01 - For Her...

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The principal spoke to the huge number of students at the school's auditorium. There had never been this many students before.

"....now...the student council president of this school will deliver her address. Please give a round of applause...."

I never thought...really, not even once...

"...to Nishikino Maki!!"

That I was chosen to become the student council president.


"It is with great honour that I address our fellow freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and finally our seniors as we move on to the next chapters of our lives, our hopes, and our dreams...."

With pride, I spoke to all students in the gymnasium. It was graduation day, afterall. Everyone looked at me and paid attention, although very few were having their own businesses as well. And the media, a number of them participated, focused their attention at me.

"....I know, that many if not most, of you all are aware who I am. Aware of my previous career as a school idol. Aware as a former member of the idol group u's. Aware that I am popular amongst many establishments.....but for this one special day, you should all be aware that I am speaking to you all as an ordinary student."

Many students happen to be my fans. They brought out banners saying all sorts of things: "We Love You Pile/Maki-sama", "Never Forget Us", "U's Forever", and so on. As much as appreciate their love for me, no offense, I wish all of it would stop, at least for now.

"....now, I am a graduating student. Now, I am just an ordinary girl just like all of you. And I want you all to remember that."

As I looked overhead, one of the crowds caught my attention...someone was waving a banner (written " I Love You!!") frantically at me, at the gym's gateway. I could not see much, there were too many people.

Whoever it was though, eventually he/she started jumping all over, and raising her hand as if making a gesture, it was annoying - but it helped and I caught a glimpse of the person.

It was Nico, if my eyes were correct. She was getting my attention. What's with her? I'm very busy right now.

In anycase, I just smiled, and winked at Nico, to tell her I noticed her. But...I think some people noticed that one....

"Huh? Who was she winking at!!?"

"....hey....guys....isn't that Nico Yazawa!!!?"

Before I knew it, people started gathering at the gateway and I started to hear some people saying "Nico!!!" and all. Come on, why now....


As I looked at Maki-chan, I felt something was telling me to do something, like just looking at her wasn't enough to satisfy me. I wanted her to notice me, but how do I do that when a large crowd of people surrounded me? (I. Am. Still. Short. What the hell?!!)

"Onee-chan....", my sister Cocoro pointed at a group of two girls, waving a banner with a slogan: "I Love You!!". Then I got an idea - I'll use that banner to get her attention!

"Excuse me, may I borrow that?"

The two girls turned at me.

"Huh?...Why - Aaahhh, Nico Yaza!! - (has her mouth closed.)", said one girl. The other one was quiet, probably too surprised to say anything.

"Ssssshhh....don't scream my name out, please."

I can tell they're excited, but I can't let them cause a ruckus here.

"Oh....(whispers)sorry...but...c-could....could we get your autograph?...."

"Later....okay, may I borrow that?"


I got the banner and I waved it at Maki....oh wait, I. Am. Still. Too Short!! Darn!! I tried jumping, but still I did not get Maki's attention. Then I raised my other hand, doing a "Nico Nico Nii" gesture as high up as I can.

It worked!!! Maki-chan noticed me and winked at me! Gosh, I feel so touched.

But as I was getting carried away by my feelings, some people noticed Maki was winking at me.

"Maki is winking at her fan, huh......wait....isn't that girl, Nico Yazawa!!?", said one of the journalist that noticed.

Then more people heard my name and looked at me....then pointed at me....then...yeah....you know what happened next.....


"Hey, wait a minute guys!!"

A growing number of people surrounded me and then started asking me so much stuffs. I had to get away, fast!!

"Onee-chan!! Get out of here, I'll handle them!!", my sister said to me.

"Eh!! What do you mean - "

Cocoro went to one area and tried to catch everyone's attention.

"Hey, everyone!! Nico Nico Nii!!!"

She drew a lot of people to her - oh right, Cocoro looks very much like me! She's smart to make use of that!! - I took the chance and crawled down through the crowd before they noticed the set up.

Then I ran away from the gym. Ran quickly through the cherry blossoms, the bushes, the public. I quickly hid in one of the bushes. I stayed to let the people lose sight of me - they'd notice if I headed straight for school.

I covered my face and lied deep down on the ground. While doing that, I had an internal monologue, recalling what just happened.

What a stupid, reckless move! Why did I do that!!? The moment I looked at Maki-chan I suddenly felt like I need her to notice me ASAP!! Gosh...I just acted like a fan girl back there.

Maybe because I missed her so much? Then all that insecurity inside me exploded and I just did something without thinking. I guess....

"Nico-senpai?", someone came to me and said my name. Have I been discovered!!? I looked up to find it was -

"Yukiho?!", it was Honoka's sister. She sat down to talk to me while I was lying low on the ground. Guess she did not want everyone else to see us.

"I saw you hid in the bushes here - you were running away from that crowd of people, weren't you?"

"Yeah....sorry for the trouble..."

"Hmm? Why are you apologizing? It's normal for everyone to be hyped for "Super Idol Nico" though."

