Back Up Plans

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The Reds and Zone had arrived at the facility. They exit their vehicles and walk through the forest. Zone hears talking and motions for them to follow him. They crouch down and watch as Caboose and Epsilon enter the facility. 

"Simmons, what's the status report?" Sarge asks. 

"Gumball McJones and Caboose just went into that door." Simmons states. 

"What door? All I see is a wall." Grif states. 

"It's a secret door?" Simmons questions. 

"Simmons, what did I tell you about using Dungeons and Dragons references in combat situations?" Sarge snaps. 

"Sorry Sir. It's a concealed door." Simmons sighs. 

"That's better." 

"How did they open it?" Grif asks. 

"They talked to that computer." Simmons says pointing to the tree. "They got it to open the door by posing as members of Project Freelancer. If we pose as Agents, it'll probably let us in too." 

"Aren't agents like tough, and good at things?" Grif says. 

[Thanks Grif.] Zone grumbles. 

"I meant aside from you." Zone then punches Grif in the gut. 

"We all just pick a State name and call ourselves by that." Simmons advises. "You know, like Agent Washington. Grif, name a State." 

Grif raises his eyebrow. "What is this, a pop quiz? Uh, let's see, uh the Manhattan. No? Uh, Europe." 

"Wow. Really?" Simmons says unimpressed. 

"Pacific Ocean?" 

[Where did you grow up? On Mars?] Zone scoffs. 

"Dude, I did not do well in Social Studies and History, okay? There I said it." Grif groans crossing arms. 

"Stop guessing." Simmons breathes. "Just be Agent Alaska. How 'bout you Sarge?" 

"I'll be Secret Agent Double Ohio. License to be tall in the middle, and round on both ends." 

[Uh, dad...Ohio is a girl.] Sarge just stares at Zone as Grif and Simmons burst out laughing. 

"Okay that is priceless! Sarge chose to be a girl." Grif chuckles holding his stomach. 

"Can it dead man! Before I unleash the full might of my shotgun to your face!" Sarge growls shoving his shotgun in Grif's face. 

"And I'll be Agent Denial. Yehehit's, because a state of denial, like the saying?" Simmons snickers. "You know, it's like a, I was, you know, the whole state/state thing? You know it's a, joke." 

"No dude, jokes are funny." Grif says monotone. 

"Huh, let's just go." Simmons sighs. 

[I have a better idea just follow me.] Zone the leads the four men then to the computer. 

"Stop, this is a secure facility. You must leave. You have thirty seconds to comply or die! Thank you!" 

[FILSS, this Agent Arizona of Project Freelancer. Acknowledge and go for secure.] Zone orders. 

"I am sorry. I recognize that designation, but is classified as deceased." 

[Okay then do a hand scan.] A black box appears on the screen and Zone takes off his glove. He places his hand on the box and a blue light scans his hand up and down. 

"Oh my! Agent Arizona it is you! My records state that Freelancer Agent Maine had killed you!" 

[That's a bit of a long story, uh, would you mind letting us in?] 

"Of course! Please watch your step."  The wall then opens up. The Reds were about to follow Zone when FILSS says, "I am sorry but only authorized personnel are allowed, who are you three?" 

"Uh, I'm" Grif tries. 

Zone smacks his visor. [Seriously?] 

"This plan isn't gonna work Simmons." Grif mumbles. 

"I am sorry but the three of you must leave." 

"You know what? Screw it." Sarge pumps his shotgun and fires four rounds at the computer. 

[Dad, what the freak are you doing?!] 

"It's a called a contingency plan Rex." Sarge states before he, Grif, and Simmons follow him into the facility.  

"I told you that stupid plan wouldn't work." Grif retorts. 

"That's because you said your name was Agent Pluto!" Simmons reminds him. 

Sarge chuckles. "Heh, luckily we had the old contingency plan to fall back on." 

Grif palms his visor. "Sarge, shotgun in the face is not a contingency plan. Zone and I keep telling you that." 

"Don't be so quick to judge, Grif. Shotgun in the face can be applied in a variety of tough situations. For instance, watch how quickly it cures insubordination." Sarge then points his shotgun at Grif. Suddenly a loud crashing noise is heard. 

"What was that?" Simmons asks. 

"It came from down here. Come on." Sarge then leads the way down a hall. They stop when they see Caboose standing in front of large metal door. 

[Caboose, is that you?] Zone asks. Suddenly another loud crash is heard. 

"Oh! Oh hello everyone!" Caboose says nervously. 

"Stop!" Epsilon's voice is heard from the other side of the door. 

"Yes. Everyone who wasn't here before is now here now. Hello." Caboose waves. He glances behind him as another loud crash is heard. 

"What're you up to, Blue?" Sarge demands. 

Caboose points at himself. "Me? Oh nothing. I'm not hiding anything behind this door." 

"Uh, I wouldn't pick that up it looks expensive-" Epsilon gets cut off from the sound of shattering glass.

