Chapter 11|| Reunited

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She seemed to accept my promise, and we started off into the forest. It was so dark now that I could barely see what was in front of me, let alone the tree that I smacked right into. The women didn't notice, so I rubbed off the pain and kept going.

It had been at least an hour when we reached a deep part in the woods. Everything was all black, except for a large ring of lantern-lit windows in the village of houses. The settlement was quite small compared to my street even, but it was reasonable enough considering that this was a rebel camp.

The woman gestures for me to follow her, and I do. We walk down a rocky path, and stop at a small cottage type dwelling. The exterior looked like it was made of bark scraps, and the roof made of tree branches. Not much detail showed because of the lack of light.

We stepped in through the door, and their, sitting right in front of us, was Bryan. He seemed to be busy working on some contraption made of grass and twigs. He notice as his aunt walked into, but he definitely heard my gasp of joy.

I still couldn't believe that he was here, I was here, we were here. Before I knew what I was doing, I had sprinted over and into Bryan's arms. Then we were kissing, our first kiss since the one with my dad there. Even now, with Bryan's aunt in presence, we went on until she, like my dad, cleared her throat rather awkwardly as if to remind us she was still there.

I stood back up hand in hand with Bryan. I looked into his eyes and again saw many things. I could tell that he to was remembering our short but memorable tale. How he saved me from the Southern rebels. How he save me from marrying someone I could never truly love, not after I met Bryan that is. How I ran away-

It all comes back to me as I recall what I did to get to Bryan. The list plays through my mind over and over. I deceived my friends, Maxon included, by faking my death. I tried the words out on my tongue.. They sounded foreign to me, like I was watching someone else do what I had done in movie perspective.

I pushed those nasty thoughts out of my head, and I focused what was here, what was real in front of me. I chanced a glance up at Bryan, and noticed he was looking at me too. There was nothing in the world that could separate us now.


Sorry for the short chapter again! I don't know if this should be the end of the book or if I should continue. If so, I do have more ideas for this, like a book about Bryan's life or a few chapters in his perspective? Comment and please let me know where you think I should go with this book!

P.s. Most likely I'll continue it regardless if I get a person interested or not.. xD For me I just like to write so I'll keep doing it because of that :D

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