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The Director and Counselor are ordering soldiers who are pushing the Sarcophagus away, a green figure is seen on a work table, lying down and waking up. 

"Keep it in its case, and don't let it touch anything else." Counselor tells the soldiers as they take the Sarcophagus away. 

"Hello there. Do you know your name?" The Director asks. The green figure then stands up, looking at the two men and its surroundings. 

"I am confused." He says. 

"Do not be concerned. That is completely natural given your state." 

"My state? Was I injured?" The green figure then looks down at himself checking to see if he had been harmed. 

"No. Do you feel as though you have been injured?" Counselor Price asks. 

"Counselor please. Do not be concerned. You are fine. You're safe. Once again, do you know your name?" 

"Yes. I know my name. My name is Alpha." 

"No, your name is not Alpha. You are mistaken." 

"I am sorry, I am confused." The green figure then holds the side of his face. 

"Do not be concerned. This is perfectly normal given your state. Would you like to know your name?" 

"Yes please. I would like to know my name. I feel very confused." The green figure then looks up at the men. 

"Your name is Delta. That is your name." The Director states. 

"Delta?" The green figure says trying it out. 

"Yes. You are very wise, Delta. It is very nice to meet you." Counselor Price says greetingly. 

"I think I remember you." The green figure now named Delta says thoughtfully. 

"No, you have never met us before. You did not exist before today. Today is your birthday. Today is a great day." 

"Do you know your name?" The Director asks once more. 

"My name is Delta." 

"That is correct." 

"Delta, this is the Director. He is going to take good care of you." 

"I am glad to hear that. I am very confused." Delta then shakes his head still confused as ever. 

"Don't worry Delta, that will not last long. And when you feel better, we are going to do incredible things together you and I. Incredible things." 

"I will do my best to perform whatever future tasks I am assigned." 

"Good, Counselor?" 

"Yes Director?" 

"Prepare Delta to be assigned to one of our Agents." 

"Yes sir, may I suggest Agent New York?" 

"Excellent choice Counselor, go and tell Agent New York of his new partner." 

"Yes Director." 


Somewhere across space, an Insurrectionist is sitting in an office chair with his feet kicked up on his desk watching Grifball. 

"And now the moment you've all been waiting for, from the far distant system of Sanghelios...I hope I'm pronouncing that correctly, the bad boys of Grifball; Team Heretic!" The Insurrectionist then yawns and begins to fall asleep. 

"And your home playing favorites; Slipspace!" The announcer continues. Suddenly the monitor begins to go act up and shows different clips of videos. Delta then appears and startles the Insurrectionist, waking him up. 

"I hate to intrude, but you have not performed any work in the past 13 minutes and 42 seconds. That strikes me as rather inefficient." 

"Oh uh, sorry." The Insurrectionist apologizes. "I was just trying to uh, yeah, how how do you get a new window? You know, like the, you know, like a new window, what's the button thing for that, you know?" 

"I believe the keys you are looking for are Alt, Tab." Delta advises. 

"Oh yeah, thanks little guy. Wait, who are you? You don't look like the normal holo-projection." The Insurrectionist says taking a closer look at the green artificial intelligence. 

"That is because I am the AI designated as Delta, from Project Freelancer." 

"Wait, you're from Project Freelancer? Wait, aren't those the bad guys?" 

"There is no need for name calling. I submit that Project Freelancer is neither good nor bad, much like your own forces. We are merely two groups dedicated to obtaining different results." Delta explains simply. 

"Whoa man that's, that's deep... its like-it's like there's different universes. But you know  there's-" Suddenly the Insurrectionist is grabbed by the shoulder and looks to see York. 

"Don't encourage him, he's already long-winded as it is." York slams the Insurrectionist's head on the desk and he flips onto the ground. Zone then drops from the ceiling as he had been hiding and waiting for York to make his move. 

"[Thank God. I thought you two would never stop talking]." Zone says taking out his carbine. He was testing out his intimidation voice and it seemed to be working fine. 

"Tell me about it." York agrees as he begins typing on the computer. 

"I'm not sure that was entirely necessary. He seemed open to the logic I presented him. Perhaps he would have allowed us to carry on our mission." 