I know it makes sense. Since u's disbanded, I was working hard all these years to finish the Fine Arts course I've taken at my university. At the same time, I got lucky to find someone to sponsor me and now I am officially an idol. Well...my career is still not that long, I've only held at least about two small concerts. But I guess my connections with u's helped me gain enough followers already.

"You should be happy no one is ignoring you anymore!!", she said to me while smiling.

"S-shut up!!"

"Whatever. So, are you going to stay here all day?"

"Of course not!! I'm here because I want Cocoro to see this school before she starts her first day. And....."

"And what?"

".....I promised those two people to give them their autographs. I can't just leave that all behind."

"So you're going out there? What about the fans - "

"I'll talk to them. I'll tell them not to bother me for now."

"You think it'll work?"

"I don't have a choice, they'll find me anyway."

Yukiho stood up a bit, held out her hand and pulled me up.

"I'll help you, Nico-senpai. If I were big sister (Honoka), I'd do the same."

Yukiho has grown up too. She has longer hair now, though she tied it in a ponytail. She's probably going to be a third year now. Also, I heard she has an idol group now with Eri's sister, Arisa. They have already participated in Love Live twice so far.

"Thank you, Yukiho."

We went out of the bushes to let the public see us. As expected, students noticed and called others that I was here. After a few seconds, a lot of people came to me. But before they got too close -


I ordered them to stop, and they did. (OMG it worked!!? I totally never thought it work, I was expecting another chase scene.)

Then....without further a do...

Clap, clap.

"NICO NICO NII!! Super Idol Nico here to give you smiles and styles!! I'll make your hearts feel nothing but joy, because my smiles are precious!! NICO NICO NII!!!", I made my gestures, did my poses and facial expressions, and yeah, you already know the rest.

"Yeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhh", the crowd responded. But before I got to say something next, the crowd spoke.

"Nico Yazawa. How is your idol career?"

"Nico-sama, we love you!!"

"Nico Yazawa. Do you have any details to share regarding your upcoming concert with Yoshiko "Yohane" Tsushima?"

"Nico-sama, please take a selfie with us!!!"

"Nico-sama, please marry me!!!"

"Nico Yazawa. According to your manager, your relationship with Maki Nishikino - "

And they were also taking pictures of me.

GOD SO MANY QUESTIONS!! Are they really gonna listen to me if they have so much to say!!?

"Everyone calm down."


"I'll handle this, Nico. Ehem - everyone, please respect Nico Yazawa here. She's here because of some important - COULD ALL OF YOU JUST SHUT UP FOR A MOMENT!!!"

Whoa! Yukiho managed to tell everyone to stop. The way she spoke is just like how Honoka would speak - I think?!

"Anyway....Nico-senpai is here to bring her sister to explore Otonokizaka's establishments. A family bonding, if you ask so to speak. That's why, may I ask everyone to leave Nico-senpai alone with her sister? She will give all of you time to answer all your questions later...."

Yukiho managed to convince the audience to back down.

"Thanks, Yukiho."

"No problem! Just make sure you do me a favor after this."

"A favor? - "


Then my sister came rushing to me, but she brought the two girls from before.


"I'm glad you're okay....by the way, I brought these people here just in case you need them."

"Oh! Thanks Cocoro!!"

Then the crowd whispered to each other: "Is that Nico's sister. So cute!!!" "No way, her sister looks just like her!!?" "I wonder if she'll become an idol just like her?"

Anyway, I approached the two girls and gave them their autographs.

"Here, sorry if it took a while."

"Nico-sama....thank you so much!!"

I just realized, as cherry blossoms began to flew around me, around us, just how far I have come. I looked at Yukiho, at Cocoro, and then at all of my fans. I could see the joy they have looking at me, after all these years of nothing much going on. They miss me, I miss them.

I remember how it all felt. When all of that happened on the stage. The nine of us, in front of hundreds of thousands of them, or even a million more. It was all so overwhelming, that many people love us.

But I also realized - all these things, all these joys, won't last. Eventually, they'll forget about me. Eventually, I will no longer become popular. Eventually, I will never be cute anymore. Eventually.....

...I will forever say goodbye to all the happy days I had here years ago. This school, this atmosphere, this career, this attention - and finally all my friends......

...they'll disappear...I'm aware of that....but am I truly prepared for all of it?

"Geez, you've caused some trouble here huh?"

Then, someone was walking towards me - as well as a few more people...probably more fans...

She stood upright, placed her right hand on her waist, played with a strand of her hair, and looked at me with a sharp glaze.

"Well...it is natural for you to be getting so much attention, Nico-chan."

The crowd looked at he girl. Yukiho and Cocoro looked at the girl.

I looked at the girl. Student Council President Nishikino Maki.

The two of us now looked at each other face-to-face. With the crowd watching us.

"(smile) It's been a long time, Maki-chan."


A/N: Phew! Sorry for being a bit delayed cuz I just lost my internet connection - I will publish (hopefully) two chapters sometime next week, so stay tuned and get ready!!

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