Chapter 9|| Traitor in the Midst

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I stayed perfectly still, not daring to move an inch. My eyes were closed but were fluttering around in the darkness. My breathing was reserved, cut down to short intakes every other second.

Right on cue, Lucy's footsteps linger in the air as she rushes to see what's wrong. I hear muffled voices, but I can't make out what their saying.

A hand presses against my wrist, most likely checking for a pulse. There's a gasp, then I swear I could hear Maxons next words, if only by the slightest of sound.

"She's gone because of me." There's crying, and I can feel the tangible grief rolling off him.

He thought it was his fault. I wanted to tell him it was my choice to choose Bryan, that he shouldn't take the blame for my decision. Though no matter how much I wanted to say these words, I couldn't bring myself to speak them.

What was done had to be done, tell myself as Lucy lifts my motionless body onto her shoulder. She walks, and I peek open my eye.

I didn't see Maxon, but I could tell he was there, watching, hoping, that he was just experiencing a horrible and cruel nightmare.

Lucy reached the door that led outside, and there was voices again, but I couldn't make out any of the whispers. I clasped my eyes closed as I heard a shuffle of feet.

Suddenly there was breath on my neck, and a felt lips on my forehead. It took all my willpower not to shudder at the kiss. Then, so faint I would have missed it had he not have said it in my ear, Maxon said, "I love you, and I'm sorry it had to end like this because of me."

The guilt was overwhelming now, but there was no turning back, no chance to unravel the tangled mess I had created. I thought of Bryan, and everything I was doing to be with him. I could only wonder if it was all worth it.

A door creaked open, and I felt sunshine on my skin. I basked in the warm and light air, a perfect day for a pair to reunite. I told myself this over and over as I was slung off Lucy's shoulder and placed on the grass.

Lucy whistled and I knew that was my chance. Once I was sure I was safe, I peeked open my eyes. Lucy was there, ushering Maxon back inside, much to his protest might I add.

After the door closed behind them, I sat up, and bolted towards the woods, not caring who saw me. I purposely took the path hidden from the guards while they changed shifts.

I set my mind to heading to the meeting place Bryan had deemed where I should go. I ran faster than I thought possible. My breathing was audible as my once 'dead' body sprinted into the forest.

As soon as I broke through the trees, I glanced back at the place one last time. The shining structure rose high in the sky, almost like it was sending me off, but would welcome me back if needed.

I fought back tears as I continued on my path, blocking out the rest of the world as I ran away from my problems.
How's it getting so far? It's almost over, so hang in there!

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