Chapter 10|| On the Path

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Trees loomed tall and plentiful overhead as I tread through the thicket of the forest. The green pines bristled my skin as I ran, reminding me that this wasn't a mere nightmare. It was my reality.

I had run away, so to speak, from my would-be husband. I was drowning in guilt, but surprisingly, there wasn't a drop of regret to be found.

I was starving to get back to Bryan, to feel the warmth of his lips on mine. To have our love course through my veins and break into my heart. I'd never thought that anyone could steal my heart, but then Aspen came, and after him, Maxon. I was as sure as any that I wanted to stay with Bryan though.

Though, thinking back on the events of the past few hours, I had come to the conclusion of something that could, in fact, get me killed. I never actually loved Maxon or Aspen. They were just like any old boyfriend that a normal girl is with. That is, until the girls true love comes around the corner and right into their arms.

Anyways, might as well stick to the moral. Three times the charm.

The scarce light from the moon guided me as I dodged the poisonous berry bush, just nearly missing the falling berry that splat down in an eruption of purple goo. I gasped when I realized what I had come as close as millimeters to. Pokeweed.

The dark purple round berries sat perfectly on top of the triangle shaped green leaves. They looked so much like blueberries that I would have thought they were if it weren't for the lessons back at the palace.

I silently thank Slyvia and continue on my venture through the woods.                                          _____
I feel the hand on my arm before I see it. The person pulls me behind a tree and plasters me against it. The person wears all black, and I can make out a hint of a face in the murk.

The women's breath on my face is hot, and smells strangley like garlic. The women get's right in my face, her eyes staring my down. "Who are you? No-one of your kind would be prancing around in these parts."

The women sneers at me as I respond, "I'm looking for someone. He's a rebel. His name is Bryan. '

The women drops me and falls to the ground on her knees. I go down next to her, frantic. "Are you ok? Whats wrong!?"

The women laughed through forced breaths. "I thought you meant my niece Bryan, but that wouldnt be possible. Probably thought I was his mom, though both his parents are dead."

Now it was my turn to be startled. It really was Bryan. "No, thats who I was looking for. Can you please take me to him?"

The women gets up, and I stand up too. She studies my expression, and I study hers. Brown locks of hair drift in her aqua-green eyes, accenting her pointed nose. Her lips were curled into a quizical smile. "Ok, sure, except for one thing." The woman eyed me again. "How can I know you wont be out to hurt Bryan?"

I think out my next words carefully, planning them out like map, each one drawn with care. "You'll just have to trust me."
___________________________________Sorry I havent been updating latley! I've been very busy. I'll try my best to post because this story is almost over! :D Thank you to everyone who is reading through to the end. Your dedication is inspiring and Im very gratful for that :D <3

Thank you, and have a great day!

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