"Sorry I knocked out your new friend D. Now you two will never get to have a beer together." York says sarcastically. 

"I believe that would have been unlikely, regardless." Delta states. 

York successfully activates a holographic lock. "Show time." York cracks his fingers and begins to work. 

"Come in Agent Arizona, are you and Agent York in?" 

"[Yes sir, York is working on the lock now]." 

"These guys just love their holographic locks." York chimes on the radio. "I'll let Delta take a peek in their system while I try to disable it manually." York then turns to his AI. "You're up D." 

Delta then summons a holographic keyboard and begins working when something catches his attention. "Curious." 

"What's curious? That's code for bad, isn't it?" 

"[That's your first assumption]?" Zone asks. 

"I have detected an anomaly inside of the system, something that is not supposed to be there. Diverting sub-routines to investigate." 

"[Don't get too curious in there, York needs all the help he can get with this lock]." 


"Do not worry Agent Arizona, I have already rectified several instances where York would have tripped the alarm system." Zone then looks back to see the Insurrectionist that York had supposedly knocked out getting up wearily. 

"Oh... Ow, my head... What-wait hold on. Why-give me back my leprechaun!..." Zone rolls his eyes before grabbing his head and smashing it against the wall rendering him unconscious again. 

"What was that, Delta?" The Director asks. 

"Nothing sir!" York interjects still working on the lock. 

"Agents, may I remind you that we are running short on time?" 

"Warning, an alarm has been remotely triggered." Delta warns. 

"[What, by who?]" Zone asks urgently. 

"They knew we were coming. Agents, abort intrusion immediately. We are moving to more direct measures."

"Wait, wait, wait, I can do this, I can do this, just give me a moment sir." York then scrambles to work faster. 

"System online, Director; awaiting your command." FILSS says on the radio. 

"I agree with the Director. I have yet to see you successfully open a lock in the field, and this alarm will only hamper your progress." 

"Okay, now don't you start now in on me, too D! You've been talking to Wash again, haven't you?" 

"[York come on. We gotta get outta here!]" Zone looks around as if expecting something to happen. 

"Agent York, we are out of time, I repeat; abort." The Director orders. 

"Target locked." FILSS announces. 

"Um... what target is locked? What's the target?" York and Zone both look at the AI. 

"[Delta, what are they doing?]" Zone asks. 

"Taking more direct measures." Delta states. 

"You mean you knew about this?" York says shocked. 

Delta pauses before saying, "...Possibly." 

York and Zone hear something and both turn to see a hole being created in the side of the ship. They both turn to the AI. 

"Why you green little-" An explosion occurs, sending the Freelancers flying across the room. York and Zone are both flipped over and pulled by the vaccum of space while the ship alarm is sounding. Zone manages to grab onto a table. He sees York shooting towards the hole and grabs his arm before he could be sucked in. 

"Holy crap!" York says gripping his comrade's forearm. 

"[Yeah no kidding! Just hold on!]" 

"Look out!" Zone turns and is hit in the face by the office chair, making him lose his grip on the table and the duo are both sucked into the void of space. They both are flailing as they try to gain their balance. "Now what?" York asks. 

"[Grab my hand.]" Zone stretches his hand and grabs York as he pulls him close. Zone then types on his holo-screen and then deactivates it. "[Okay I'm gonna teleport inside the Pelican.]" 

"But wait doesn't your teleporter only work for you? Have you even done this before?" York asks worriedly. 

"[No. Always wanted to try it though.]" Zone then taps his wrist as they both teleport. 


The Mother of Invention is closing in on the Insurrection space station. Fighters then are released from the hangar and race towards the frigate. 

"Sir, enemy fighters approaching." Counselor Price warns. 

"Fire at will, Counselor. Let's send them back to the scrapyard." The fighter jets proceed to attack the Mother of Invention while it fires back and takes out a two of the three jets, but the remaining one keeps shooting. 

"It appears we are now taking fire." 

"Release the dropships, get the team in position." The Director then orders. Four Pelicans then deploy from the Mother of Invention's hangar. 

"Well, that went quicker than we thought. Out of the frying pan into the overly screwed up oven." 479er says as her Pelican launches last from the frigate. 

