I'll take that coffee now

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The trip in the elevator was beyond awkward. All three of them were silent with rage among the victims of Joker's latest plot from beyond the grave. Dick had been made aware of the bags of blood that the clown had dispersed to hospitals, constantly checking with Blüdhaven General of all new admissions from their various drive-ins. It seemed that Bruce had been able to track down all those that had been infected and kept them in their individual cells; separated from the living world that Bruce undoubtedly never promised them they'd ever see again. Dick found himself gazing thoughtfully at the back of Harley's head as he tightened his grip on her cuffed wrists. He recalled several clips from what Lucius recovered for him, of Bruce acting a little delirious at random intervals of the night. He had been sluggish, murmuring to himself, like he was fighting something within him. It had peaked Dick's attention, but he had been unable to enhance the audio with Lucius's work computer.

"Harley?" Nightwing broke the silence and waited for Harley to acknowledge him. The woman tilted her head back and sneered at him.

"What? You got something else to say about my Puddin'?" She spoke, voice laced with venom and offence. Dick pushed her head forward with his free hand and tensed his fingers against her crown.

"These people, they were affected by Joker's blood. How did you know?" Nightwing asked her and Harley scoffed with a high pitch tone, offended that Dick needed to ask.

"They acted like my Puddin'!" She grinned at the reminder. Dick hummed in reply and let go of Harley's head. He added asking Tim about his participation in finding a cure to his list as he glanced over at Red Hood who tilted his head at him in question. Nightwing shook his head in dismissal and pushed Harley forward as the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened. Nightwing called the Commissioner and managed to get the gurneys, and Harley, down to the main road before the man arrived.

"You should probably go," Nightwing told Red Hood as he cuffed Harley to a lamppost. "Jim's looking to arrest you."

Red Hood was hesitant to leave, motioning to the bodies around them. Harley's mumblings an annoyance to Dick's overwhelmed brain caused him to pause before he offered Jason a reassuring smile. Nightwing waited as Red Hood contemplated his options before he nodded once and shot off his grapple and disappeared into the evening glow.

"He was infected, wasn't he?" Dick whispered and turned to Harley. She creased her brow in confusion causing Nightwing to roll his eyes beneath his mask and place his hand on his hip. "Batman, he was infected with Joker's blood."

"He was." Harley snickered in amusement. "He thought he had a cure when Puddin' was sick, but Puddin' is stronger, unrelenting."

Nightwing watched Harley giggle hysterically, jerking at her restraints as she began to snarl at him. Another thing Bruce had kept from him. Another excuse he could easily twist in his favour. His thoughts were brought to a sudden halt as several police cars and an ambulance appeared around the corner. Nightwing felt his shoulders release a small amount of tension when he laid eyes on Jim and frowned in apology when the man noticed the bodies.

"You've been busy," Jim commented and adjusted his jacket as Dick huffed in tired amusement.

"You'd think Batman would clean his mess up before blowing himself up." Nightwing joked with a heavy heart, to which Jim presented him with a sympathetic smile. The Commissioner patted Nightwing's back as he pushed forward, walking towards one of the gurneys.

"So, what have we got?" He asked; all business, waiting for Dick to relay the facts of the case in front of them. Dick flared his nostrils, he could do this, it was his job. This was familiar, comforting. He came to Jim's side and informed him of what he knew. Batman had been looking for a cure for Joker's blood; a sickness that had unfortunately overwhelmed its victims.

"There are still some holes that need to be filled," Dick sighed and scratched his stubbled jaw. "I'll let you know as soon as I do."

"Thanks." Jim appreciated Nightwing's determination. Dick tensed at the hand that landed on his arm and looked at the Commissioner in surprise. "Take a break, you need it. I'll take a look, see what I can find."

Dick grunted in reply, not particularly ready to voice his protest with words. If Bruce had his way, and it seemed he would, Dick would not be resting for some time.

Nightwing refused to take any chances and helped escort Harley back to the station. Jim suggested he come in and take a moment for himself. The offer of a piping hot mug of coffee swayed him and he followed Jim inside. He greeted the officers with a smile and a wave, ignoring Harley's shrieking complaints as she was taken further into the station. It seemed the peace would yet come to Dick as Jim escorted him towards where Harley was being forcefully taken. Nightwing's eyes widened when he saw the cell that sat in the main shared office. Crowded and filled with sour faces, were Gotham's greatest threats. Harley was shoved inside and to his horror immediately ran to the glass facing him and banged against it in desperation.

"Don't let 'em keep me in here!" She cried out and whined. "Come on 'Wing! Please!"

Nightwing managed to keep his body wracking flinch of fear to a minimum as every single face inside the cell snapped their heads towards him. Firefly and Professor Pyg didn't seem too interested for too long, both returning to stare at a point on the wall. Riddler sized him up, scoffing to himself as he began muttering beneath his breath, rocking back and forth on his toes. Two-Face and Scarecrow simply stared, watching his every move, waiting for something, Dick didn't know. Penguin was exclaiming, accusing him of his downfall, wanting recompense for everything he had lost. Nightwing's gaze finally landed on Deathstroke, who was smiling slightly at him.

