Truths and Realizations

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Zone walked into the locker room and saw York and North. "Hey fellas." The duo turned and looked at Zone shocked. 

"Dude I thought you couldn't talk!" York then lifts his jaw from off the floor. 

"I thought the Director would've told you guys...voice synthesizer. Underwent surgery a couple hours ago. Also got another voice I can use to intimidate my enemies." 

"Huh, sweet." North compliments. Zone rolls his eyes. 

"So uh, what've you guys been talking about?" 

"Well for starters the list changed again." 

"Yep, lots of things changing these days." York agrees as he opens his locker and pulls out his old helmet, looks at it, then tosses it in the trash.

"I think we've got more change on the way." Zone adds as he takes out a rag and begins to clean his visor. 

"You feel it, too?" North asks. 

"I've felt it since Texas and you showed up Zone and when cops and military started shooting at us, yeah, I find that I just keep coming back to the same question in my head over and over again. No offense to you man." 

"None taken man." Zone says raising his hand. "So what's that question that keeps coming back to you?" 

"We're the good guys, right?" 

"Yeah, 'course we are." North reassures but not confidently. 

"You don't sound so sure of yourself." York interjects. The three turn to see South look at the leaderboard and walk away disgusted. 

"No, no I suppose I don't." 

"Hey, do you guys know where Carolina is? I need to talk to her." Zone the puts his helmet on. 

"Uh, you sure you wanna do that man? She hasn't exactly been in the best of moods ever since the highway run..." York says nervously. 

"Just tell me where she is York." Zone demands not beating around the bush. 


Carolina was in the training with holographic targets circling around her. She spun and kicked every which way, not missing one until they all turned green. 

"Simulation complete: an increase of .23 seconds." FILSS announces. 

"Run it again." Carolina orders. 

"Belay that FILSS." Carolina turns and sees Zone leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. 

"See your voice synthesizer works." 

"See you've been getting faster." Zone pushes himself off the wall and walks towards her. Carolina ignores him before resuming her original fighting stance. 

"Run it again FILSS." Carolina demands once again. 

"Belay that." 

"Get out of here and let me train." Carolina growls. 

"Make me." Zone says smirking. "How about instead of targets we spar? You win I leave, I win you have to listen to what I came here to say." 

Carolina looked at him skeptically before nodding. They both walked to opposites sides of the room and looked at one another before they ran straight at each other. Carolina went for a punch, but Zone slid underneath and leg sweeped her. Carolina backward-somersaulted to her feet and back-kicked Zone in the chest sending him a couple feet back. Zone gave a slight cough before shaking it off. 

"Not bad, you really HAVE been getting faster." Zone laughs. Carolina charges at him yelling before Zone jumps and spins landing behind her and leg sweeps her again, this time he pins her to the ground with his boot on her chest plate. Carolina tries to pry it off but she was so tired from her training she eventually gives up. She taps the ground twice telling him she's done. Zone then takes his foot off and extends his hand to her which she takes. "I won, you have to listen to what I'm going to say." Carolina huffs before nodding. 

"Not here though, come on." Carolina raises an eyebrow before following the silver and red Freelancer. They keep walking before they come to Zone's room, he punches in his code before he gestures for her to walk in. She then steps inside and observes his room. He has his sword propped on the wall and then sees something that piques her curiosity: a black and red guitar lying against his bed. Carolina also notices Cyclops sleeping underneath Zone's bed. Zone motions for her to sit on his bed while he takes off his helmet. Carolina does the same after sitting on the bed. 

"So WHAT is so important that you had to talk me?" Carolina says annoyed. Zone then takes out his picture of him and the other man on the battlefield and hands it to her. She takes it and looks at the picture, tracing her finger along the face of the man alongside Zone giving him rabbit ears. "Who's this?" 

