~Chapter Fourteen~

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Don's (POV)

          "Everyone, this is Alex Rider." I introduce.

            Bill honestly looks like he could care less, and Ben of course is excited as ever.

           That's just their personalities.

           "Just Ben." He reaches out for a handshake, and for a second I don't think Alex will return the gesture.

           Alex hesitates for a moment, but miraculously reaches out for a quick handshake before immediately stuffing his hands back in his pockets.

          Bill just gives a stiff nod, Alex returns one.

          Well, this is going better than I thought it would. I'll admit I was actually a little nervous about introducing Alex to them, but it had to be done.

           After all, he is a part of this family now.

           "Alex Rider." I look over at Ben as I hear his voice. "That's an awesome name!" He suddenly gets that look in his eyes when he thinks of something. "Sounds like a superhero, or even some sort of spy's name." He continues.

            You do have to admit that he does have a pretty cool name.

           I glance over at Alex, who to my surprise is staring wide eyed over at Ben. Quickly, as if realizing he shouldn't have done that, he reverts his face back to its usual emotionless facade, looking down at the grown.

        What was all that about?

       Getting back to business, I ask about the one person who's missing from this group.

      "Where's Jack?"

        Ben shifts his feet uneasily around. "He had things to do."

         I raise a brow.

         They must have left him to do something by himself, as in they deserted him. Great, now Jack won't be in a good mood.

          "Left him to gather the dogs up." Bill grumbles.

           I'm sure that was only the half of it.

           These two are always leaving things for Jack to do by himself, finding excuses to get away. And he's older than both their ages combined.

             But in the end they all get along okay, they just like picking on each other. Yup, I couldn't ask for better farmhands.

            "Ah, there he is!" I cringe as Ben practically shouts in my ear.

             Looking down the driveway, I make out the familiar blue truck.

            "Oh, hey Mack!" Ben slaps Mack on his back.

            "Ow! take it easy man, you trying to break my back?" Mack grumbles, a smile showing up on his face despite his anger.

             Rolling my eyes, I watch as Jack gets out of the now parked truck.

             I look over at Alex, only to frown once I take him in.

             Instantly I know something's wrong.

            Alex appears frozen in place, his hands that are stuffed in his pockets noticeably shaking as his eyes stay transfixed on Jack and the dogs.

            They start walking towards us.

           Alex suddenly unfreezes, eyes widening. He glances discreetly around before taking a couple steps so he's positioned behind me.

           He looks up at me as if waiting for me to say something, but I stay quiet.

          What's wrong?

          The dogs bark, and I watch speechless as he flinches at each one.

          My mind flashes back to the picnic we had for the Fourth of July, how he acted like that towards the fireworks.

           Putting the pieces together, I glance from the dogs, back to Alex.

           He's afraid of dogs...?

           I look back over towards Diesel and Skye.

           From the corner of my eye, I see Alex peek around me, his attention solely on the dogs. Maybe he'll see they don't mean him any harm?

           Diesel runs towards us, jumping up on Mack who's a couple feet away from us. His tail wagging like a flag in the wind as Mack strokes his head.

           Always trying to get all the attention.

          "Down Diesel." Jack's rough voice commands, Diesel immediately obeying.

         That's to be expected when the man is a dog trainer, and a pretty good one at that. The dogs are technically mine, but Jack keeps them up here, training them for farm work.

         You could say he's a dog person.

         Jack comes to a stop a couple feet away from us, Skye sitting at his feet. Now she's the obedient one.

          Ben, Bill, and Jack stare over at Alex, eyes full of confusion.

          I mean, he is standing behind me, practically using me as a shield.

          Alex seems to suddenly notice everyone's gazes, his face flushing red as he stiffly moves to stand next to me. So close his arm brushes against mine.

           Hopefully he'll be fine......

          "Alex, this is Mr. Jack Hale."  I introduce, trying to speed things along so we can go.

         Sadly Ben interrupts. "Except don't ever call him by his full name, only Don is allowed. I learned that the hard way." He rubs the back of his head, a distant look on his face.

        He really doesn't like it.

        I give Ben a 'shut it or die' look, then proceed. "Jack, this is Alex." I finish.

        He studies Alex who only tenses in response, a bad feeling beginning to grow inside me.

       "Pleasure." Jack says, his voice low and rough.

        Everyone at first always assumes that Jack is an old, uncaring man. Kinda like how they do to me, minus the old part of course. But he really isn't all that. I mean come on, he loves dogs, and he's a hard worker.

       I hired him around ten years ago, and he's survived ever since.

       Now that's saying something.

      "I'm going to eat." Bill quietly grumbles out to me, his expression bored. He gets extra grumpy when he's hungry.

      He starts heading towards Jacks' house, where all the good food is kept.

     "Don, Ben, give me a hand would you." Jack asks, walking back towards his truck.

        I glance over at Alex, who seems more relaxed now. I follow Jack to his truck, leaving Mack with Alex.

