~Chapter Thirteen~

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Alex's (POV)

         "And this is where our farmhands live." Don explains.

          I glance out the front window, noticing that we're on a decent sized hill that's a good distance away from the big farm house, where those buildings are I saw last week when I arrived.

       Yawning, I check the clock on the cars dashboard.

12:40. P.M.

We've been all over the five-hundred acre land, Don showing me the fields, cows, and more fields.

         The big barn was probably the most interesting. Large round bales of hay stacked dangerously high, a variety of tractors, and even a couple ATV's spread around inside.

        But to be honest, I'm kinda glad this is the final stop. You can only look at so many acres of flat land before it gets boring.

          The four small square houses sit in a straight line. Three show obvious signs of use while the fourth looks empty.

         Yup, looking closer I see the three have their outside lights on.

         Wasting electricity.

        "Where are they?" Don mumbles to himself, impatiently checking his phone.

         He gets out, Mack following his lead.

         Yawning once again, I open the door, stepping out into the warm air.

         Those pills are already making me drowsy again.

          Don looks around with a puzzled expression on his face. "They should be here." He grumbles, scratching the back of his head. "It's lunchtime."

         "They're probably just late, Don." Mack deadpans, looking just as bored as I am.

           But I guess it was better to go outside then just mope around the house all morning.

             The sound of gravel crunching reaches my ears, and I turn around to face the way we'd come.

There's a small rusty looking black truck heading up the driveway, dust flying behind it.

          "Ah, there they are." Don says.

          Time to meet more people.

          Sweat drips down my back from both the heat and anxiety.

           The truck pulls into one of the three parking spot left, two people getting out. One tall, the other shorter.

             They walk up to us. "Boss, is Lucy not feeding you enough lunch it's to the point you gotta come steal some of ours?" The shorter one with a big smile jokes to Don.

             "Real funny." Don says, a small smirk on his lips. "Guys, I wanted to introduce you to our new family member that I told y'all about."

I feel a pang in my chest.

           Except I'm not really family.

           Don gestures towards the tall man. "Alex, this is Mr. Bill March." Then he gestures to the smaller man. "And this smarty pants here is Mr. Ben Finch." Don looks over at me. "Everyone, this is Alex Rider."   

             Mr. March looks to be about six foot six, lanky with long black hair. Dark green eyes quietly observe me, his features showing that he's probably in his late thirties.

            Mr. Finch has a young face, easily somewhere in his early twenties. A mop of untamed red hair sits on his head, humorous blue eyes staring over at me. He's shorter then me, probably five foot nine, an obvious muscular build showing through his shirt.

           "Just Ben." He reaches out for a handshake.

           We do a quick shake, and I immediately stuff my hands in my pockets once we're done.

           Mr. March gives me a simple nod. I return one.

           "Alex Rider." Ben says, trying it out. "That's an awesome name!" His eyes light up, and he smiles. "Sounds like a superhero, or even some sort of spy's name." He excitedly says, almost jumping up and down like a five year old would over a piece of candy.

           Shock hits me like a brick wall, and I stare wide eyed over at him.

           He just guessed it, and doesn't even know.

          Before anyone notices my aghast reaction, I quickly look down.

         "Where's Jack?" Don asks.

           My heart stops.

           "He had things to do." Ben absentmindedly answers.

My hands grow evermore clammy, my heartbeat now thundering in my ears.

           Taking a couple deep breaths, I steady myself. He's just playing around, he doesn't know anything.

           When I feel I've controlled myself, I look back up.

          "Left him to gather the dogs up." Mr. March grumbles.


           Of course they have dogs. What farm doesn't?

           I feel my heart lurch in my chest, and I take a step back.

           "Ah, there he is!" Ben shouts, pointing down the driveway towards another truck that's showed up out of nowhere.

            "Oh, hey Mack!" Ben slaps Mack hard on the back, just now noticing him.

             "Ow! Take it easy man, you trying to break my back?" Mack groans, a smile making its way on his face.

