Vampire Side

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Everything is red.

And I'm hungry.

So, so hungry.

The night is tranquil compared to the roaring thirst in my throat, and I don't need to slide my tongue over my teeth to know that there's already two grown fangs in the middle.

Now I know why Jungkook looks at me the way he does. Now I understand why he seems so pained around me, always keeping his guard up and expression tense.


I can smell it— like the wind. It's heavy and powerful with a scent that makes me want to consume it until I lose my senses and end up more red than pale.

My eyes haze with the color of the bluest water as I grip the blankets tangled among my legs and arms, desperate to track down the source of this smell.

I had to drink it.

I had to have it.

Then all of a sudden, I'm pinned back onto the bed. A startled cry escapes my lips when I see a glint of silver blue, the one color I was hoping to not see.

Silver blue is Jungkook.

"I knew this would happen," His rich voice resonates from the dark figure holding me down on the mattress, and a vicious growl tears from my throat.

"I knew you would lose yourself."

"Let me go," I hiss, and I tremble when the smell grows stronger. It's pulling me in— wants me to come. I need it, and it needs me.

I have never wanted anything so badly in my entire life.

"Why are you doing this?" I seethe, my voice sounding foreign. It sounds like it belongs to someone else, yet I'm controlling the words spoken. "Can't you tell that it wants me? I have to go, Jungkook. Let me go."

"It's tricking you," He breathes, pressing a firm palm on my chest. "It wants you to think that way, Elle. I don't want you to end up killing someone."

Even though I struggle under his hold, his grip is iron. Only now I taste his strength— his sheer power. And his body hasn't even taken on the glow of the Gift yet.

But I have my own.

He doesn't understand how important this is. It's calling for me, and he wants me to ignore this? It just can't be right, to ignore something so beautiful and pure.

Maybe he is lying to me.

The same power that had blazed its path through my blood earlier draws its fangs, its claws. I can see the faintest wisps of the Gift rising from my body as I let the power consume my mind.


When he says my name, I can sense the urgency in his voice. His grip has grown stronger, but my Gift has already filled the air.

Then Jungkook lets me go.

He lets out a choked scream as he falls back into the bed, his entire body wreathed with the waves of pain I'd doused over him. Even though it should've been enough to take him out, he groans and rolls onto his hands.

His eyes are dark with agony, and for a moment I'm back to the Elle that wants to stop this.

But that Elle is no longer there when I smell the blood, surrounding my senses and lifting the corners of my lips into a crazed smile.

It's beautiful.

And there was nobody left to keep me from taking it.

"Elle," He gasps from my right, a sheen of sweat covering his forehead at the effort he's putting in to resist my Gift. "Stop...this. Stop this now."

"You should've let me go from the beginning," I say, ignoring the pain in my own head. "This is your own fault, your own mistake."

Jungkook lets out another gasp as his arms give out. His features are twisted and marred, but his eyes remain sane as he stares at me.

"Come back."

Then I see something red spread from the side of his white shirt, drenching the fabric with deep crimson. My eyes follow every rivulet that drips down onto the blankets, the sheets of the bed.


His blood.

My head is about to explode, but another part of me— the part I can't control— keeps the Gift going. Horror coils around my mind when I see more red, more blood that I cause on Jungkook's body.

And I can't stop it.

I can't stop myself.

The Gift finally releases on the maknae, leaving nothing but a splitting headache that already had left the sane part of me in shreds.

And my other side— the vampire side—

Jungkook looks up at me with exhaustion, eyes curved with sadness as his blood paint the sheets scarlet. He sees the desire in my eyes— plain as day, and the next thing he does kills me.


He whispers, and my heart crashes down to the bottom of my chest as he draws a heavy hand across the pool of his own blood.

Then he passes out.

For a split moment, the desperation inside me is enough to overwhelm the vampire, wrenching me away from the boy I'd ripped apart and leaving my cheeks awash with tears.

Helpless tears.

A sob escapes my throat as another headache slams into my mind, followed by the next just as vicious as the first. There's so much pain— and the smell of Jungkook's blood is so pulling that I want to scream.

I am so weak. Pathetic.

And still all I can think about is how beautiful his blood would taste on my tongue.

Then the door crashes open, and I collapse into a heap of anxiety and relief as six vampires rush in. Two of them grab hold of my trembling figure as the rest rush over to the unconscious maknae, bleeding out on my bed.

I wonder if I'll ever be able to sleep there after knowing his blood had once coated the exact ground.


My eyes blur with blue as I reach for his still silhouette, dripping drops of red as someone lifts him from the mattress.


"Shh," Someone says next to my ear as I thrash and yell, screaming for them to take me to him. He was hurt— I had hurt him. I'd nearly killed him.

"It's going to be fine. He's going to be alright," The same voice says, soothing and gentle as a pair of warm hands cover my shoulders. "Going to be okay."

My eyes shut together at another terrible migraine, and the harshly fragrant smell of his blood makes everything so, so much worse.

"You need to save him."

My voice sounds thick and raspy, and I see a faint glint of ash hair and concerned gray eyes. Darkness crowds in the corners of my eyes, and I can feel something wet slip down the plane of my cheek.

"Please— please." I beg, my hands wrapping around Jimin's sleeve as I feel someone lift me from the ground. The surroundings haze together into a mass of gray.

"If he dies," I gasp, ignoring the gentle soothing of his voice. He's telling me it'll be okay, but what if it doesn't? What if everything goes wrong?

"If he dies— then it's all my fault."

But before I can breathe out more pleads and beg to anyone who'd listen, my vision descends to darkness and I lose the sense in my fingertips.

A/n: Heheh maybe a few more chaps

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