3. We're late🚫

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Thoughts: ' '
Speech: " "

Some years later~


16 year old Felix turned over in his bed to turn off the alarm coming from his phone. But he didn't have any way to turn off the one that he heard running to his room. "FELIX FELIX FELIX GET UP IT'S TIME FOR SCHOOL" Hyunjin screamed bursting through his door. The elder had fallen asleep at Felixs house when they were only supposed to be studying. "Hyunjin I will hurt you if you don't stop screaming in my ear, it's too early for this shit." I said with my eyes still closed. "C'mon, get up" Hyunjin said jumping onto me in attempt to wake me up.

The sudden weight on his body made Felix jump and flip over in his bed to yell at Hyunjin, until he realised how close his face was to Hyunjins and what position they were in. Both boys gulped and stared at each other then Hyunjin eventually got off Felix and Felix got off the bed. "I'll go shower now" Felix said leaving the awkward area. "Yeah yeah I'm gonna go eat" Hyunjin left the room with ears burning red and Felix went to the bathroom with a red blush, dazed across his freckled covered cheeks.

"I need to shower" he mumbled. He walked over to his sink and washed his face to get rid of the redness. He stripped his clothes and then hopped into the shower.


After his shower, Felix had changed into his uniform, which was just a plain white dress shirt with black pants and sneakers that had to be either white or black, he chose white while Hyunjins were black.

He packed his bag then walked out of the room heading downstairs to the kitchen. He dropped his bag next to the couch and walked into the kitchen where his mom, dad, sisters and Hyunjin were noisly eating breakfast. His mom was cooking while Olivia was playing with Hyunjins hands and his dad and his older sister were talking about something professional. "Hiya honey ready for Junior year?" His mom asked as she noticed him silently standing by the kitchen smiling. "Mhm" he said and grabbed the plate of bacon and eggs with pancakes, then walked over to his seat next to Olivia.

"I still can't believe the fact that he's only 16 and already a Junior." Rachel says. "He gets his smarts from me" his mom says, sassily flipping her hair and winking at her son causing him to giggle. "Hey Hyunjin are you ready for senior year?" Olivia asks him. "Yeah yeah I am! It's going to be great I've got everything planned out" he said.

I giggled cause I knew he was lying. He was complaining yesterday when we were studying about how he was gonna have to become a stripper for money cause he had no idea what he wanted to do for a career or what college he was going too.
[Same hyunjin same]

I looked over at the clock on the wall then realise we were already 15 minutes late. "HOLY SHIT WE'RE 15 MINUTES LATE" I yelled. "WHAT?!?!? WAIT- WHERE ARE MY SHOES" Hyunjin yelled. "MOM HAVE YOU SEEN MY PHONE" I yelled. "OLIVIA WHERE DID YOU PUT MY RINGS?!" "FELIX GET YOUR FAT ASS UP OFF MY SHOES!" "YOU'RE SITTING ON MY GOD DAMN BACKPACK HYUNJIN" "WAIT WHERE'S MY BAG?!"

The house was full of screams with the both of us running around trying to find everything that we needed. We both ran Into the kitchen and grabbed the leftover breakfast. He grabbed his keys and rings from Olivia. "BYE EVERYBODY!" I yelled. "BYE MR AND MRS LEE, BYE LIV BYE RACHEL" Hyunjin yelled.

We raced to Hyunjins car, and got into the front seats and dumped our bags in the back.

"Fuck, Mr. Kim is gonna kill us." I said. "Why did he have to be first period of all things?!?!" Hyunjin yelled. "Aish stop yelling my ears hurt." I said covering my ears. I've always had sensitive ears and they woul bleed easily. "Shit sorry are you okay?" He said completely disregarding the fact that we were late. "Yes now drive."

We finally pulled out the driveway and sped to school, breaking a few laws on the way. "You're lucky my mom is a lawyer or else we would be dead by now." I said. "Then we're gonna have to get her a thank you card" he says laughing. I giggled.

We finally arrived and I got out the car, grabbing my bag and Hyunjins from the backseat. "C'mon let's go!" I yelled throwing his bag at him. We raced into the school sneaking pass the late guard and went through the window of the class room so the teacher wouldn't see us.

We were known to be the late kids so if anyone saw us coming in they wouldn't really bother but laugh and try to stay quiet so the teacher didn't hear. We silently tip toed in the class room trying to make the least amount of noise possible as the teacher was facing the board. I almost tripped and a girls books fell and she was trying not to laugh, while Hyunjin kept whisper yelling at me as the class just kept trying not to laugh. .

"You incoherent swine STOP MAKING NOISE" he whisper yelled. "STOP YELLING AT ME PEPPA PIG FACE" I whisper yelled back. "BITCH!" he whisper yelled back.

"Launguage Mr.Hwang." the teacher suddenly turned around and said, staring at us. We both stiffened and slowly turned our heads to him. "Haha, nice shirt Mr. K" I said scratching the back of my head nervously with a shy smile. "Yeah it looks really expensive like from Gucci or something." Hyunjin said nervously laughing.

"Seats now." he said. At this point the entire class was in tears. "Alright quiet down everyone. I presume you all did the homework" he said. "Homework?" "Wait there was Homework?!" "I-" "Oh my God Sara you told me we didnt have any" "I thought we didn't." the entire class was filled with groans and people arguing with one another about the homework. I, for one, had nothing to worry about cause I actually listen in school and Hyunjin would probably have been one of these people if I didnt practically force him to do it.

"Ugh fine everyone be quiet." The teacher groaned. "Hwang Hyunjin!" "Yes sir" "did you do the homework?" "Yes sir" "Mr. Lee" "yes!" "Did you do it?" "Yes." "Very well."

"Fine since you were the only two that did the homework this gets you out of detention for now." He says 'oh thank fuck'


"Wow math ended faster than I expected" Hyunjin said grabbing my bag from me and throwing his hand over my shoulder. "I know and I can carry that myself you know" I said "sure you can I just like helping" he said smiling then dragging me out the class to his locker, I waited there until he was done then dragged him to my locker. I dumped my bag in and took out my books for my next class but since my next class was a free period I would just do some studying or probably just find my friends and hangout. I closed my locker and Hyunjin dragged me to see one of his friends.

"HEY BINNIE!" He yelled. "Sup Hwang." the boy replied. Changbin was a sweet kid, he was really cute. If I'm being honest, I had a crush on him since 5th grade when Hyunjin would bring him over to my house to play but at that time I didn't know I was gay until I became a Freshman and joined high school and realized how freaking hot all his friends were.

"Hey Lee, how's it going?" He said. "All good! You?" I asked. "Could be worse, right?" he said chuckling. "What class you got next bin?" Hyunjin asked. "I have a free period, you?" He replied. "I have literature." Hyumjim said groaning. "Good you need it" I said laughing. "shut up" He mumbled pinching me. I winced then giggled and looked over at Changbin. "I've got a free period too" I told him. "Great come hang out with me and my friends then Hyunjin can join us later." He said. "Sure" Hyunjin and I both replied. "Great! The bells gonna ring any second so let us go."

"Okay bye Hyunjin see yah later" I said as Changbin took my hand and we walked as he was waving bye to Hyunjin. I heard a faint "bye" from Hyunjin and then walked away with Changbin.

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