"I'll take that coffee now." Nightwing glanced at Jim who nodded and headed off towards the breakroom. Dick took a deep breath to stabilise himself before he strolled over to the cell and leaned against the glass as he spoke to the mercenary. "He got you too, huh?"

"He was lucky this time," Slade muttered and narrowed his eyes at Nightwing who was smiling smugly. "Don't look too pleased, we'll all get out, then what? Gotham doesn't have a Batman anymore."

"When we get out, Gotham will burn!" The Riddler exclaimed with crazed eyes. Firefly gleamed at the thought and Nightwing glared at Deathstroke.

"We all saw it." Slade's smile widened. "The world finally knows; Bruce Wayne is the Batman. How long do you think it will take to connect the dots?" He whispered the last part from prying ears, raising a questioning brow as he pointed to the emblem on Nightwing's uniform. Dick glanced down and instinctively placed his hand over the blue-bird that stretched across his chest.

A clearing of a throat had Dick stepping away from the cell in relief and turning to Jim who offered him a red mug filled to the brim with mouth salivating coffee. Nightwing took it with immense thanks and hummed appreciatively as the hot liquid travelled down his throat.

"Thank you, Jim." Dick smiled. "That hits just the right spot."

"Make yourself at home," Jim motioned around at the hustling station. "If you find a chair, I suggest you take it, it won't stay free for long."

Dick laughed quietly and nodded. He waited for the Commissioner to head to his office before he found a chair by a large cell that was unnervingly empty. It looked specially made, for something, or someone. On closer inspection, Dick determined it was for a certain man-alluring, plant-loving woman. He looked around and called over a nearby officer who stood at attention.

"What happened to Poison Ivy? I was sure Batman had restrained her last time I saw him." Nightwing asked the young woman. The officer frowned slightly in reply and Dick dreaded the answer.

"Batman needed her to free Gotham of Scarecrow's fear gas. She died." The woman informed Nightwing, bowing her head before walking away. Dick looked back at the cell and took a sip from his coffee. He couldn't imagine the guilt Bruce must have let consume him at the death of someone he put in his immediate care. Villain or not, Batman held his beliefs and rules close to his heart.

"Poor Ivy," Dick murmured to himself and frowned down at his coffee. There was no way she would be commended for her efforts in helping Gotham. Nightwing bit the inside of his lip in thought. She deserved something, in her honour. Something discreet. Dick didn't want to press his luck with the citizens of Gotham, or the heroes who would undoubtedly side against him.

Dick downed the last of the coffee and thanked a passing officer who offered to take it. His phone buzzed in his belt and he sighed in relief when he saw Tim's number. He answered with a chirpy 'hello'.

"Hey Dick, are you available? I'm being released early." Tim's cheery voice came through. Dick's eyes lit up and he beamed.

"Yeah, I'm at the station. I'll just swing to my apartment for a change of clothes and I'll head over." Dick made his way out the station, waving goodbye with a smirk at Slade, who glared viciously at him.


Dick changed out his uniform with unrivalled speed and drove to the hospital, shooting Tim a text that he was on his way. He jumped off his bike with a spring in his step after he parked and headed inside. He arrived just in time to see Tim in a wheelchair, being rolled down the corridor. Dick greeted him with a pleased grin and quietly sighed in content when Tim allowed him to bend down and hug him.

"Thanks for coming." Tim smiled as Dick pulled away.

"It's no problem." Dick waved him off with a pleasant grin and thanked the nurse who relinquished Tim into his brother's care. She showed them to reception where Tim took Dick's hand and stood shakily. It only took Tim a few steps before he was more comfortable on his feet and no longer in need of his brother's assistance. As they arrived at Dick's bike, the acrobat realised he should have chosen a steadier choice of vehicle. He whined when Tim voiced it aloud.

"I rushed! I was excited!" Dick pouted and Tim laughed gently, not wanting to aggravate his wound.

"It's late, there shouldn't be too many people on the road, we can take it slow," Tim assured him and carefully sat on the back of the bike. "Come on."

Dick hopped in front and ensured Tim was secure before he backed up and pulled away from the hospital. As they sat at a red traffic light Dick realised, he was unaware of their destination.

"Hey, am I taking you to Babs?" He called over his shoulder. Tim shook his head.

"I was going to stay with you if that's okay. Since you know..." Tim's voice trailed off and Dick's silence answered his understanding. All of Tim's things were gone, up in blazes. Did Bruce even think about the personal belongings that were not his to dictate? Dick still had pieces of his younger self at the manor, but those were gone now too. The light turned green and Dick wordlessly promised that he would provide Tim with everything he needed.

