Puddin's Rehearsal

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When Dick woke, he hummed tiredly and snuggled into the bundle of blankets covering him. He didn't question where he was or how he came to be here; simply allowing himself to finally rest in the comforts of a stranger's bed.

"Morning Sleepyhead."

Dick bolted upright at the familiar voice and snapped his head to the door to see Jason leaning against it.

"J-Jason? Wha-? Huh-?" Dick bundled the covers to his now, well aware, naked chest. "I wasn't hallucinating last night?"

"Hallucinating?" Jason pushed himself off the frame and came to sit on the opposite side of the bed and offered him what appeared to be a t-shirt. "I hope not. Anywhere is better than being locked up at the Asylum."

"I-I-" Dick tried to speak but jolted in sudden fright as his phone began to ring. He scrambled to grab it from the bedside table and shot Jason an apologetic look before answering the phone. "Grayson speaking."

"Ah, good morning Richard. I was hoping to catch you."

"Morning Lucius." Dick greeted with a small smile and watched as Jason settled himself back onto his side of the bed and listened to Dick's one-sided conversation.

"It seems the Daily Planet want an interview with you. I tried to schedule it for another day, but if you are able...?"

"Who's the reporter?" Dick asked cautiously as he smiled up at Jason who perked up.

"A Mr Clark Kent."

Dick sighed and pinched his nose as he laid back onto the pillow. He hummed for a moment in consideration before replying.

"Okay, fine. But that's it for today."

"Of course, Richard. I am sorry for putting this on you today."

"It's okay, Lucius. I don't mind."

"Liar," Jason muttered and Dick swatted at him playfully in dismissal.

"Then I shall call them back and I'll text you the details."

"Okay, bye Lucius. See you soon." Dick ended the call and pouted at Jason. "I really don't mind doing them," Dick informed him and threw the t-shirt over his head. It sat a little loosely but it would do for the meantime.

"Why? Because you were born to be in the public eye?" Jason rolled his eyes and folded his arms.

"No. I'm doing it for Tim."

"Seriously? For that guy?" Jason scowled deeply and went to leave the bed. Dick instinctively grabbed his wrist.

"Wait. Jason, stop." Dick furrowed his brow and clenched his jaw at Jason's self-righteous conduct. "Tim is a great guy. He's a wonderful brother."

"He's the replacement." Jason snapped back and ripped his arm from Dick's grasp.

"No one could replace you, Jason. No one." Dick let his hand linger in the air before falling back to the bed along with his gaze. "I missed you so much. Tim is nothing like you."

"Am I supposed to be thankful? Happy?" Jason growled back. "Bruce replaced me, as Robin, as a son."

"Of course, he didn't!" Dick jumped out of bed and scowled, his anger quickly rising. "Bruce mourned you! We all did! Tim was like us, he needed a home, guidance. He brought Tim into our lives because like you, Tim was alone!" Dick snapped and pushed against Jason's chest in a burst of rage. The man staggered back from the force and Dick tried not to cower from the sudden fitful glare Jason pinned him with. "How dare you judge Bruce for his actions after everything you've done."

"I was tortured by a homicidal clown. What did you expect me to do?!" Jason yelled and his pupils slotted with pure rage. Dick flinched and looked away in guilt. He noticed his uniform hanging over the back of a chair and instead of continuing the argument that Dick wasn't really prepared to deal with, he scooped up the skin-tight material.

"I'll leave. I'm sorry for- everything, I suppose." Dick looked at Jason again and creased his brow in apology. He grabbed one of Jason's jacket that was laid across the desk and paused. "I-." Dick started his fingers picking at the leather material before he stopped and changed his train of thought. "I'm borrowing this. Bye!"

"Hey! Dick-" Jason gawked after him in bewilderment as the acrobat ran from the room with a cheeky grin as if their argument never happened. "-Unbelievable." He mumbled and huffed in annoyance.


Dick had just finished up the interview with Clark, swiftly pulling the man into a hug. Clark was quick to respond and they stood embraced for several moments before Dick pulled away and smiled sadly at the glass-framed faced man.