        Right as we reach the bed of the truck, I hear a surprised yell. Whipping around, I see Jacks' newest addition to his dogs race out the door in a blur of black and brown.

         My heart freezes.

        And he's heading straight towards Alex!

         "Duke! Heel." Jack tries, but only having been working with him for a couple weeks, he sadly doesn't stop.

          I run towards Alex, already knowing this is going to end in disaster.

         Quick as a flash all eighty-five pounds of Duke barrels into Alex, who's eyes are wide open, arms coming up to protect his face.

        He lands flat on his back with a thump.

        I watch powerless as Duke bites onto his right arm. Alex yells, blindly thrashing around.

       Everyone's yelling at Duke to let go, but of course it's not helping. Mack stands frozen in place a couple feet away from Alex, a stricken expression on his face.

       Duke's standing with his front legs firmly positioned on top of Alex's chest, mouth still tightly gripping his arm while Alex continues to thrash around - like it's some sick game of tug-a-war.

       I finally make it over to them, immediately grabbing onto Dukes' collar. Using my other hand, I grab the top of his muzzle. Letting go of his collar, I then use that hand to grab his bottom jaw. Prying Dukes' mouth open and moving it away from Alex's arm, I grab his collar once again, dragging him completely off Alex.

       Duke tries bolting, but Jack grabs his muzzle while simultaneously leaning down to the dogs ear, whispering words to him.

      The other two dogs go into a barking frenzy.

      I look over at Alex.

      He's still laying on the ground, his body now trembling, tears sliding down his horror-stricken face.

      He closes his eyes again, curling up on the ground as he places his hands up to his ears - like he's trying to block everything out.

     My eyes widen.

     This isn't good. The same exact thing happened on the Fourth of July.

     Diesel walks closer to Alex to investigate, tail wagging softly. I grab his collar, positive that letting him get closer will only result in more disaster.

     Noticing Alexs' breathing has picked up to almost hyperventilating, I make a move towards him when I suddenly see Mack stoop down beside him.

      He places a hand on his shoulder, calling his name.


      He slits his eyes open, completely bypassing Mack while he looks towards everyone else.

      Finding that everyone is indeed staring over at him, his face grows red again.

      In embarrassment.

      He quickly gets up, his shielded eyes watching all of us like we're a pack of hungry wolves. He gulps, then unsteadily runs towards the truck. Opening it, he climbs in, slamming it shut.

      I let go of Diesel, preparing to walk over to the truck when a firm hand grabbing my shoulder stops me.

      I look over my shoulder at Jack.

      "Maybe you should give him a minute, it might help." He advices.

      Bill clears his throat. "You didn't say you adopted a 'troubled' kid." His voice comes out distasteful.

       I feel a flash of anger.

       Bill isn't usually like this. But he does have a tendency to put lesser people below him.

       I turn so I'm facing Bill, a thunderous look on my face. "Why's it matter if we did, or didn't?" I calmly ask despite the anger I'm sure is coated all over my face.

       Bill shrugs like he doesn't care either way. "They're nothing but trouble. It's in the name."

       I blow a breath out.

       "So your saying that no one should care for them? That no one should offer a home to those who are....troubled?" I half yell, my anger getting the best of me.

         Now don't get me wrong. I care for my farmhands and I don't usually yell at them.

         But Bill has crossed the line.

        "Why don't you go inside before I do something I'm gonna regret." I quietly suggest through clenched teeth.

          Bill's face flushes with anger before he turns, heading back into the house.

         I take a couple deep breaths, placing my hands on my hips. Looking over at Mack, I see he has a shocked expression on his face.

          Either from seeing Alex like that, or from me yelling.....Probably both.

         "Boss, is Alex alright?" I turn towards a concerned Ben.

         I'm about to say something when Jack beats me to it.

        "Cynophobia." He randomly blurts out, a thoughtful look on his face.

          Ben looks confused. "A what now?"

         I agree with him.

        Jack sighs. "I wouldn't expect y'all to understand." He pats Duke - whose calmly laying on the ground now.

            Jack being a professional dog trainer - and a dog lover, likes to find dogs who people have given up on. He brings them here, works with them and does what everyone thought was impossible. Then he finds them a good home.

            I don't let Jack bring in vicious dogs, and Duke isn't usually vicious, he just has his moment.

           Jack found him about three weeks ago. Someone had been abusing him, so Jack got the police involved and now he belongs to him.

           "It's a fear of dogs." He looks from me, Mack, then Ben. "I've seen it plenty of times."

            I frown.

           That explains things, but leaves more unexplained.

           "Usually it has to do with a bad experience with dogs." He scratches his beard. "And I'm sure that must be what happened to him." He pauses. "Trust me. I'm an expert."

           But what happened?

          Alex I'm finding has more mysterious than Swiss-cheese has holes.

          "And Don." I look back over at Jack. "I think taking in Alex was a great thing." He snaps his fingers, Diesel and Skye coming to attention. "Not enough caring people in the world for those who need it"

          Alex is a great person, I can see it in him.

