mumbled. Alice only shook her head again in frustration.

"Make sure she is given plenty of water, Karen," Alice said, ignoring Cynthia's comment altogether. "She must be sober as soon as possible and stay away from the main house until she is presentable again.

"You see, Cynthia," Alice said, addressing the drunk girl once more. "I am no monster. I would never do anything to see the death of one of our own hastened. But I will tell you this, I cannot allow a threat to remain among us. I give every one of my flock one chance to step out of line, but you have used yours now. Magnus will never know of what happened here today, but if you do anything else that might compromise the safety of the other humans on this estate I will have no choice but to take action."

Rachel heard Cynthia mumble something else under her breath, though whether is was an apology or insult she couldn't be certain.

"Sit down, Cynthia," Alice said, taking the girl's arm firmly in her grasp, dragging her to a chair by the hearth and forcing her down. "Karen, once you have cleaned up this mess you will make certain she is escorted back to her bed to sleep this off. I will tell Magnus she is ill. Give her strong coffee when she awakes and do not let her out of the the slave quarters until you are certain she is in her right mind. Is that understood? "

Rachel watched Karen nod. Her mind raced as she watched the scene unfolding in front of her. Was Alice really going to protect Cynthia after what she had done? Could Kathryn have been right about the old woman all this time? But she had slapped Kathryn! She'd been so unfair. None of this seemed to make any sense.

"And as for you, Rachel," Alice said. "I want you to come back to the kitchen with me. I do not wish for you to roam without supervision for the rest of the day."

Rachel nodded and followed obediently, leaving the drunk girl and her friend behind.

By the time they returned to the kitchen, dinner meal preparation was already in full swing, the other girls hard at work.

"You are late for lunch," Alice said, her tone and demeanor still cold. "There is a sandwich for you on the counter if you are hungry." She nodded towards a filled plate.

"I'm fine," Rachel said. After what she had witnessed she didn't have much of an appetite. And Cynthia's words still rang in her head. The fall slaughter was coming.Would she be one of the ones to die? Would Kathryn? She wasn't certain which prospect sounded worse. She certainly didn't want to be killed, but how could she keep living knowing that she might have caused the death of her best friend? The only one who had really been kind to her. And what would she do without the older girl by her side?

Alice only gave a small snort in reply and shook her head.


Kathryn eventually joined them again and immediately set to work, not daring to interact with Alice at all until the old woman left, announcing that she would be eating alone in her own quarters. Rachel tried to catch Kathryn's eye as they worked. She wanted to make sure she was ok, but her friend almost seemed to be avoiding her as well.

Kathryn remained quiet all through dinner, making Rachel's usual seat next to her strangely awkward. None of the others seemed to have any idea that something was amiss and Rachel hated how the weight of what she had seen sat heavily in her belly making it hard to eat.

But Olivia was her usual bubbly self, seemingly oblivious as she chatted with the others, not noticing Kathryn's conspicuous silence or Karen and Cynthia's absence. In fact, no one did. All of the others enjoyed their meal and left soon after. Kathryn and Rachel were scheduled to clean after all. As the rest of the women headed off to the slave hall Rachel wondered if the smell of alcohol had been erased by now.

"I don't need your help if you are tired," Kathryn said once her friends were gone. "Or if you want to go and enjoy yourself with them, that's fine too. Some time alone might do me good."

Rachel didn't know what to say. She certainly didn't want to bother Kathryn if she wanted privacy, but Rachel knew that she herself didn't want to be on her own right now. And she still couldn't help but worry about the events that had transpired earlier.

"I'm so sorry," she ended up blurting out. "Is he really going to kill you because of me?"

Kathryn shook her head and managed a small smile that didn't quite pass for convincing. "It doesn't matter Rachel," she said. "Even if my life comes to an end, it certainly won't be your fault. With the season change, we all know some will die. It is inevitable."

Rachel felt her eyes brim with tears.

"Come here," Kathryn said, holding open her arms. Rachel ran into them with abandon and let her tears drip onto Kathryn's chest as the older girl hugged her close.

"It's going to be ok," Kathryn assured her, stroking Rachel's hair. "Cynthia never should have said such things."

"But it was Alice too," Rachel sobbed. "She was so unfair to you. What if she tells Magnus what happened!"

"She won't," Kathryn assured her. "And she was not unfair. Alice was entirely right. I should never have tried to engage with Cynthia, but reported the incident immediately."

"But then you would have been like a greyskin," Rachel answered, surprised that Kathryn would suggest such a thing.

"No, Rachel," Kathryn said solemnly. "I would have been watching out for the entire flock, just as Alice does. She was only upset because she worries for us."

She worries for herself , Rachel thought, though she didn't dare say it aloud. Alice had said as much. She would lose her position in they rebelled. What if that was the only reason she had covered up Cynthia's transgression?

"Whatever happens, Rachel, we will get through it," Kathryn said, grabbing her shoulders and forcing her gaze. "Death will come eventually, but in the meantime, we will make the most of every moment we have. Do you understand? That's all any of us can do."

Rachel nodded and Kathryn pulled her in close again for a hug before placing a kiss on the top of her head.

"Now let's clean up and go to bed," Kathryn said, loosing her hold.


Well that was a bit of excitment...hehe. Thoughts on the chapter? Rachel seems to have adjusted to life in her new home, but the danger is not gone. What did you think of Cynthia's accusations? Of Alice's reaction? Did the slight time skip forward work ok for you? Let me know! Also, can I just say how exciting it is that so many people are following this story? You are all the best! Know that I really do appreciate any and all comments/critique and LOVE to hear from readers. And if you are enjoying the story, don't forget to vote! :-)

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