"How do you guys think Zone and York are doing?" Wash asks. Suddenly both Zone and York appear in the air and fall face first into the deck of the Pelican. They both groan as they struggle to get up. 

"You were saying?" South snickers. Carolina helps up Zone as Wash helps York. 

"How'd you guys get here?" North asked. 

"Captain Houdini over here used his teleporter so we could get inside the Pelican. Great plan! Now I've got a headache AND I feel like I'm gonna hurl." York complains holding his stomach. 

"[Well I wouldn't have had to use it Mr. Just Give Me One More Second, if you had picked the lock in time! I mean seriously you probably couldn't even pick the lock off of a freakin' doorknob!]" 

"Hey not my fault! Those things are harder than the locks I'm used to." 

"Lock it down both of you! We're going to need a new insertion point seeing as how York couldn't open the leader's hangar for us." 

"Again: wasn't my fault!" 

"We'll have to settle for the main hangar." 479er states. 

"[Which one is that?]" Zone asks. 

"The one with the shooting things coming out at us." 

"Never a dull moment, huh?" Carolina chuckles as she straps on her jetpack. North, South, Wash, York, and CT do the same. 

"Wait Zone aren't you gonna put one on?" Wash asks struggling with his. Zone turns and stares at him. "Oh. Right. Jet boots. Forgot, sorry." 

"You heard her, we're going for the main hangar! Be ready for anything." Carolina announces. 

"So much for a smooth ride." North complains. 

"Heh, what's the matter, feeling sick?" South teases. 

"Hey, I'm not the one who needed a barf bag on all our family trips." 

Carolina puts her plasma rifles on her thighs before Zone puts his hand on her shoulder. She turns and looks at him. "[You good?]" Zone asks. 

"Something you wanna say Zone?" 

"[I just thought, y'know, after giving Sigma to Maine and everything...]" 

"I'll be fine Zone. Promise." She places her hand over his that was still on her shoulder and gives it a reassuring squeeze. Zone nods and starts loading his SMGs. He looks up and sees CT looking at the floor. 

"[CT, you've been pretty quiet, you okay?]" 

"Oh, just... trying to prepare myself." 

"Hey, worst comes to worst, we'll just get kicked off the leaderboard. At least us ladies will be sticking together, right?" South says nudging her shoulder. The Pelican shook violently as began to take fire from the space station. 

"Crap! Opening rear bay!" 479er calls out. The door opens and the group looks out seeing all the rubble that was floating around. 

"Right, all together!" CT shouts. 

"Use your packs sparingly. Course correction only. You don't want to end up like Georgia." Carolina reminds everyone. 

"Wait, what happened to Georgia?" Wash asks. 

"Nobody knows! They never found him!" South answers. 

"Are you sure these things are safe?" 

"Yeah!" York says. 

"Now!" Carolina commands. 

North ejects a spent round from his sniper rifle as the ship makes a hard turn and the Freelancers jump out heading inside of the hangar. Soldiers were carrying boxes of weapons when one turns and sees the oncoming group. 

"Battle stations! We're under attack!" 

"Obviously we're under attack. What do you think we're doing, rolling out the red carpet?" Another says picking up a shotgun. 

"No, you idiot! Look!" The soldier points and the other looks to see the Freelancers. 

"Aw, crud!" He drops a shotgun, which fires at the other Insurrectionist, knocking him over. "Not again...sorry about that." He then gets shot and falls over. Carolina and Zone run ahead and starts to fight the Insurrectionists, Wash heads to the control panel.

"Okay, where's that security override? Come on...dang it!" Wash punches the control panel and disables the artificial gravity. "Uh oh, that's not good. Hey guys? Things are gonna get a little...floaty." Insurrectionists start to float away from the ground and fire randomly. 

"Everyone! Enable grav-boots!" Wash calls out. 

South, North, and York shoot at the stragglers. Carolina then comes in and with the gravity hammer knocks a Warthog into a group of Insurrectionists. Zone then whips out his sword and starts teleporting from soldier to soldier, slicing and dicing his way to Carolina's side. They both jump up and Carolina pulls out her plasma rifles while Zone reaches for his SMGs and they leap from Warthog to Warthog killing soldiers with their weapons. 

