And Don't Call Me Shirley

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"How's Floaty McGee?" Grif asks before taking a sip from his cantine. Zone was looking over Epsilon, who was lying in the sand. 

"Eh you know, same old. Still not working." Simmons answers. 

"Is he dead?" 

"How would we know? And even if he was, would it make a difference with this guy?" 

"Meh, probably not." 

[You guys have to be the most coldest or the most uncaring people I have ever met.] Zone says standing up. 

"Whatever. Now we've got sand all in his ports. How am I supposed to fix him in an environment like this?" Simmons asks. 

"Sounds like you have sand in your ports." 

"Why did we even come here, it's a freaking desert." 

"I don't know. This is where we were before we came to get you. And where else can we go anyway? There's bad guys at our base and Sarge never wants us to get far from the Blues. I don't know if you've noticed this Simmons, but he's a little obsessed. He still wants to get 'em back in the database so we can kill 'em. How's that goin' by the way? Any progress?" 


"It's your project." 

"I was held captive." Simmons protests. 

"Whatever dude. If Sarge takes that as an excuse for not getting work done let me know. I'll get captured all the time." Grif shrugs. 

[If that happens, I'd love to see how much it'll take to convince dad that we should rescue you.] Zone snickers. 

"Shut up! Who asked you anyway?!" 

"Nope. They're right around this corner up here. Grif and Simmons, right up here, where we're walking." Sarge's voice is heard. 

"Uh oh, here he comes. You're about to get busted." Grif snickers. 

"And you'll see when we get around this corner up here, we don't have any kind of floating device. No balls or spheres or anything." 

"Who's he talking to?" Simmons asks. 

"You'll see, big group of aliens. We don't have anything like that at all." 

"What? Uh-oh." Grif and Zone look at each in realization. 

"Whah? Where am I?" Epsilon says starting to turn back on. 

"Sshhh, dude shut up. Be quiet." Grif orders. 

"No, what-" 

[Church, be quiet, please!] 

"What's happening, how did I get here?" 

[Sorry about this, Epsilon.] Zone grabs Epsilon and drop kicks him away to another part of the desert. 

"Wow, d'you play in football or something?" Grif says impressed at the kick. 

"What're you doing?" Simmons questions. 

"Shut up man, be cool." Grif mutters. 

"Be cool?" 

Sarge then arrives around the corner with the Elites. 

"Whoa! I mean, what's the four-one-one, daddy-o's? Me and my homey were just, hangin' all up in here. Deserts-ville. 'S'all good. You know what I'm sayin', scrillas?" 

[What are you freaking doing?] 

"You told me to be cool." 

"Right. So what are you doing?" Grif asks.

"As you can see, we don't have your stupid rolley baloney. It's just this yellow guy, and- M.C. Fonzerella over here." Sarge explains. 

"Whatevs, y'all. You don't know me." Simmons continues. 

"Nahaha, gotcha! See, I knew they would have it." Tucker says as he and Caboose came around the corner. 

"Uh, I don't see him- oh my God he's invisible." Caboose exclaims. 

"Alright Reds, what did you do with..." Tucker then sees the Reds and Zone running away. 

"Book it, quadruple-time!" Sarge yells. 

"...It. Dammit! I should have seen that coming. Well Caboose, I guess we're on our-" Tucker turns and sees Caboose running too. 

"Own. Dang it." 

"Revenge!" Caboose yells. The Elites turn to Tucker and narrow their eyes at him. 

"Alright, I'll just go get up on top of the pillar." Tucker starts running. Grif and Zone see Epsilon in the sand but see the warning lights. He had landed in the mindfield. 

"Uh oh." 

[He just had to land there.] 

"Grif, Rex, what're you stopping for-ah nuts." Sarge says coming up. 

"What, there he is." Simmons states as he comes up as well. Caboose runs up too. 

"Oh no, he landed in the middle of the-" Caboose turns to Simmons, remembering he doesn't know about the minefield. "...uh-of of the there. The, the over there." 

"So, let's get him." 

"Yeah, tell you what Simmons, why don't you go get him?" Grif suggests. 

"We'll secure the area here while you retrieve." Sarge adds. 

"Okay I don't have time for this." Simmons sighs before running into the minefield. He sets one off and gets blown back. 

"Ow!" He looks at the group. "You knew, didn't you." 

"Yeah, kinda." Caboose says before everyone starts laughing. 

