Chapter 1: The Awakening

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In their journey, Gingerbrave and friends traveled from the Lotus Paradise, across the oceans and arrived in the Rambutan Village, a village under assault by horrific monsters.

Together, with Rambutan Cookie, chief of the Rambutan Tribe, they successfully drove the monsters off, but Cookies kept disappearing... Even Gingerbrave was taken away.

In the end, it came to light that everything had been orchestrated by the village's 'beloved' Mangosteen Cookie, who turned out to be Lychee Dragon Cookie in disguise.

After a tough fight, the group of friends managed to save both Gingerbrave and the kidnapped tribescookies. But then large quakes started shaking the dragon's caves...

The whole group of Cookies, along with the tribecookies, dashed frantically towards the entrance of the cave. More rocks cascaded from above, blocking their path and nearly crushing them under their weight.

"Ah!" Gingerbright screamed, her vooce echoing through the cavern as she scrambled away from a boulder that slammed down inches in front of her. "Rocks are falling down on the way out! What do we do if the entrance is blocked?!"

Lychee Dragon Cookie's loud laughter echoed through the cave, the sound chilling the air. They hovered menacingly above the Cookies, their wings beating slowly, a smug grin plastered on their face.

"I told you! It's no use!" they taunted, their eyes gleaming with mischief. "Heehee... Just try escaping with your tiny legs! Ahahaha!"

Then, Rambutan Cookie's strong, commanding voice echoed through the cave. "Tribescookies!" she roared, thrusting her spear high in the air. "Everyone! Follow me! If rocks block our way, let's turn them into rubble!"

"Yeah!" The tribescookies cheered in agreement, raising their weapons with fervor. "We beat those monsters, we beat those monsters, ain't no way we'll be afraid of some stones!"

Lychee Dragon Cookie watched them with a gleeful smirk. "So brave for a bunch of cookies! But what if you become stones yourselves?"

Scanning the cave with a miscvhievous glint in their eyes, Lychee Dragon Cookie continued, "The eyes should awaken... Aaany minute now!"

Just as they spoke, the rumbling in the caves intensified, as if something was...awakening. Lychee Dragon Cookie's grin widened. "Oh! There we go!Longan Dragon was right yet again! Time to sit back and enjoy the show! Where did I put my popcorn? Ahaha!"

As Lychee Dragon Cookie flew away to find their 'popcorn', the group of Cookies swung their weapons towards the falling rocks, shattering them.

"Everyone!" Gingerbrave shouted, swinging his candy cane at a nearby boulder. "Just a little bit further now! We just need to reach the light over there!"

One of the tribescookies, the upright Rambutan villager, notices something emerging from beneath the stones. "Something coming out from over there! Is it a rock?!"

Another tribescookies, the nimble villager quickly ran next to him, holding her spear up. "It's too small and quick to be a rock..." Her eyes widened in surprise as she saw the pupil of the mysterious orb. "Wait, it's an eye?! But why is it glowing? And why does it look hypnotized..."

Before anyone could react, the orb swiftly hovered to the nearest Cookie and shone its light upon them. In an instant, the Cookie's dough began to harden and turn to stone, inside and out! The orb continued its dreadful work, petrifying more Cookies with each pass.

"Everyone!!!" Rambutan Cookie screamed, her eyes wide with dismay as she sees watched her tribe slowly turning to stone. "No... They all turned to stone...!"

Alchemist Cookie ran up to one of the petrified cookies, tapping on the stone to test its solidity. Her eyes widened in shock as she shook her hand in pain. "To become this hard, their dough must've been petrified from the inside out...!"

Rambutan Cookie's eyes, now brimming with grief, dropped to the ground. Clutching her spear to her chest, she stepped back shakily. "My tribe...! We were so close...!"

Lychee Dragon Cookie suddenly reappeared, flying towards the group of surviving cookies with an excited grin. "Look at that!" They laughed, soaring over the petrified cookies. "I told you to quietly await your destiny here in the cave! Wouldn't it be better to be crushed by stones than turning into one? Heehee..."

