Chapter 21: Happiness and Heartbreak

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"If I surrender will it hurt me like it did back then?"
-from "And There It Is" by Scott Alan

Marie had wanted to hear those words for so long, but they hurt at the same time. She was too afraid to say them back, for fear of giving her love to another man and having her heart broke all over again. She continued to see Edmund, longing for his company. They even spent a wonderful weekend together, just the two of them.
One day, while at home with Danielle, Marius sat down to talk with her.
"What's been bothering you? I can see it in your face almost every day." He said, concerned. 
"I'm afraid to tell Edmund that I love him." Marie said. Marius looked at her trying to think of what to say.
"I think Enjolras would want you to be happy."
"But can Edmund love another man's child?"
"If he loves you, he'll love your daughter."

    But Marie wasn't so sure. Feeling so alone, she walked to a place where she hadn't been in a long time; Enjolras's apartment. She unlocked the door, walking into the cold, empty space. She sat at the table; a year and a half ago, she was having dinner with Enjolras.
"Marie! It's been so long!" said a familiar voice. Madame Lefluer stuck her head in the room, walking over to the table.
    "I heard you had your baby." The older woman said, sitting down.
    "Yes, a little girl. She's beautiful and healthy."
    "Do you still miss him?" Madame Lefluer asked. There was no need to say who she meant.
    "Every day; I still haven't taken the ring off."
    "You know, Enjolras told me he was going to propose to you."
    "He did, when?"
    "It was three days before the revolution. He ran into me when I was doing laundry. He looked at me and said, 'Madame, you know the young woman who delivers your vegetables? I met her just a few months ago. I'm going to ask her to marry me.' I'll never forget how happy he looked. I told him that I couldn't be happier for him. And the night before the revolution, I saw you two together, and I knew that he loved you."
    "I met someone," Marie said. "His name is Edmund. I love him and he loves me, but I'm afraid he won't be able to love another man's baby. I want to marry him, I want to love him; but I'm scared."
    "Now, you listen here," Madame Lefluer said sharply. "Enjolras loved you; he knew there was a chance that he was going to die. He asked you to marry him because he wanted to spend what time he had left with you. I know that he wanted you to be happy, no matter what happened to him. Life is too short to spend your time mourning for him; be with Edmund, if you love him and he makes you happy, tell him."
    "Thank you, Madame!" Marie said, hugging the older woman fondly. "Those were just the words I needed to hear."

Marie rushed back to Marius and Cossette's house as fast as she could; she would tell Edmund soon; maybe even tonight. Arriving at Marius's house, her mood turned sour.
"Andre! What are you doing here?"
His answer would change everything in that moment.
"I know."

At first, Marie tried to lie her way around it.
"You know what?" she asked.
"That you and Enjolras never got married, that your child is born out of wedlock. Why is my aunt giving you the inheritance?"
"Because I have her son's child. Isn't that enough?"
"I also know about you and Edmund; that you're together. Doesn't seem right does it; a grieving, young, unwed mother sleeping with another man? What will people think? What would they say about you two if that secret came out; if both secrets were revealed?"
"I needed comfort and Edmund gave it! And what happened between Enjolras and I is none of your concern."
"You could have always asked me if you need a little...pleasure; I would have given it." Andre said in a deadly whisper, moving a little too close for Marie's comfort.
"You disgust me!" she yelled, backing away, but realizing she was cornered, like prey. "I don't love you; I love Edmund!"
"I have a better idea; marry me. I'll get the money, make sure you're taken care of, and, if you're good, I might think of adopting your child."
"She has a name! What do you mean 'you might'?"
"She could be raised by your friends, or my aunt, or a convent school like you were."
"I'll never give up my child!" Marie cried.
"If you marry me, you can keep her on one condition; you must never see Edmund again. Tell him what you want, just make sure he knows he can't see you. Do I make myself clear?" Andre whispered; his breath hot on her neck, his hand clawing around her wrist, pulling her close to him.
"Yes." Marie said firmly, while the tears streamed down her face.

Edmund showed up at the house unexpectedly that night. He took Marie out to the back garden. He looked like he really wanted to tell her something important. He seemed so happy, and Marie's heart ached with what she was going to tell him. The words, when she had to tell him, were so hard to say.
"Edmund, I can't see you anymore." Marie said slowly.
"Why?" he asked, sounding more surprised than hurt.
"I don't love you, Edmund; I can't be with you."
"Is it because of Danielle? I told you I'd love her like my own..."
"No, I just...can't be with you...anymore."
"Marie, please, was it something I did?" Edmund said, upset.
"Just go, Edmund!" Marie said tearfully, running back into the house.
Edmund stood, dumbstruck. He was going to ask Marie to marry him tonight. Now, she couldn't even look at him.
"Why are you fighting this?" was all he could say to her.

Marie cried herself to sleep that night, for the second time.

For a whole week, Edmund racked his brains for what to say to Marie. He didn't care if she said she didn't love him; he had to tell her how he felt. When he was ready, he went to Marius's house and asked for Marie.
"You didn't hear?" Cossette asked. "She's marrying Andre tomorrow."

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