              The other truck pulls into the parking spot next to Mr. March's truck.

              My eyes stay glued to the tinted windows where I see movement.

            A man who must be Jack, gets out. He's around six foot, looks to be in his mid sixties, gray hair with a full beard, a stocky build.

              But what leaves me frozen in fear, are the two dogs that jump out after he opens the back door.

             My mouth suddenly feels dirt dry, my hands that are stuffed in my pockets now noticeably shaking.

             I unfreeze as they start walking towards us, taking a couple steps back so I'm standing behind Don.

            Don looks back at me with a raised brow, but doesn't say anything.

            The dogs bark in excitement as they notice there's company waiting to meet them.

             I flinch at each one.

             Peaking around Don, I find myself examining the dogs.

The smaller one has a red coat with brown spots and one blue eye. Which I don't know what breed he is. The other one I know is a border collie. She's has a simple black and white coat, hypnotizing blue eyes.

          The red one jumps up on Mack, and I feel my breath catch in my throat.

          "Down Diesel." A rough voice commands. Immediately Diesel sits, tail wagging.

           Jack comes to a stop in front of everyone, the collie sitting obediently by his feet.

            Looking around, I notice everyone's staring over at me with confused expressions on their faces.

            Flushing red, I force myself to stand beside Don.

I mean, just so long as they don't jump on me I'll be fine....


            "Alex, this is Mr. Jack Hale." Don introduces.

             Ben buts in. "Except don't ever call him by his full name, only Don is allowed. I learned that the hard way." He frowns before rubbing the back of his head.

            Don gives Ben the stink eye. "Jack, this is Alex." He continues.

            Jack's eyes land on me, and I feel myself involuntarily shrink as he studies me with cold, calculating eyes.

             "Pleasure." He says.

            For a moment my mind flashes back to something else.

A smile.

Amusing bright blue eyes.

           I quickly come back to the present before I get too wrapped up.

Don't think about it.

          Mr. March grumbles something to Don, then heads towards one of the houses.

            "Don, Ben, give me a hand would you." Jack asks, heading towards his truck. Dogs following obediently after him.

            I feel myself breath easier as the dogs head further away.

           There's a sudden yell from my left, and I immediately look back over towards where Mr. March had gone.

            He's up against the door that he just opened, his arms outstretched as if to grab something. And there, barreling out the door, is a large black and brown dog.

           My heart literally stops, eyes widening in shock as I notice two important things.

          1.) That dog is the exact same breed from my nightmares. Seeing it in full light now, I finally make out what breed they used all those times to torment me.

           Doberman Pinschers.

         2.) It's running straight at me.

         "Duke! Heel." Someone shouts.

          Not having anytime to actually do anything, I just barely manage to throw my arms up in time to cover my face.

           I gasp as something heavy barrels into me, the force knocking me down to the hard gravel ground with a thump.

           I cry out as sharp teeth pierce the skin directly beneath my right elbow, a hot slobbery mouth enveloping my arm.

          Going into panic mode, I start thrashing around, my eyes sealed shut. People are shouting, but I can't hear them through the haze of panic.

         Finally, the pressure is released from my chest, the teeth disappearing.

         I slowly open my eyes.

        Don and Jack are restraining a struggling Duke, the other two dogs running around while barking in excitement.

       I feel a hot tear roll down my cheek, my body trembling all over, a tightness growing in my chest.

       Barking, there's too much barking!



       Bars shaking.

       Alone in the darkness, trembling in terror.

        Curling up on the ground, I reach up to cover my ears, trying to stop the flashback that's currently making itself known.

       Teeth ripping into my calf like it's a juicy steak......clamped on, never letting go....a red liquid pooling on the ground like a river.

      Blood everywhere!

      I feel more than hear my breathing switch to hyperventilating, my lungs not wanting to work properly.

      Can't catch my breath!

      I jump as someone touches my arm.

     "Alex." Mack hesitantly says, obvious concern in his voice.