"That my best friend, Victor Maretti. Me and him had been through a lot together. We were both trained and enlisted in the Spartan V program when we were 15 years old. We fought in the Great War together. For ten years I fought to protect Earth and all of humanity, when the Elites decided to join the fight, I was skeptical. Just like the way you are of me, but at least you didn't lose anything except maybe a little self-pride. I lost Victor to an Elite Zealot driving his energy sword straight through his heart. I had lost two things that day, the only man that I had ever called brother, and my humanity. When the final day of the War came, I felt...empty. Heck I felt that way after Victor's death, I felt like I had lost what it was like to be a normal person. That's why I enlisted in Project Freelancer, to help continue to make the world a safer place. Because if there's one thing I've learned about may win the battle, but war always rages on. Despite the losses, despite the gains, despite the weapons, the vehicles, the victories, war never ceases. And I'm practically attached to it like a curse." 

Carolina stared at him in astonishment. She had never expected him to have been through something so traumatic. Least of all have fought in the Great War. 

"Carolina, when I first saw you in action I immediately saw a woman who just wants to be known for what she has accomplished and done for everyone around her. I know how much your spot on the leaderboard means to you and I would never want to take that away, I respect the heck out of you for how much you want to protect your friends and family. And I want to be one of them, not your rival." Zone puts his hand on her shoulder. "So, want to start over?" 

Carolina smiles and stands as Zone retracts his hand. She extends her hand as he gladly shakes it. "Hi I'm Rachel." Zone laughs. 

"Nice to meet you, I'm Rex." She laughs as well. Carolina then grabs her helmet and was about to leave when she feels Zone's hand on her shoulder again. She turns and faces him. "Listen if you ever want to talk, you know where to find me." 

Carolina puts her helmet back on before saying, "I know, and thanks Zone." Zone winks at her before she leaves and heads to her room to get some rest. As she enters her room, she takes off her armor and falls on the bed sighing. ~First I'm infatuated with him, now I think I love him. What am I gonna do? I can't go through with this, can I?~ Carolina thens drifts to sleep pondering about her feelings. 


Zone stepped into the cafeteria in a plain T-shirt and jeans. He sees no one that no one is here. He makes himself a cup of coffee before sitting down on one of the couches and brings out his guitar. He made sure he tuned it before playing a song that came to mind.

"You play very well Agent." Zone turns and sees the Director. Zone immediately stands up, and salutes him. 


"At ease Arizona. Please sit down." Zone sits back down on the couch as the Director grabs a chair and sits down in front of him. "Rex, may I call you Rex?" 

"Of course sir." Zone was slightly taken back at how the Director was on a first name basis. 

"Rex I have been the Director of Project Freelancer for over twenty years, and not once have I ever seen man of your caliber get along so well with everyone. (Sighs) Before I formed this Project along with assistance of Counselor Price, I was a very distraught man, my wife was a very strong and independent woman and I loved her more than anything in this universe. When she passed away, my whole world collapsed. I didn't even pay heed to my daughter, who was always there for me. And I know that you can understand that pain after the loss of your friend in the Great War. You and me, we are very much alike, doing what we think is right and fighting what opposes for what the both of us stand for: justice. Do you understand where I am coming from?" 

"Yes sir, more than you know." The Director smiles before placing a hand on the former Spartan V's shoulder. 

"You are like the son I never had Rex, and I want you to know, if you should ever need anything, please do not hesitate to ask me." 

"Thank you sir, but I don't want special treatment. I want to be treated just like everyone else on the ship. But I appreciate your offer sir." 

"Yet another thing I admire about you soldier. Your humility." The Director then stands and stops at the doorway before looking at Arizona. "Get some rest Agent, that's an order. We have a full schedule for tomorrow." The Director then walks out of the cafeteria. 

"Yes sir." Zone then finishes his coffee before heading back to his room. He places his guitar on the floor and changes into his sleepwear. Zone then lies down on his bed, Cyclops sensing his master's presence then jumps on the bed and lays next to him. Zone chuckles and rubs his mechanical friend. "Cyclops, something inevitable is going to happen in the future. I can't shake the feeling, but I do know this. I'll have my friends to back me up, hopefully that'll be enough." Zone looks out his window seeing the stars go by. ~Lord Almighty, help me to be strong to protect my new family." 


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