5. Problems with Paradise🌇

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Thoughts: ' '
Speach: " "

I was currently in my room laying down trying to figure out what the fuck my life is. I have a crush on my best friend and my best friends best friend and to top it all off, my best friends best friends best friend is now my best friend. 'FOR FUCKS SAKE CAN LIFE GET ANY LESS CONFUSING?!'

My phone suddenly chimmed and I picked it up. It was a message from Chris.

Australian buddy💕

Hey Felix

Hi Chan what's up?

I'm bored so I said why not get to know my new friend.

Lol okay I'm bored and dont wanna be at home wanna meet up?

Sure wanna go to the playground


See yah


Finally! An excuse to leave the house. I got up and walked out my room and headed to the living room where my parents were watching a movie. Olivia was in her room sleeping and Rachel was at her college classes. She said she'd rather take the night courses since she's a night owl.

"Hey parents I have a request" I said jumping over the couch and landing in my moms lap. "Mm what is your request kind sir?" She asked. "Well a friend of mine wants us to meet up at the playground not far from here. Can I go?" I asked. "Hmmmm what time is it Jiyeon?" My dad asked. "10:45" she replied checking her watch. "Be back by 12 am" he said. "THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YOU BOTH" I screamed running to my room. I opened my door and started going through my closet looking for something warm to put on over my sweatpants.

I finally got an old sweater and a plain black shirt that I got for Christmas 4 years ago.

"How am I still the same size the fuck" I mumbled to myself.

"Honestly that's been my biggest question for so long" Hyunjins voice said out of nowhere. I rolled my eyes and turned around. He was on my bed laying down reading the comic I was reading before I started panicking about my love life.

"I thought I told you to stop coming through my window. I have a front door for a reason You know." "Yeah but that takes the fun out of it"
he said smiling, tossing the manga aside. "Hey be careful, that's a limited edition Anonymous Noise Manga it was really expensive" I said glaring at him. He just ignored me and kept talking "Where are you going?" He asked looking me up and down.

"I'm meeting up with Chan" I replied. "Australian Chan?" "Yes Australian Chan! Got a problem?" I said looking behind me smirking. "No not really" he said getting off the bed walking up towards the door. "I'm gonna go, I'll see you at school tomorrow" he said.

"Wha-" I couldn't get to finish my sentence, he just slammed the door. "What the fuck is his problem!" I mumbled. I opened back my door and ran downstairs to him. I saw my parents with confused faces. "How did he get in?" My dad asked. "I think he used the balcony again." My mom said "why was he mad?" She asked. "I'm about to go find out" I said with a frustrated groan, heading to the front door.

"DON'T FORGET BE BACK BY 12" my dad yelled. "Alright bye love you guys" I replied shutting the door. I saw Hyunjin infront his car. He was about to open the door when he looked up at me. "What the hell's your problem" I said walking towards his car. He didn't reply and just got in, he was about to start the car when I opened the door on the passenger side and got in next to him.

"Hyunjin talk to me! Why are you mad?" I asked. "Its nothing! I'm not mad don't you have a date to get too" He said with attitude. "Are you serious?! Since when did you care who I talked to or who I date?" I yelled "Since i realised that every one of my friends started to have feelings for you and not the love kind" he yelled.

"For gods sake Felix, I'm just trying to protect you from all of them since they all just want to get in your god damn pants and you're so fucking young you can't even see it. That's why I fucking care who you date. Is that what you wanted to fucking hear?!"


That's what filled the car. Silence.... Nobody spoke. Felix sat there looking out the window processing everything he said. Hyunjin just sat there staring at the younger.

"Look Lix, I don't care if you hang out with them. I just care when you start dating them. I just hope you know what you're getting into, especially when you haven't even dated anyone yet. I seriously don't care if you hang out with Chan cause he's straight, I think, but it's the rest of them I don't like. I just don't wanna see my little brothers heart broken" He said.

I said nothing. 'Little brother......of course he never liked me. Why'd I get my hopes up in the first place.'

"If you want I can drop you off at Chan's house" He said "Forget it" I mumbled. I got out the car and started walking to my door. I heard Hyunjins door slam "Felix...." I stopped and turned around to look at him. "Thanks for looking out for me, I appreciate it. See you later Hyunjin." I said giving a half hearted smile and I opened my front door and slammed it shut then ran up to my room ignoring my parents calling my name. I was mad.

I was angry! I was boiling with rage!!! I wanted to scream! I was just pissed. And I had no idea why....

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