Escape and Explanations

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(In case you guys are wondering where I got the nicknames for the Insurrectionist ODSTs it was from this pic): 


The Freelancer team was now flying through space with Carolina in the lead. 

"I don't get it, everything stopped." She says as all the firing from the space station has stopped. 

"Maybe they're retreating..." North suggests. 

"Nothing left out here but a bunch of junk." York adds. 

"This is Four Seven Niner, I have lost visual on targets. It's like they all just left." 


"Sir, their outpost is disabled, and it looks as if we have driven off the remaining fighters." Counselor Price states. 

"Well, good riddance to bad rubbish Counselor." The Director says. 

"Indeed sir, all enemy systems appear to be offline. Wait..." The Counselor then sees something in the distance.

"What is it?" Suddenly a ship begins to emerge from the junkyard, igniting its engines. The words Staff of Charon clearly visible on the side. 

"It's a trap, they're hiding in the junkyard. Repeat, it's a trap!" 479er then accelerates her thrusters to rescue the Freelancers. 

"Evasive maneuvers!" The Director orders. 

The Insurrectionist ship fires at the Mother of Invention, hitting it several times. 

"Son of a-" The Director is then cut off as both ships cross each with the Staff of Charon firing at the frigate. Multiple turrets begin to emerge from the enemy ship and fire more rounds upon the Mother of Invention. 

"No!" The Director hits a panel in anger. 

 As 479er races to assist the Freelancers, an alert sounds on her screen telling her that nuclear bombs are in the area, about to detonate. "Guys, get out of there, they've outfitted that piece of junk with nukes!" 

"Go! Go! Go!" Carolina commands. The Freelancers increase their jet pack speed and head toward the dropship. 

"Get inside now!" 479er then opens the rear bay doors. Carolina, York, and the Twins manage to get inside except for who is struggling to keep up. They all look and notice him. 

"Wash, what are you doing? Get in here, use your jet pack." York tells him. 

"I-I don't want to end up like Georgia!" Wash cries. 

"Oh for the love of-" Carolina shoots her grappling hook at Wash's crotch plate

"Huh?" Wash then yells as he's yanked inside the Pelican. Carolina pulls the cord and the steel Freelancer hits the ceiling and the floor before the bay door closes. They all look through the window as the junkyard explodes. 

"Everyone okay back there?" 479er calls out. 

"Never better, thanks for asking." York says sarcastically as he takes off his jetpack.

"What the in the world just happened people? Tell me you accomplished your mission." The Director says over the radio. 

"Negative sir, their leader escaped." Carolina answers. 

"Well, looks like the enemy lives to fight another day." North sighs sitting down. 

"Again." South adds. 

"That is most unfortunate. Are all Agents accounted for?" The Freelancers look at one another. 

"All except CT and Arizona sir. They're gone." 

"Define "gone," Agent Carolina." 

"I'll explain when we get back sir." Carolina then turns off her radio before sitting down and taking off her helmet. 

"Who wants to bet how angry he'll be on a scale from one to ten?" South asks. 

"If I know the Director, ten definitely." Wash says picturing the Director's reaction. 

"And let's not forget Tex, she and Zone have been gettin' pretty buddy buddy, if you know what I mean." York states. 

"Look whatever the case I'll handle this okay? Just don't mention anything." Carolina says running a hand through her hair. 


Zone then began to drowsily wake up. He then jolted and looked to see he was standing up, his arms held high with energy cuffs around his wrists. He was able to lift them up but couldn't pull them down, he looks and sees he doesn't have a shirt on and is in nothing but his under garment pants and boots. ~Well this is just great.~ 

A door opens behind him and he looks to see the Guns, Rambo, and Pink-Heart walk in. They all have their helmets off. Rambo has dark brown hair with a scar going down the left side of his face, Guns has rusty blonde hair with brown eyes that mean trouble, and Pink-Heart had blonde hair with piercing green eyes. Zone would be lying if he said she didn't look attractive. Guns then walked over as he picked what looked like some kind of cattle prod. He presses a button and the electricity goes all around the stick. Guns then walks up and holds it close to Zone's face, barely centimeters away from his cheek. 

Pink-Heart then walks and gives a sadistic smirk. "We're gonna have a nice long chat." 


Carolina walks onto the bridge, helmet in hand as she sees the Director and Counselor talking with Texas. They turn around and see her. 

"Agent Carolina, would you care to explain to me how two of our Agents were unaccounted for?" The Director asks placing his hands the table and leaning forward. 

"After we had cleared the hangar sir, CT had suddenly disappeared, Arizona was able to pinpoint her location and went after her." 

"You let him go after her?! What were you thinking?" Tex asked getting close to her.

"I'd like to have seen you do any better." Carolina sneered. 

"Both of you! Enough! Carolina what happened to Arizona?" The Director then pounds the table. 

"I can only assume he went to rescue her. They didn't come back." 

"Then Agent Connecticut has been declared a traitor to our organization. And we can only assume they're hold Agent Arizona prisoner. He is a strong soldier, and I know he will fight every ounce of interrogation they thrust upon him." The Director says praisingly. "Agent Carolina, go and prepare for our strike." 

"Strike on what sir?" 

"The home base of our enemy. We have pinpointed their exact location, inform Agents Florida and Wyoming that they will be on reconassaince. Dismissed." Carolina then sends a glare at Tex before exiting the bridge. 

"Agent Texas?" 

"Yes Director?" Tex then turns to him and the Counselor. 

"Now that Agent Connecticut is a traitor, there is something I'm entrusting you to do..." 

"Anything sir." 

"If and when the time should come...if you cannot apprehend CT, you will eliminate her. Our armor cannot fall into enemy hands, do you understand?" 

"Affirmative sir." 

"Then repeat to me what I just said." 

"If CT can't be apprehended, kill her." 

"Good, now go and prepare." Tex then nodded before leaving. The Director turns to Counselor Price. "I believe the time has come to acquire Agent Arizona's AI." 

"But Director, if the Insurrection should kill Arizona then-" 

"He will survive Counselor, Agent Arizona was Spartan in the Great War between humanity and the Covenant. He has been through anything you can conceive to be torture. I have faith he will survive." The Director turns to look out the viewport of the bridge and smiles. Unbeknownst to them, Tex had eavesdropped on their conversation. 

~Zone fought in the Great War? No wonder he's been so calm through everything he's seen onboard.~ Tex then slips away, walking down the halls. She clenches her fists in anger. ~Hold tight Zone, we're coming for ya." 

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