The apartment seemed less empty now, despite the only thing having changed was inviting one person, with no belongings, inside. Dick sat with Tim on the expensive, white leather sofa, soda in hand as they watched some soap opera on tv. Dick glanced at his brother and smiled softly to himself. Tim had wrinkled his nose at whatever love scene was currently playing out and Dick nudged him playfully.

"Don't look like that. That will you and Babs soon." Dick teased. Tim froze and looked over at his brother. "What? Did I say something wrong? Oh, no! Did you break up?"

Tim swiftly shook his head and grabbed Dick's shoulders as he began to shift uncomfortably in guilt.

"I was going to tell Bruce, but I guess, I could tell you..." Tim bit his lip as he glanced to his lap, pulling his arms back and began to fiddle with his fingers nervously. "I'm going to ask Barbara to marry me."

Dick's brain took a moment too long to process what Tim was telling him. The look of horror on Tim's face at his usually wordy brother quickly fell and was replaced with embarrassment and happiness as Dick squealed in delight.

"Oh, Babybird!" Dick grabbed his hand and brought it to his chest. "I'm so happy for you!"

"Yeah," Tim nodded. They allowed themselves a moment to joy before Tim slowly frowned and looked away in defeat. "If I had known, I would have told Bruce sooner."

"Hey," Dick called to him softly and smiled. "Bruce would be thrilled. I'm sure he knew."

Tim let out a gruff of laughter. "You're right. I'm surprised he didn't confront me about it."

Dick chuckled beside him and curled his arm around his brother's shoulders. "He'd be proud of you, so proud."

"Thanks, Dick." Tim laid his head on Dick's chest.

"No problem Babybird," Dick muttered and pecked Tim's head before he yawned tiredly. "Just rest. Everything will be fine."


Dick fluttered his eyes open, looking around in confusion at why he suddenly woke. Tim was still peacefully dozing against him. The tv was still playing, though it was on mute. That rose a red flag in Dick's mind, not remembering turning the volume down when he had drifted off to sleep against Tim's head. Dick carefully manoeuvred Tim on the sofa so he could slip away without disturbing his rest. A noise in the kitchen and a murmured low voice caught Dick's attention, sending alarms through his body to act and protect his brother. He crept in the dark towards the opening, glancing to the right in hopes the intruder was raiding around in his cupboards. His abrupt gasp of horrified surprise was muffled when a hand clasped over his mouth from behind. He grasped at the wrists holding him securely and was instinctively about to fight back when he felt the intruder's breath brush against his cheek.

"It's me," a familiar voice whispered into his ear causing Dick to quiver in quiet submission. The body pressed up against his back moved away and Dick turned around to punch the man in the chest in frustration.

"What are you doing here Jason?" he whispered harshly, "You shouldn't be here."

"I got hungry." Jason shrugged and headed over to the fridge.

"Jason." Dick sighed heavily and pinched his brow between his fingers.

"So, I saw that the replacement is here," Jason muttered easily changing the subject, before taking a bite from some leftover takeout and hummed in consideration at the flavour.

"His name is Tim. And he just got released from the hospital." Dick huffed and crossed his arms, noticing Jason's red-tinted helmet sitting on the edge of the island. "Tim, got that?"

"Uhuh, sure." Jason waved the plastic fork around uncaringly and snorted. Dick surged forward around the counter and snatched the fork away from him, and got his revenge by returning a hard flick to Jason's forehead. "Hey!" he growled out loud and grabbed Dick's wrist tightly in retaliation. Jason pulled him dangerously close and glared viciously at him. Dick placed his hand on Jason's shoulder for support and stared in shock, watching Jason's eyes flitter down to his lips.

Jason's name was at the tip of Dick's tongue when the kitchen lights suddenly turned on. They snapped their heads to the door to see Tim rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"Dick? What are you doin..." Tim trailed off and his eyes widened in shock. Dick and Jason were swift to jump away from one another.

"Tim." Dick cautioned as he noticed his brother flex his fingers. "He's not here to hurt us."

"What?" Tim's jaw dropped and threw an accusing finger at Jason. "He's the whole reason we're in this mess!"

"Hey!" Jason hunched his shoulders in fury and moved to confront Tim head-on, grasping the young man by his shirt. "Listen, Twerp-"

"Enough!" Dick came between them, placing his hand against Jason's chest in a warning to back off. "We've all done things we regret. Let's just take a breather, and talk about this."

Dick pursed his lips slightly as he looked at Tim, drooping his shoulders and tilting his head ever so slightly to the left. He watched Tim clenched his jaw as he glanced between Jason's hard stare and Dick's sickly pleading face before he sighed and nodded.

"Fine. But I'm doing this for you," Tim said to Dick, sneering when he looked to Jason. "Not for him."

"Jason?" Dick prompted.

"Alright, whatever." He threw his hands up in the air in defeat, scoffing in disbelief at the victorious smile Dick let shine at his manipulation skills.

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