"Okay, okay, I got it! I got it! Oh man..." Wash ducks as a Warthog shoots past his head. 

"Why do cars hate me?" He mutters. Insurrectionists and Warthogs fall to the ground and Carolina and Zone land on the ground without a scratch on them. North, South, York, and Wash head to them. 

"[That was cathartic!]" Zone laughs putting his SMGs on his sides. 

"They know we're inside. Wash, North, York, secure that hallway. South, see if you can access the leader's location, we don't leave without him." 

"Got it, I'm already on it!" South then runs to a nearby console. 

"CT, get me-, where the heck is CT?!" 

"[I'll find her]." Zone activates his holo-screen and begins typing and then a ping is heard. "Got her." Carolina looks at his screen to see a red dot flying through rubble. 

"How do you know where she's going?" Carolina says. 

"[My holo-screen can keep tabs on the Freelancers' ID chips in their armor. Maybe she saw something, look you guys get the leader, I'll go get her]." Zone then turns on his jet boots and flies away. Zone looks at his holo-screen and continues to follow the direction CT has been going. He stops when he sees the wreck of a ship as large as the Mother of Invention. ~Geez, what could've wrecked this bad boy?~ 

Zone flies to the top and turns on his grav-boots walking on the hull of the ship until he sees an opening. He then falls through and begins to hear talking. Zone takes out his carbine and as he silently walks to the side and peeks inside to see CT...talking to the INSURRECTIONIST LEADER! 

"I was worried about you. Didn't think you be able to get away." He says as they both hug. 

"You don't know the half of it. They stepped up production. Here." CT hands a datapad to the leader. "The ship was captured by the enemy. I'm suprised there's anything left in the data banks." 

"Ha, not everybody follows protocol you should know that better than anyone." The leader reminds her. 

"You really think they found another artifact? How could nobody have discovered that when they were processing the wreckage?" CT asks astonished. 

"They didn't know where to look, and they didn't have what you have." 


"What do you mean the leader's not here?" Carolina says as South runs up. 

"Exactly what I said. His last check in is upstairs in the main deck, but his callsign just appeared in their internal frequencies. He's broadcasting from out in Bone Valley." 

"Meaning he's not here?" 

"Gee, you're starting to sound like a broken record." 

"Fine. Change of plans everyone. We're heading into the junkyard." Carolina and the group set up to leave. "This is beginning to feel more and more like a setup. Hope Zone is okay." She mutters to herself. 

"Wait, wait, wait! We're going out there? After what happened to Georgia?!" York said shocked. 

"Okay, will somebody please tell me what happened to Georgia?" Wash insisted. 

"Dude you don't want to know." 

The team then left as Wash was just standing there. "I really do though!" 


"Time to get out of here." The leader says. Suddenly shots are heard and CT and the leader turn to see Zone, with one guard on the floor dead and the other with Zone's sword through his chest. Zone then retracts his sword as the other guard falls dead. 

"[I don't know what's worse, siding with the Insurrection or betraying your friends. (Sighs) It just had to come down to this didn't it?]" 

"Zone listen to me! They're not the enemy! They're the good guys! It's the Director, he's been using us as pawns in his sick twisted game! Don't you see what he's done?" 

"[The only thing I see is a woman who's thrown everything she's gained in the Project to a bunch of terrorists.]" Zone then aimed his carbine at them. "[I'm taking you both in.]" Connie then aims her pistols as the leader aims his assault rifle. "[Now look, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Put. The. Guns. Down. Now.]" 

The leader then lowers his rifle the says, "Guns! Rambo!" Zone raises an eyebrow when suddenly he's grabbed by the Muscular Insurrectionist and the one that was shot by the Mother of Invention's MAC cannon. Only his left arm was robotic. They both held him down and then Guns knocked him out with magnum. Zone then collapsed to the floor unconscious. 

"Get him out of here." Guns and Rambo then dragged the Freelancer by his arms out of the room. CT then turned to leave. "Where are you going?" 

"I need to get back." 

"Connie if they weren't onto you before they will be now." The leader then places his hand on her shoulder. "Come with us Connie. I'm not gonna risk losing you to this." CT then looks down before looking back up at him and nodding. They both left the room as they prepared for the next phase of their plan. 

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