Chapter 12: Angenette

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"But who knows?
Just maybe,
We may just save
Each other..."
-From "Shadow Woman" by Kathy Lee Gifford

A maid led her into a room. An older woman was standing by a partly curtained window, only letting a little light.
    "You know something about my son?" she asked, sounding tired and sad at the same time.
    "Yes, I put the shawl under his head. Your son, Madame..."
    "Please, just call me Angenette. I have no son, and now no husband. I have to know what happened to my son."
    Marie took a deep breath. Should she tell this woman the whole truth? She knew she had to, for his sake.
    "Your son loved me very much; and I loved him. He was with me the night before the revolution. He gave me your ring and asked me to marry him when he came back; I said yes. He took his last breath in my arms. And, I know you might not believe this, I'm carrying his child."
    Angenette stared at her, but from the look on her face, Marie knew she believed her. The woman walked over to Marie. She led her over to a sofa and sat her down.
    "I knew that only someone close to him would do something like that. I gave him the ring when he moved out; to give to a woman he loved. I just never realized he had found one before he died. My husband died a few weeks ago; from sadness more than anything. I am now a widow and childless. I have no one to pass on our family's wealth. I will make sure that you and your child have everything you need, Enjolras would have wanted that."
    "Madame, thank you! I don't know what to say...."
    "Just take good care of my grandchild, and let me help now and then. You may be like the daughter I never had."
    "Did you get the last letter from him?" Marie asked, suddenly remembering.
    "There was a letter in his body, but it was so covered with his blood that no one could read it."
    Eventually, Marie brought Marius and Cossette into the conversation. It was decided that Marie would stay with them until Angenette could get her a place of her own if she wanted. They would also say, for appearance's sake, that Marie and Enjolras were married when he died. As long as no one asked questions, the secret should stay hidden.

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