Confirming Not Asking

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"Is he okay?"

My voice trembles as I wring my hands in anxiety. Jimin and Taehyung hasn't been letting me leave my room ever since I woke up, and it was really starting to piss me off.

You'll see, they say. Just wait.

Does it look like I have patience when it comes to Jeon Jungkook?

"Let me out," I plead, for the millionth time. "Just once— let me just see him once, and then I'll come right back in here. I promise."

"Yoongi hyung is taking care of him right now," Taehyung says, in a tone that makes him sound like an adult soothing a whining toddler. "Just give him time, Elle. You've only been out for ten minutes."

Both of the vampires watch me in pity as I pace rapidly around the room, cursing the clock for moving so, so slowly. Every second seemed like eternity.

"Can you just check if he's alright?"

Finally, Taehyung gives in. My eyes grow alight with hope as he sighs, telling Jimin to make sure I don't break out as he leaves the room.

"He'll be fine, Elle." Jimin says, flashing me a warm smile. "Jungkook won't die from something like this."

"Yes, but—" My voice sags as I pin the straw at the blood packet Jimin had given me first thing I'd woken up.

"I guess I'm worried."

My nose instantly wrinkles at the smell of animal blood— worlds different from Jungkook's. While his blood had smelled like heaven and paradise, this smells like the worst thing that's ever been made.

"I know," Jimin nods, his features twisting at the smell as well. "But— you get used to it. Eventually."

"I could never get used to this," I mumble as I pinch my nose and put the straw to my lips. Even if I'd limited my smell, the taste still is enough to make me cough violently at the first sip.

All he does is frown.

"Just drink it all down," He advises, waving at the packet. "It's better than sips— just more torture that way."

"Now I know why Jungkook described this as dirt," I mutter, bracing my senses as I prepare to tip the contents in. "It literally tastes like it."

But Jimin is too busy pinching his nose and scrunching his face together to answer, and I quickly tip the entire packet down my lips.

My hunger subsides, and I feel relieved even though the disgusting aftertaste lingers in my mouth. Now I won't be able to hurt anyone— temporarily, anyway.

Then Taehyung walks in, his face immediately scrunching as he smells the blood.


"Don't be," He says, shrugging. "You're the one who drank it. Jungkook's fine, by the way. Yoongi hyung's almost done, too. He said you could see him in just a hour or two."


Sighing, I plop back down on my bed as my eyes fix against the cursed clock once more.


"You said he was fine!"

Taehyung's face instantly twists into a wince as he points at Yoongi, eyes wide and innocent.

"He told me to tell you that."

"Min Yoongi!"

"Is it too bad that I didn't want to worry you?" Yoongi sighs, putting a finger to his lips as he motions at Jungkook's fluttering eyelids.

"Shh— he's about to wake up!"

My lips purse together as Jungkook opens his eyes, looking a bit dazed as he finds my form across the room. I want to hide— after what I did to him, after what I'd been to him—

"Elle," His voice is soft and light as he clutches the blankets, pushing them off his body. "Are you alright?"

My mouth drops open.

"Are you okay?" I shout, enraged that he'd dare to worry about me when he was the one lying there covered in bandages from head to toe.

"I'm fine, Elle." He says, and I want to strangle him for the hint of amusement I catch in his voice. Did he not understand how terrified I'd been when he started bleeding? Didn't he understand how desperate I'd felt as he told me to drink?




When he notices me brooding, his lips break into a bright smile. A startled squeal escapes my lips as he pulls on my waist, my eyes wide as my back hits the soft mattress.

"I'm really fine, I promise," He assures, smiling wider at my surprised eyes. His touch is tender as he traces my lips, and I don't know what else to do but lie still.

"Did you drink a packet?"

I slap his hand away, my lips still set into a firm pout. Why was he acting like everything was perfectly fine? Nothing was fine— I had made him bleed, and he was acting like nothing had ever happened.

"Elle, it's fine." Jungkook whispers, and I look at him, surprised at the sadness in his voice. "We all make mistakes— and yours wasn't even that bad."

"But I—"

"Yes," He says, pressing a finger to my lips. "But the mistake I made was far worse than yours. I know how it feels, Elle. Don't apologize."

"What mistake?"

"I'm the reason we had to move here," He whispers, dropping his hand back to his side. "I'm the reason Yoongi hyung was nearly killed that day, the reason why our house went up in flames."

"You see, I killed a person."

His eyes are wide and doe as he glances down on me, and I can't help but swallow back the rest of my protests.

"I would've given my life for you to not jump out that window."

"Don't say that!" I hiss, my bottom lip trembling without my consent. "Don't say that you're going to die, or give your life. Don't say any of that, or I will tape your mouth shut."

"There's my flower." He laughs, pressing his lips to mine. The corners of my mouth tilt down in sorrow when I feel his hand tremble a bit against my arm, the pain undeniable under his bright smile.

And as if he wants me to forget about him, he kisses me harder.

"Hey!" I yelp, trying to push down his hands. Heat travels up my neck as he breathes, his fingers moving from my neck to my hair.

When I blink, I see his lips stretched into a smile as he hovers inches above me. Apparently my dazed expression amuses him, because a devilish smile blooms on his face.

"You're so beautiful, angel."

My cheeks flame with scarlet. His hair falls apart between my fingers— like silk, and everything else stunning.

"Um, you are too."

He suddenly bursts into laughter, and my doe eyes grow wide. A small part of me worries if I said that in the wrong tone— or was I not supposed to say anything at all?

"You're precious." He whispers, and the silver of his eyes turn warm with brown as I rub at the surface of his bandaged arm.

"How's your head?"

The overuse of my Gift had left my head still stinging and pounding, but there was no way I was going to tell him that. So instead, I flash him a wide smile.

"I'm fine—"

"I wasn't asking," He says, leaning on his elbow. "I was confirming. Do you really think I can't tell?"

My face blush.

"Go rest, Elle." His voice is soft, yet there's a firmness to it that makes me submissive. But I wouldn't give him everything that he'd expect of me.

"Fine." I say, slumping back onto his bed. My hands fumble to pull up the blanket over my head, and I can feel his amused stare on me for a long second.

"I was hoping you'd do that," He breathes as he tugs the covers down. The warmth of his arms wrap around my waist as he presses me closer to his chest.

I swallow.

Slowly, slowly— I tuck my head into his chest, and wrap my own arms around his body as I snuggle underneath the warmth of the blanket.

"Now sleep."

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