       Ignoring Mack who's crouched in front of me, I look behind him. Everyone's staring over at me, and that's when I realize I'm basically having a panic attack in front of these people I just met.

       Don's holding onto Diesel, concern stretched across his face.

       Mr. March is still in the doorway, eyes wide as he stares over at me.

      Ben has a very confused/concerned look on his face, almost like he can't decide how to react.

      Jack's simply staring at me, a thoughtful expression on his face: examining.

      I feel an overwhelming embarrassment.

      I shakily get to my feet, my eyes still glued to everyone else. Turning, I immediately run towards the safety of the truck. Opening the back door, I get in, slamming it shut behind me.

      Scooting over towards the opposite side, I pull my legs up, wrapping my trembling arms around them, wincing when I feel a sharp sting.

      Slowly, I pull my right shirt sleeve back, revealing the minor bite.

       It's not that bad.

       But I can't control the panic that comes bubbling up to the surface once I see it, once I take it all in.

       Frantically, I take my other sleeve, attempting to wipe away the blood that's now seeping out from the bite, tears blurring my eyesight.

       Blood everywhere.

       My chest feels like it's about to explode.

       Can't get enough oxygen!

       I take a deep shuddering breath, my chest squeezing in more panic as all it comes out in is a strangled gasp for air.

       Placing my arms back around my legs, I continue to try and control my breathing that's now getting completely out of hand.

       My throat feels too tight, mouth horribly dry - like sandpaper.

       I inhale.

       Tears blur my vision, mouth trembling.

       Can't exhale!

       I grab the door handle, needing something solid to hold onto as my lungs spasm in their vain attempt to exhale.

       "Alex, breath."

      I glance over to my right as I hear a voice, only to see Don standing with the car door open, strategically holding it so no one can see in.

       "Calm down." He gently says, face drawn with worry.

        Choking, I finally gasp out a decent breath.

        I place my forehead on top of my knees, taking deep shuddering breaths that shake my whole body.

       "We're going back to the house now." Don announce, shutting the door before walking over to the drivers side.

       I hear the passengers side door open.


       I hear them whisper to each other, only I can't make out anything through the sound of a rapid heartbeat in my ears.

       I feel the truck move, then we're headed down the hill.

       We stop after a few minutes, and I don't bother with looking up. The door opens that I'm sitting next to, a gust of wind blowing inside.

        Don helps me down from the truck, and I almost gasp out loud as I step onto my right leg, a deep phantom pain running through my calf.

        Wrapping my arms around myself, I take a couple more deep breaths, already finding it easier to breath now that we're farther away from the dogs.

        "Come on, lets go take a seat inside." Don places a comforting arm around my shoulders, leading me into the house. Mack quietly following.

         Don's probably afraid I'm gonna bolt up to my room and lock the door.

         Once inside, Don has me and Mack sit on the sofa. "I'll be right back. No one go anywhere." He looks specifically over at Mack, then walks into the kitchen.

        I lean back against the sofa, pulling my legs back up to my chest.

        I'm still scared.

        Don's getting Lucy, which means......

       With an unsteady hand, I quickly try wiping any leftover tears away. My mouth still trembling, waiting for me to let my bottled emotions out.

        That was my nightmares all over again....my past.

        "I'm sorry."

         I whip my gaze over towards Mack, unsure of what I just heard.

        "W-What?" I hoarsely ask.

        He sighs. "I'm sorry about the soccer incident, okay." He runs a hand through his short hair, agitation clearly in his actions - like all this is too much for him. "I should've looked before I kicked."

        He's forgiving me now? Right after I just freaked out over....dogs.

        I'm not really sure what to think of that.

       I give him a slight nod in acknowledgement, not trusting myself to talk.

        He turns to the TV. Grabbing the controller, he switches it on.

        Lucy comes in holding a small container, Don following.

        She wordlessly sits down beside me, her warm examining eyes taking one look at my face before she suddenly wraps her arms around my shoulders, gently pulling me towards her.