[I got him.] Zone uses his rocket boots to hover over the field and grab Epsilon. He then flies back over and sets down. He places Epsilon in the ground before he starts to activate again. 

"Heh heh. Seems like all the kicking and blowing up put some life back into the little guy. That's adorable." Sarge chuckles. 

"Why are all his blue parts green?" Grif asks. 

"I don't know." Caboose replies. 

"Caboose, Arizona, is that you?" A familiar voice says 


"Caboose, I need you to listen, my time is brief. Epsilon is not in control right now. But he will be again, shortly." 


"Perhaps not. The encounter with Agent Washington has jarred loose many of his memories. Epsilon has not, historically coped with these memories well." 

"What's that mean?" Grif questions. 

"We fear he may pursue certain memories in particular." 

"Who is we?" 

"Myself and the other memories of the Alpha fragments." Delta explains. 

"What the heck is that? Who the heck are you, and what the heck is happening?" Zone then punches Grif in the face, shutting him up. 

"Grif please be quiet. Brother, why doesn't Epsilon know about you yet?" Xi asks appearing. 

"Epsilon may not yet be aware of our presence, but eventually he will be. We cannot hide forever. It is likely at this point he will begin the cycle again. That must not happen." 

"What cycle. Hhh! A motorcycle? A secret motorcycleit's okay you can tell me." Caboose insists. 

"He's begun to search his memories now, he is clearly looking for something." 

"Well you always did say memory is the key." Caboose says. 

"Memory is the key, Caboose, but not everything that is locked is meant to be unlocked. He is coming back now. I must leave before he discovers me." Delta begins to fade out. 

"But if he meets you in there then you can be friends. But not best friends. But, you know 'cause that job's, taken? But, you know, maybe acquaintances." 

"If only, I, were the memory, that he's looking for." Delta sighs before Epsilon gains control again.  He then flies in the air. 

"What? Uh, oh. Hey. I must've uh, must've passed out. Sorry 'bout that." Epsilon says. 

"Church, you're back!" Caboose exclaims. 

"Yeah, I am. Hey Caboose, come over here would ya I, need to talk to you about something." Epsilon begins to fly off in a different direction. 

"Okay, where are we going?" Caboose asks following. They then leave the Reds and Zone. 

"Hey guys, do you ever notice Blue team has, like a lot more stuff going on than us?" Simmons asks. 

"Yeah. Boring stuff." Sarge agrees. 

"Nerdy stuff." Grif adds. 

"Yeah but I mean, all we ever talk about is food and guns." 

"That reminds me, I'm hungry." 

"Stop complaining or I'll shoot ya in the head." 

"(Sighs)...good times." Simmons sighs happily. 

Zone looks and sees Caboose and Epsilon talking down the hill. 

[Hey Grif toss me the sniper rifle.] Grif tosses the rifle to Zone and he looks through the scope. 

"Alright, well, let's go then. I actually thought it would take longer to convince you. Come on. I wanna get to the facility before nightfall." Epsilon says as they begin to leave. 

"Facility, eh? I knew the Blues were up to somethin'. Come on men, let's get after those Blues! Sounds like this is the big opportunity we've been waitin' for." Sarge exclaims. 

"You mean our opportunity to find a place to hole up until this all blows over?" Grief clarifies. 

"Some place that isn't a desert?" 

"No! A place to finally restore the Blues to Command's database. Get yer typing fingers ready Simmons!" 

"Okay, I'll bring my carpal tunnel braces." Simmons sighs. 

[Bro, I've seen how you type on a computer and let me tell you, that fact that you need wrist very disappointing.] 

"If we're going to follow them we'll need a vehicle." Sarge declares. 

"Well I'm sure we can grab another one from the camp down there." Grif suggests. 

"Why do we need a vehicle, the Blues are walking. I'm sure we can keep up with them on foot." 

"On foot?!" 

[Of course you would complain about walking Grif.] 

"Shut up!" 

"Uh, Simmons? We're the Reds. We don't walk anywhere. We travel as the good Lord intended: in the largest possible vehicle with the maximum horsepower allowed by local law enforcement. And if there's no cars available, we find the biggest, nastiest, meanest, land animal we possibly can, beat the crap out of it, and saddle that puppy up." 

"On foot. Shame on you Simmons. Shame on you." Grif says shaking his head. 


"Let's just forget you ever mentioned it." Sarge states. 

"I think this should go on his permanent record." 

"Oh just go get the freaking jeep moron!" Simmons orders. 

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