"You'll do right by him, won't you?" Dick asked despite knowing he would trust no other than Clark to write about the great Bruce Wayne, aka, Batman.

"Of course. He was a good friend and teammate." Clark nodded once and cleared his throat to remain professional. "Thank you for speaking with me, Mr Fox told me it was your day off."

"Yeah, but it's you." Dick's smile brightened and led Clark to the door. They shared another closed off gaze and Dick warmed as the man smiled back. "Come around more often, okay?"

Clark nodded again and left Dick to mull over what had just transpired. He managed to remain as much as Richard Grayson as he could be with Superman sitting opposite him. He could tell Clark was trying to keep his own identity from slipping into the man in blue. Dick hadn't even thought of the Justice League until Lucius had spoken Clark's name that morning. He couldn't even begin to think about how they were all mourning the Batman. Another thing to add to his endless list. Dick ran his hand down his face and ignored yet another buzz of his phone. It had been pinging almost constantly during the interview. Dick had seen the twitch of Clark's brow every time it decided to vibrate in his pocket.

He fished it out of his pocket and internally sobbed at the forty missed calls from differing magazines and day time television shows. There were a few from Tim and Barbara, but Dick decidedly ignored them for the text message the young man sent in retaliation for not answering.

Babybird: Forgot to mention. Puddin' should still be rehearsing.

Dick tightened his hold on the phone as he read the message. Tim had to be kidding...Surely? Dick felt his legs wobble and he had to retake his seat on the sofa. It was one thing after another. So much for a day off.

"Is something the matter?"

Dick's heart faltered in fright and he visibly jumped from the sofa a few centimetres as he whipped his attention to the man pouring him some tea. Dick placed his hands on the back of the sofa as he twisted around to address him.

"Lucius, don't do that. You scared me." Dick took the cup and controlled his breathing before he sipped the liquid. Lucius rose an amused brow and took his spot across from Dick.

"I haven't the slightest clue as to what I did to frighten you, Dick." The man replied and placed his cup and saucer on the coffee table. "You must have a lot on your mind if you forgot I was in the room."

Dick's cheeks flushed in embarrassment and swiftly apologised for his lack of manners. Lucius waved him off and the two sat in companionable silence as they drunk their tea. Dick's mind was determining what he would be expecting at Panessa Studios. He was somewhat tempted to wait for Tim to be discharged from the hospital and allow Robin to deal with the whirlwind that was sure to await him. But he couldn't let 'Puddin'' starve and who knows what else Bruce and Tim had stored down there.

Dick thanked Lucius for the tea, draining every last drop before he reluctantly allowed the man to see him out the building. Neither of them expected the leather-jacketed man who was slouching uncomfortably in one of the large lobby armchairs. He stood when he saw two of them and Dick took a step towards him. The hand on his arm gave him pause and he looked back at Lucius who had his brow creased.

"Lucius?" Dick asked entirely aware as to why the CEO hesitated. "It's okay. He's with me."

"Dick, I do not think it is wise." Lucius insisted but removed his hand nonetheless. Dick nodded in appreciation but assured Lucius with a smile and bid him farewell. He approached the man waiting for him and threw his arms around his shoulders.

"Hi, Jay." Dick greeted happily and didn't allow any disappointment to show when Jason refused to return the affectionate gesture. The man grunted in return and forcefully drew Dick's arms away from him. The hurt panged in his chest but Dick disregarded it for the surprise appearance. "What are you doing here?"

Jason folded his arms in an attempt to seem intimidating and Dick understood why when the man answered his question with a softening reply.

"I just thought you might want some support, that's all."

Dick was unable to stop the teasing smile as he placed his hands on Jason's arms, and leaned in and up to press his lips against his cheek. Jason jerked away and Dick suppressed his laughter at the horrified shock on Jason's face. He was staring at Dick like he was some kind of impossible puzzle.

"Thank you." Dick took a step away from Jason hoping it would show that he hadn't wanted to make him uncomfortable. Jason recovered quickly and shook his head.

"You also stole my jacket." He mentioned as if he hadn't just been kissed and glared at Dick.