        I resist for a second, but as I feel hot tears begin to fall from my eyes once again, I give in. Laying my head on her shoulder, I wrap my left arm around her torso, keeping my right firmly tucked against my stomach.

       I completely breakdown, the terror from practically reliving one of my nightmares too great to keep inside.

      My body shakes from large sobs as Lucy slowly rocks me back and forth, her hand comfortably rubbing my shoulder.

      So this must be what it's like to have a mother.

       After a few more minutes, I'm finally reduced to hiccups and only slight trembling. My breathing has basically gone back to normal, chest no longer feeling like it's going to explode.

       My calf only throbbing now.

       But my arm....

       I tense up.

       She'll want to look at it, which means they'll all see my wrist.

       Mrs. Jones had said I could trust them. I didn't believed her then.

       I can't trust anyone.

        But judging from this whole week, I think I believe her now. They might actually care about me.

       I've only been here for eight days, but I think I've already grown attached to them....even maybe trusting them....?


       Now him I'm not really sure about. But I don't think he's really a bad person in general.

       Lucy slowly unwraps her arms from around me, and I look down at my lap, feeling almost....ashamed.

       "Feel better now?" She quietly asks.

      I nod my head in reply.

      Using her right hand, she places it under my chin, lifting my head up to face hers.

       "Are you alright?" She sincerely asks.

        I shrug my shoulders, my eyes falling back down to my lap.

        She gently takes my right arm with both her hands, holding it up to inspect.


        I feel my stomach twist.

       Blood soaks through my sleeve, small tears where teeth ripped the fabric.

        Looking around, I'm surprised to see Don is sitting on the other side of me, Mack still pretending to watch the screen when his attention is obviously over here.

         "Can I look at your arm?" Lucy asks.

          Such a simple question. 

          But I'm not a simple person.

          My heart speeds back up, sweat trickling down my face.

           Hesitantly, I nod my head knowing I have no other choice.

            She gives me a small reassuring smile, then with dainty fingers, she starts rolling my sleeve up.

          Going around my trembling wrist is a discoloration that looks somewhat similar to a bruise. Only it's a inch wide bruise that goes all the way around my wrist.

            Where I hung from chains for a whole month.

            My heart speeds up, an invisible hand closing around my throat.

            Lucy pauses, looking down at it with wide eyes. Glancing over, I see Mack is also staring at it, mouth open in astonishment.

            I don't bother looking over at Don. He probably has the same expression anyway.

            "Alex, what happened?" Lucy whispers in disbelief.

            My chest tightens, my body automatically shrinking up.

            I can't tell them.

            "I-I don't want t-to t-talk about it." I stumble out, another tear sliding down my cheek.

             She deflates, and I instantly feel horrible. They've done so much for me and yet, I can't tell them anything.

          No, not can't.


         "N-Not right now." I add, wiping my face on my shoulder in a attempt to get the stray tears.

           She seems to except that for the moment, resuming her job on rolling my sleeve up.

           Don lightly places his hand on my shoulder, and I look over at him. "We're here for you, Alex." His eyes hold only sincerity, his hand comforting.

             My heart jumps.

             Maybe I do have a family...?

             I look him in the eye, whispering out two words.

            "Thank you."


       Hi guys!!👋🏻

      Sorry for the late update.😇

      Oh!! So if you've read my profile page then you'll know that we have chickens here, and about two weeks ago, we hatched three chicks!! Sadly only one made it.😓

       But that's the life of having chickens.


        She'll be two weeks old on Tuesday!! Her mother (penguin) is taking great care of her.😃

     Isn't she adorable???


      Special thanks to PhilippaAW1!!!

      And thanks to everyone!!

      PLEASE Comment/Vote!!!

       Next update should be tomorrow....hopefully. 😁

       So the next chapter will be in Don's POV of what happened in this chapter.

        Thanks again!!

And this is Lottie now! (March 17, 2017) She's so big. 😭😭 Almost five months old. (Big difference from that little chick up there 😉)

Edited: 6/7/17

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