Chapter 22: The Wedding

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"I had a dream my life would be
So different from this hell I'm living
So different now from what it seemed
Now life has killed the dream I dreamed.
-from "I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Miserables

The next day, Marie stood in the bride's room, looking at herself in the mirror, her veil feeling heavy on her head, her wedding dress feeling too tight and constricted to move in. She had dreamed of a wedding her whole life, but there would be no joy for her on this day. Today, after so much heartbreak, she was going to marry a man she did not love. Andre had made it clear; marry him or face the shame. Andre had made her take the ring Enjolras had given her off; which hurt so much. Marie gave it to Enjolras's mother, who promised to take care of it; that Danielle would have it someday. She tried to remember that she was doing this for Danielle; the child of a man she had loved with all her heart and who was taken from her so suddenly. This was not supposed to happen!
If only Enjolras hadn't died; they would had been already married and happy; having the family and life that they had dreamed of. The memories of him were as painful as they were happy and wonderful. They would at least always have that one night. Maybe she should have told Edmund she loved him sooner. Now, she would never have the chance to tell him of her feelings for him. Stupid girl! Getting into this mess in the first place; getting pregnant, being with another man whom she loved but couldn't say the words; she had given into desire, to loneliness, to passion. She had made too many mistakes; waited too long. Unable to keep back the tears of anguish, sobbing at the vanity, she cried. Tears for the two men she loved and lost; one to violence and one to shame and tears for the broken dreams of a lifetime with them that she would never have. Marie cried until she couldn't cry anymore. She heard the door to the room opening. Turning and wiping her eyes, she was surprised to see who it was; someone she was both glad and nervous to see.

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