To empathize their words, more orbs descended, turning the remaining tribescookies into stone. Gingerbright took a step back, hiding behind one of the stones. "Oh no! More of us turned to stone! It seems that it happens whenever that eye thing glows...!"

Rambutan Cookie stood still, staring off into space while taking deep breaths. Tears welled up in her eyes, threatening to fall. She quickly wiped them away with her arm, gripping her spear tightly. With a fierce resolve, she rushed forward, slicing through the rocks to clear a path.

She confronted Lychee Dragon Cookie, pointing her spear at their face. "What do you think you're doing to my tribe?!" She demanded, her eyes narrowed in fury. "Wasn't it enough that you were manipulating them to do what you wanted?!"

Lychee Dragon Cookie looks genuinely caught off guard at her outburst, their facade faltering for a few seconds before they regain their usual grin. "Rambutan Cookie! Why are you so angry? You'll calm down a bit, won't you?"

"Ugh...!" Rambutan Cookie groans, shaking her head as a headache set in, still glaring at the dragon cookie in front of her. "Don't pretend like you're Mangosteen Cookie!"

Lychee Dragon Cookie shrugged, acting casual with a smirk. "But unfortunately, I'm not the one who did that! It would've been fun if I did, though!"

Rambutan Cookie's face flushes in anger, her mind racing with thoughts of avenging her fallen tribe. "Then who?! I'll never forgive them!"

Lychee Dragon Cookie raised their wings and jumped forward, circling around Rambutan Cookie with their half-lidded eyes and mocking grin. "Even if you knew, it's not like a mere Cookie like you would be able to do anything about it! Heehee..."

Alchemist Cookie, who was hiding behind some boulders, suddenly peeked her head up, looking shocked. "So you're saying it isn't a Cookie?!"

Gingerbright waved her lollipop in the air, signaling the surviving Cookies. "We don't have time to think about that right now! We have to get out of here!"

Mala Sauce Cookie was swinging her Morning Star Anise at the orbs surrounding her, looking panicked. "But how do we avoid these things flying so quickly?!"

Purple Yam Cookie rushed towards Mala Sauce Cookie is swung his mace at the orbs, sending them flying. "Let's just destroy these weird 'hypnotized' eyeballs!"

Strawberry Cookie, who was reaching towards the entrance of the cave, noticed another orb on the outside. But this one doesn't seem to be petrifying anybody, nor did it look hypnotized. Instead, it looked... freaked out.

"Guys!" Strawberry Cookie shouted, getting the attention of the other cookies before pointing at the orb outside the cave. "Look! It's another eye, but it looks docile!"

The orb flinched at her words, looking around before zooming away. "Hey!" Dino-sour Cookie shouted. "Let's follow it!"

All the surviving cookies glanced at each other before nodding, all running out of the cave to follow the runaway orb. Rambutan Cookie stayed behind for a moment and looked over at Lychee Dragon Cookie, giving them a small glare that said "To be continued" before following the others.

Lychee Dragon watched them leave, the same grin on their face, though they kept their eyes on Rambutan Cookie. Once they were sure she had fully left, their grin faltered, a look of guilt crossing on their face.

They sigh, looking in the direction the Cookies went. "I'm sorry, Rambutan Cookie..." they whispered to themself. "But this is for your own good."

Then, the orbs inside the cave surround them from behind, staring with menacing looks. Lychee Dragon Cookie turned around and widened their eyes, a small squeak escaping the dragon as they turned tail and flew away, leaving the cave.


The orb kept zooming around the village, looking for a place to hide, the Cookies following closely behind.

"Hey, little guy!" Milk Cookie shouted, starting to pant from exhaustion. "By the witches, that thing is too fast...!"

The orb turned a corner, rushing forward... until it reached a dead end. It quickly turned around to rush the other way but got blocked by the Cookies.

