4. Free Period⛅

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Thoughts: ' '
Speach: " "

Changbin and Felix walked side by side out the school, towards the little café next door. Hyunjin stood in the hallway watching as the two laughed and smiled together. He couldn't help but to wonder what the gut feeling in his stomach was. He felt...jealous? 'No freaking way in hell i'd be jealous. Hwang Hyunjin doesn't get jealous.' He mumbled to himself as he stepped foot into his Literature classroom.

He didn't mind the class. He chose to take it instead of getting a free period. It only had about 6-7 kids in the class, Hyunjin being number 7, and it had the nicest teacher in the entire school. Mrs. Sprouts. She was a cheery woman in her mid 20's and was always smiling. Her smile could light up a room. She was from America and she was lightskin but that didn't bother the kids. She spoke good Korean because of her descent. She was ultimately a really good teacher and all the children loved being in her class. Fortunately, the literature class was only for the kids who were extremely well in English. This was just an Honors class that you would do for the extra credit.

He learned that from Felix considering that he was in alot, and I mean A LOT, of Honors classes. "Hey Hyunjin, you seem down what's wrong?" Ms. Sprouts said walking up to him. This was the reason he liked this woman. She would know when something was wrong and wouldn't wanna say anything infront of the entire school like most teachers. "Ah it's nothing just some thoughts about school" he said rubbing the back of his head lying. "Okay then, sit down let's start" she said walking over to her desk.

The class was all listening while Hyunjin was in the back thinking about Felix and Changbin. He knew about Felix's crush on Changbin but he thought it was just a phase, now he has to deal with Changbin. He was interrupted out of his thoughts by the bell. He hurriedly left the classroom to get to his locker and then the cafe were Felix was.


That was all that was on his mind. Why was the younger suddenly on his mind? He doesn't know. Hyunjin left the building and head to the cafe. When he got there, he saw Felix and Changbin laughing. Changbin's hand was around Felix's shoulder. They were in the line ordering what they wanted and they were really close Felix was laughing and blushing hard. Boiling Rage; that's exactly how he felt, angry, Why? He doesn't know! The only thing he does know is that he wants Felix back for himself. Why?




"Hey guys" he said he shoving his balled up fists into his pockets and walked over to them. Felix turned around and hugged him, "Hey." He finally calmed down. "Hey dude" Changbin said raising his hand up for a high five. He high fives him back and tried to hide the obvious anger on his face. "Hey Changbin, what are you guys up too?" Hyunjin asked. "We were ordering stuff before you walked in." Felix said. "Oh what are you guys ordering?" Hyunjin asked. "I was gonna get a milkshake and a sandwich." Changbin said staring down at his phone typing something. "I was gonna get a sugar coated donut and milkshake." Felix said. Hyunjin smiled at how soft Felix was.

'God you're perfect'

He shook his head from his thoughts as Felix asked him what he was gonna order. "Uh same thing as you." He said smiling at the younger. "Okay"

"BINNIE" somebody yelled. They all looked behind them and their stood Changbin's long time best friend, before Hyunjin, Bang Christopher Chan.

"Woah is that Hyunjin! Haven't seen you in a while!" Chan said. "Haven't seen you either Chan Hyung ". Hyunjin said smiling. "Hello there Young one." Chan said looking at Felix. Felix being the shy kid he his, kept his red face down looking at the floor and slowly hid behind Hyunjin; a habit he's had since they first met. 'somethings never change I guess' Hyunjin thought as he looked at Felix and smiled.

"Did I do something wrong?" Chris asked Hyunjin with a very confused face. "Oh no he's just really shy and awkward around new people" Changbin said. "Um this is Felix, he's my childhood best friend." Hyunjin said. "He looks really small" Chris said looking at Felix. "He's 16" Changbin said with his face in his phone again.

Chris snorted. "HUH?!?! HE'S 16?!?!?!" "Yes!" "with the 1 and the 6?" "mhm.." "as in-" "yes as in sixteen."

Felix started giggling behind Hyunjin causing Hyunjin to peak behind him and smile. "What grade is he in?" Chan asked. "He's a Junior" Changbin said finally putting his phone away with a frustrated look. "You good?" The eldest asked. "I'll talk about it later" he said. " wait- HES A JUNIOR AT 16?!" Chan yelled. Felix finally came out of the shadows causing Chan to turn his attention back to him .

"You look foreign." Felix suddenly said out of nowhere, he cocked his head to the side with a very curious face. Chan laughed at the sudden burst of confidence. "I'm from Australia but I grew up here." He said chuckling. "Oh really? I was born in Australia too." Felix said surprised. "Really?! Well it's a small world ain't it" Chan said laughing as he looked at Hyunjin.

"C'mon socially active people let's order." Changbin said. They all ordered what they wanted and went to a nearby table and talked about life. Until it was time for the boys to go back to school, with Hyunjin keeping close to Felix of course.

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