         "Hope he feels better." He says before heading up to his house, all three dogs following.

         "I agree with Jack." Ben says, only seriousness showing on his face. Which is something for him.

          "Thanks Ben." I tell him, appreciating the support. He nods, then walks towards Jacks' house. "Good luck." He finishes, looking over his shoulder at me.

            I glance back at Mack. "Come on."

           We walk over towards the back of the truck.

           Having Mack stay back, I open the side door.

           Inside, I see Alex has his knees up to his chest, one arm wrapped around his legs while the other holds onto the door handle.

          His face straining as he tries to breath, a bluish tint coloring his skin.

         "Alex, breath." I calmly say, trying to mask my own anxiety I can feel bubbling to the surface at just the sight of him. "Calm down."

           It seems he's having another panic attack.

          My heart speeds up as I watch Alex suffer just to breath, a horrible choking noise coming from his mouth.

          I can't stand things like this.

          He suddenly takes a deep shuddering breath that shake his already trembling body, his head angled back as he keeps the air flowing out from his lungs. The fear in his eyes lessening just a bit.

         At least he's breathing now. I don't know what I would've done if he hadn't gotten himself to relax long enough to take a decent breath.

         "We're going back to the house now." I sat out loud now that I see he's breathing better, also to reassure myself.

          Lucy will know what to do.

         Stepping back, I shut the door. "Get in." I tell Mack as I pass him.

         Getting into the drivers seat, I start the truck up. I then lean closer to Mack whose in the passengers seat. "When we get to the house I'm going to find Lucy, you stay with Alex." I whisper out.

          Mack nods.

          After a few minutes, I pull into my usual parking spot.

           I get out, opening Alex's door. Helping him down, he then wraps his arms around his chest, taking some deep breaths.

          He seems to be doing better.

          Walking to the house, I place an arm around his shoulders. "Come on, lets go take a seat inside." I gently say.

          Going into the living room, Alex takes a seat, Mack sitting a little further down.

         "I'll be right back. No one go anywhere." I look at Mack, knowing he has a tendency to run away.

         Going into the kitchen, I'm glad to see Lucy's here and not somewhere else, happily cooking at the stove top.

           I walk up to her, getting straight to the point. "Alex had another panic attack." She looks up at me with wide eyes.

          "Where is he? Is he alright?" She quickly questions, concern overcoming her.

          "He got bitten by Duke, and he's in the living room."

           She quickly turns off the stove top, grabbing the first aid kit in the cabinet before she heads out towards the living room.

          Going in, she heads straight over to a still Alex. Sitting down, she takes one look at his face before wrapping him in a hug.

          This is why I knew we needed Lucy.

         Alex resists for a second, and I see his jaw tremble, more tears filling his glassy eyes.

            He wraps one arm around her, placing his head on her shoulder before he starts full out crying. Great terrible, gut-wrenching sobs.

           I feel a sadness deep in my heart.

           He looks so...afraid.

           What's so terrible that it causes this to happen?

            I take a seat on the other side of Alex.

           After a few more minutes, Alex is reduced to just hiccups, his sobs long gone.

           Lucy pulls away. "Feel better now?" She asks.

           He nods his head, looking down. Lucy places her hand under his chin, bringing his head up to meet hers.

           "Are you alright?" She questions.

           He shrugs, avoiding eye contact.

          She pulls his right arm up to inspect the bite. "Can I look at your arm?"

          He tenses, but gives a small nod anyway.

           Slowly, she starts rolling his sleeve up.

            I've partly seen it before, but it still leaves me shocked and rooted in place. I didn't know it was this bad.

            Going around his wrist is a discoloration about an inch wide.

           No wonder he always wears long sleeves.

           And again, it reminds me somewhat of handcuffs. But not like police handcuffs, more like some other type.....

          Was he.....abused?

           It would make sense.

          Alex, what happened?" Lucy whispers out.

          He shrinks up, obviously not liking the question.

           "I-I don't want t-to t-talk about it." He stutters out, another tear falling down his cheek as he looks away.

            I feel my chest tighten.

            No one deserves this.

            "N-Not right now." He whispers out.

            He's family, and I'll wait forever if I have to.

            "We're here for you, Alex." I seriously say, hoping he'll believe me.

            He looks shocked for a moment, then he looks me in the eye.

            "Thank you."


      Hi guys!!

      Sorry for the late update, I was busier today than I thought. Had to take pictures of my nieces and nephews, so my sister (their mom) can use them for Christmas cards.
It took forever!!!!

      Sorry if this chapter kinda stinks, I kept getting interrupted. And I've been tired all day.


      Special thanks to JadeNight14!!!!!

     Next update should be Tuesday.

     VOTE!!! COMMENT!! I love it all!!😍

     And yes Cynophobia is a real word.😜

     Thanks everyone!!!


Edited: 6/8/17

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