"This old thing?" Dick smirked at Jason playfully and flicked the imaginary dust from the sleeve of the jacket he was wearing.

"And my t-shirt," Jason said and noticed Dick had changed from the baggy material into a semi creased formal shirt. He rose a brow expecting an explanation from the dodging thief.

"It's back at the hotel." Dick pouted before smiling bright and motioned for Jason to follow. He instinctively turned to wave back at Lucius who had to no surprise lingered by the elevator.

"Where are we going?" Jason scowled as he shuffled after Dick, pushing his cap onto his head and hiding as much of his face as he could in his jacket.

"You want your stuff back, don't you?" Dick reminded him and thrust his thumb over his shoulder as he spun around to face him. "So, we gotta go to my place."

Jason groaned in annoyance, lingering on the spot before he relinquished his increasing doubt to follow Dick. It became palpably clear which hotel Dick was staying in when Jason saw the dazzling upper-class building surrounded by several waves of press and paparazzi. Jason halted, shoulders instantly seizing to its natural position of tenseness and suspicion. He snagged the collar of his jacket Dick was wearing and wretched him back to his side.

"No way am I going over there." Jason let go and flicked Dick's forehead as if to confirm his disdain for the idea.

"Ow!" Dick rubbed his brow insistently and huffed irritably alongside the gall of Jason's dismissive scoff. "Obviously we're not going in the front way. What do you take me for?"

Dick pushed passed Jason, bumping into his shoulder as he went. He snuck around the back of the hotel to the service door with Jason shadowing him closely. The door opened easily with a light push and Dick held it open for Jason with a cheeky smile.

"The security is abysmal," Jason muttered as he entered. Dick rolled his eyes and led Jason up the stairs to his apartment. He let them inside and Jason tutted in disgust. "You truly never change."

Dick snatched away the underwear that Jason was balancing in the air with his foot. Jason gave him an innocent look when he was scorned with a heated glare.

"I haven't exactly had time to clean. I barely stay here for more than twenty minutes at a time." Dick stalked passed him and into the bedroom. He didn't see the guilty gaze to his back or the nervous scratching to the back of Jason's neck.

He grabbed the shirt he had specifically laid out carefully on the bed before returning to the living room where Jason was gazing out the huge glass veranda doors. Dick came to stand next to him and casually offered him his clothes.

"So, you live here now?" Jason asked the question Dick hadn't even dared asked himself. His fingers flexed as Jason took back his shirt and he closed his eyes.

"I haven't thought about it," Dick replied and shook his head. "I just want to get through this mass of media, and return to Blüdhaven when the hype of Bruce's death is over."

"And the Bats?" Jason asked with a mocking brow. Dick gritted his teeth and scowled deeply. "Crime isn't going to stall completely, and I really don't think baby Robin is going to cut it."

"I'm guessing you're not offering yourself up for the job?" Dick wrestled the jacket off and shoved it into Jason's arm. "If I hear you're causing trouble-"

"What are you going to do?" Jason sneered and leaned close to Dick's face in intimidation. "Ship me off to Black Gate?"

"You know I wouldn't do that," Dick said quietly and averted his gaze to the side. Jason seemed to falter slightly and he moved back. His eyes were boring into Dick, trying to decipher what his play was. Dick simply wanted to be held, to know Jason was always on his side. He wouldn't tell him that though, in fear of scaring the man off back to his wilful state of mind. Dick quickly returned with a smile and a demeanour that could rival the sun. He playfully pushed Jason and folded his arms. "Now if you wouldn't mind, I have things to attend to. You can find yourself out."

"I detest when you do that," Jason stated with condescension. He headed to the door, hesitating as he opened it. Dick turned stiff as Jason turned to look at him over his shoulder and spoke again. "Hiding what you feel will not make them go away."

Dick didn't allow himself to even consider what Jason said to be true. He quickly changed into his Nightwing uniform whilst ignoring the slight inkling in his mind to actually discuss with himself what he was truly feeling. The mask covered his eyes, which in turn, covered his heart. Nightwing took a deep breath before he opened the glass doors to his balcony and jumped off. He shot his grapple and swung through the city towards Panessa Studios.