Rambutan Cookie dropped her spear and stepped forward, raising her hands in a soothing manner as the orb backed away into a corner, looking terrified. "Hey, hey..." she whispered, walking slowly towards the orb. "It's okay..."

She approached the shaking orb and gingerly picked it up, holding it closely in her arms. She caressed the top of it with her hand, gazing down at it with a soft expression. "There you go... Nice and easy..."

The orb relaxed in her arms, nuzzling its face against her. The other Cookies stared at her, stunned. "How... How did you do that?" GingerBrave stammered.

Rambutan Cookie chuckled softly, cradling the orb, but her eyes glinted with something else... grief. "Remember that night back at the village? When I said I didn't have anyone to take care of me when I was young, so it makes me want to take care of others more?" She smiled slightly, though it didn't reach her eyes. "It's... one of those moments. This eye looks docile. Maybe it wants to help us?"

Zombie Cookie tilted their head slightly, looking confused as always. "Help... us...? Whagh..?"

"Well..." Milk Cookie began, looking off to the side. "It doesn't seem like it wants to attack us, and look how peaceful it looks in Rambutan Cookie's arms!"

Gesturing towards Rambutan Cookie and the orb nestled in her arms, the orb nuzzled against her arm, looking content. She let out a soft chuckle, a slight amusement playing on her face. "I never knew I had that magic touch..."

Mala Sauce Cookie laughed aloud, wiping fake tears away. "Rambutan Cookie, stop being so hard on yourself! For a proud chieftain, you're so modest! It's impressive, really."

Rambutan Cookie flushed, looking away. "I'm not that modest... Am I?"

Gingerbright giggled, placing her hand on her lips to stifle the sound. "Don't worry about it, Rambutan Cookie. It makes you more admirable!"

Suddenly, the orb wriggled out of Rambutan Cookie's arms as the ground began to shake more violently. The Cookies clung to each other and the walls as the rumbling grew more intense.

"Whoa, it's shaking even more than before!" Dino-Sour Cookie shouted, holding on to Milk Cookie to regain his balance. "At this rate, the whole island is going to collapse!!!"

Mala Sauce Cookie held on to Purple Yam Cookie, yet she didn't look scared. "Are we falling down into the ground?! That happened in the Dragon's Valley too, so we'll be fine!"

Strawberry Cookie turned to look at Mala Sauce Cookie, her expression full of anxiety. "Are you sure about that...?! Besides, we're on an island, so wouldn't it be an ocean down there...?"

Mala Sauce Cookie's eyes widened, a panicked look crossing her face. "What?! That's really bad!"

Milk Cookie wrapped an arm around Dino-Sour Cookie and Mala Sauce Cookie, holding them tight. "Everyone, hold on tight! If we fall into the ocean, getting soggy would be an understatement!!!"

Gingerbright, who was holding on to Gingerbrave, suddenly pointed towards the ocean. "But look down below! A huge building is rising up...!!!"

The rumbling grew more intense, the ground splitting with cracks. Milk Cookie had to hold Dino-Sour Cookie up from tripping. Just then, a large palace began rising from the ocean's depths, wielding large gates and a throne.

Alchemist Cookie took a step back, her eyes wide with shock. "Was this palace always down there in the ocean...?!"

Strawberry Cookie was now trembling, her eyes glistening with fear. "It's so high up...! Once we get on it, walking across the edge would send us straight into the ocean..."

Gingerbright ran towards the edge of the island with the others following, looking at the palace with wide eyes. "Look over there! The eyeballs are also flying into there!"

Alchemist Cookie took another step back, looking uneasy. "What if that place is full of those things?! Is it really safe for us to go in there..?"

Gingerbrave, looking determined, suddenly shouted, "But we have to find out who is doing all of this!"

Rambutan Cookie, now with the docile orb on her shoulder, thrusted her spear up. "I would even jump back into the Oven, if it's to save my tribescookies!"

The cookies nodded in agreement and began to climb their way to the palace.

Will they be safe?

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