Chapter 11: In Need of Aid

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"I will still be holding on,
To everything with holding on to..."
-From "Anything Worth Holding on To" by Scott Alan

About a month crawled by, and she started to feel sick every single day. She didn't think much about it... until she noticed all of her clothes were starting to get tight around her stomach. She knew immediately that she was pregnant; and she knew that it was his, Enjolras's, baby. He had planted his seed and this was the result.  She had so many emotions at once. She wanted to cry because Enjolras wasn't there to be with her; he would have been so happy; them starting a family together. When she had to stop working because of her pregnancy, she simply told everyone that her baby's father had died at the barricade. No one bothered to ask many questions at that; a lot of people had lost someone. She told the whole story only person she could trust; Madame Lefluer.
"Do you have anyone to go to? I'll keep the apartment for you."
"Yes, there's Marius."

Marie packed up some of her things and went to Marius's house. She was scared; would Marius believe her? Would he turn her away? A servant let her in.
She waited anxiously for Marius to come. She had only worked in houses this big. It felt like forever when Marius came to see her.
"My name is Marie. I was Enjolras's sweetheart. We were going to get married. He said to come to you if I need anything. I need your help now; I'm pregnant, with his child."
Marius's face went blank.
"I knew there was something about the name." he took Marie by the hand and led her down the hall. "Come with me, I'll tell you what happened that night at the barricade." Marius took her into a sitting room. A woman about Marie's age was sitting in a chair.
"This is my wife; Cossette."
Marie introduced herself and Marius sat her down by the fireplace. Marius took a deep breath and began to tell his story:

"It was during the final attack. Gavroche had been killed and we were willing to fight to the bitter end.  I was wounded, but Cossette's father saved me. Before I blacked out, I saw Enjolras die. He went down fighting and was the last one of us to fall. Before he died, I heard him say a name; Marie. He died calling for you. I still hear him say it some nights."
"I saw, but, that's not all," Marie said softly. "He didn't die right away; I held him as he was..." Marie couldn't say anymore; she broke down and cried. She felt like a fool crying in front of two strangers. Marius put his hands on her shoulders. Marie felt some movement inside of her from the baby, and she stopped crying just long enough to rub her just starting to show stomach. After she dried her eyes, Marius finished his account.
"I was going to try and find you, but then Cossette and I got married and her father died."
"I met Cossette's father; he told me you were alive. I never thanked him."

It was decided that Marie would stay with them. They moved her into an extra bedroom. Marie was grateful for the help, but she almost missed the familiar surroundings around the apartment. She and Cossette struck up a fast friendship, which helped Marie feel a little happier.

About a month later, Marie noticed an ad in the paper. A woman was looking for information; her son, who was killed at the barricade, was found with a woman's shawl folded under his head. The woman said she wanted the owner of the shawl to come forward. Reading the article Marie knew instantly.
The woman was Enjolras's mother, and the shawl was Marie's.
    A few days later, Marie went over to Enjolras's mother's house. Marius and Cossette went with her for support, which Marie felt she needed. Marie had never felt so nervous, so scared. And the only support she had was a few new friends.

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