When he reached the abandoned building, climbing to the roof he faltered when he saw the red-hooded man leaning casually against the door.

"You have to be kidding me," Nightwing muttered and waltzed over to him. "What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you that." Red Hood moved away so Nightwing could gain access to the building. Dick didn't reply and gave Jason the cold shoulder. "I thought it was your day off?"

"Yeah well, surprise," Nightwing replied sarcastically as he entered the elevator. He pressed his hand against the door so it couldn't close and sighed in defeat. He motioned for Red Hood to join him with his head. "You coming?"

Evidently, Jason didn't need to be asked twice and he quickly slipped inside after Dick moved his hand and the doors began to meet. As they descended Nightwing folded his arms and remained silent. He tried not to acknowledge the anti-vigilante rocking back on forth on his heels, whistling a tune that caused Dick to clench his jaw in irritation. As soon as the elevator stopped, and allowed them passage to whatever hell awaited them, Dick stalked out. His footsteps faltered when he saw the bodies lying on the ground, both inside and outside the cells. Blood pooled beneath the deathly forms and he heard Jason come to stand beside him and curse out loud. Nightwing's attention was taken when he heard a crash and movement from one of the cells. Harley Quinn plastered her hands against the glass and beamed.

" 'Bout time one of you Bat's showed up." She thrust her fist against the door and scowled. "You have any idea how long I've been down 'ere?"

Nightwing walked over to the computer, pulling out his USB, and began to download all the data files that were left. Jason hovered by him for a minute before he grew bored and went over to Harley, who was rattling on like unsettling background noise. Dick took a deep breath as Harley started to flirt with the 'new guy' and glared at them over his shoulder. He was seemingly ignored and Nightwing gritted his teeth in irritation. Dick pushed himself away from the computer and started to clean up the bodies, identifying them and formulating what he would say to Gordan once he presented them to him. Harley's snickering caught his ear and he glanced over to the cell to see both of them watching him.

"What?" He snapped as he heaved one of the bodies onto a gurney.

"You just seem a little stressed out." Red Hood stated and Harley muffled her amusement beneath her hands. "When was the last time someone hit that?"

Dick gaped at Jason, taken utterly by surprise. It had been a while, but that was beside the point, why was Jason asking him something like that. The knowing look on Harley's face and the lazed back posture of Jason had Nightwing retaliating. He strapped the last body securely before he headed to the computer. He yanked out his USB, turning to Harley's cell and pulled out a set of cuffs.

"I didn't have to come down here," Dick said calmly, opening the cell and wrenching Harley's arms behind her despite her pained protests. He clicked the cuffs together and smiled to himself as the woman winced at the tightness. "But I did. So, I'd appreciate a little thanks."

Nightwing forcefully tugged Harley behind him and came to a halt as Jason started to speak. He turned back around and warned him how dangerously close he was from crossing the line. Somehow that didn't stop him and Nightwing would wonder later if it was Harley's presence that influenced him to continue.

"Hey, we know you're sexually wound up, but cut her some slack."

"I'll lighten up when Batman's returns, and I don't have to run around cleaning up his unending mess that you caused!" Dick snarled back and Harley looked at the Red Hood curiously.

"I didn't cause this." Jason scoffed and motioned around him in emphasis, before pointing an accusing finger at Harley. "This was her."

Harley squealed in betrayal and gasped. "Me? I was protecting my Puddin'."

"Oh, stop with the Puddin'!" Dick scoffed at the insane woman and clenched his jaw. "Joker's dead, Harley. Accept it."

Harley gazed at Nightwing in hurt and loss before she glared at him dangerously. Dick tightened his hold in case the woman decided to try her hand at besting him, and turned on Jason. His facial expression was hidden by his helmet, but with Dick's keen eye, he saw his body betray the calm façade he was clearly trying to portray. That didn't stop Nightwing from snapping at him in his bout of impatience.

"If you're here to help me then get the gurneys into the elevator, or I'll leave you here to rot and Robin can deal with you." Nightwing forewarned and dragged Harley with him towards the elevator.

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