"Uh, I think he's lying." Simmons states. 

[What was your first clue?] Zone questions. 

"Let us see what's in there." Sarge orders. 

"In here? Oh. Nothing is in here. Um, well this probably isn't even a door, either. It's, probably-" Caboose is interrupted as the door shakes with a bang. 

"What the heck was that?" Sarge asks. 

"Oh that was me. Uh, I said this isn't a door, I said it's a gong." Caboose clarifies. 

"A gong, what the heck is a-" Grif now becomes interrupted as another bang is heard and a large dent is seen in the door. Then another as Caboose walks off. 

"I'm just going to walk over this way, now. Excuse me. Yes, thank you. Pardon me, coming through. Yes excuse me, yes pardon me. Excuse me, yes thank you. Pardon me, coming through. Yes excuse me, yes pardon me." Caboose keeps repeating as he walks out of the hall. The Reds and Zone look at the door as it continues to get beaten apart.

"Um, Sarge, what's the plan here?" Grif asks. 

Sarge pumps his shotgun. "Men, we have a perfect ambush scenario." 

"I agree. Unless wait, are we the ambushers or, the ambushees?" Simmons asks. "Hey, can you ambush something that's trying to beat its way through metal plating to get to you?" 

[Get your weapons ready guys.] Zone then takes out his carbine. [Xi, what is that?] 

"I don't know, but I am very nervous and uncomfortable right now. I'd be peeing myself right now if it was systematically possible for AI to pee themselves." 

The light in the ceiling comes loose as the door is even more violently pounded and deformed. The lights in the hallway shatter, leaving only the light inside the room. Smoke begins seeping around the twisted piece of metal that used to be the door. The door then shoots off its hinges and flies over their heads. 

"Door's open." Grif states rubbing his helmet. 

"What the-?" Sarge says. The Reds turn and Zone to see a black armored figure walk out where the door used to be and smash its fist into its hand. 

"Okay." Tex then cracks her neck. "So who's first?" 

[Oh God...] Zone mutters. 


"Run!" Simmons cried. 

"Oh, crap! Where is she?" Grif says running. 

"I don't wanna die!" The Reds and Zone burst through the hall with Tex after them. They manage to lose her. 

"We need to keep moving, men. Come on, double-time. Heck, I'd settle for single-time!" Sarge says as he watches Grif and Simmons pant. 

Simmons leans against a wall. "Maybe we should just fight. I'm afraid she's gonna start picking us off one by-" Suddenly Tex punches right through the wall and grabs him by his throat. "-one!" 

Tex then pulls him forward, slamming his face into the wall, then steps back and kicks it away, sandwiching Simmons between the wall and a pile of crates. Sarge raises his shotgun and points it at Tex, but she darts forward and lifts the gun up just before he fires, then punches him in the stomach and flings him towards Grif. Sarge stumbles forward as he is thrown and his helmet rams right into Grif's crotch, causing him to scream in pain. Suddenly, Tex barrels straight into them, crashing through a crate before flinging them into a pile of barrels, sending them scattering across the floor.

Tex turns and sees Zone. Zone backs away cautiously as she advances towards him at the same pace. 

[Okay Tex, listen you need to calm down okay? No one's gonna hurt you. Just take a bre-] Tex punches Zone and kicks him down. She holds him over her head and throws him into the wall. Zone gets up and shakes it off. [Okay forget this. I know back in the Project I held back because you're a girl, but now I'm mad!] Zone then charges and jumps kicks her into a pile of oxygen tanks. Zone then runs over with Simmons to Caboose who is in the observation room. 

"Caboose! Help us!" Simmons begs. 

"How? The computer won't let me." Caboose replies. "She's mean! This place is filled with mean ladies!" 

"Push some buttons, I don't know!" Simmons shouts. 

"Buttons!? Oh man, I love buttons!" Caboose then starts randomly pressing buttons. "Beep bop boop boop beep bop boop boop!" Zone looks up and sees a crate hanging from the ceiling turn over and a pile of rocket launchers lands next to him and Simmons. 

"Wow. That...actually worked perfectly. Thanks!" Simmons grabs a rocket launcher and runs off. 

[Caboose stay there, and don't touch anything unless I tell you to! Xi stick with him!] Zone orders. 

Xi transfers herself to Caboose's helmet. "Okay I'm here." 

Caboose looks at her. "Hello Miss Xi!" 

"(Giggles) Hi Caboose!" 

Zone rolls his eyes as he runs off. He and Simmons bump into Tucker. 

"Hey Simmons, Zone, what the heck is going on in there?" Tucker asks. 

"You gotta help us! Do you know how to use that thing?" Simmons says pointing at his sword. 

"My sword? Yeah I know how to use it." Tucker scoffs. "What's to understand about swish-swish-stab? It's a freakin' sword dude, it's not a fighter jet." 

[Just come on! I got an idea.] Tucker and Simmons follow Zone as they run off. In the storeroom, as Sarge and Grif stagger to their feet, Tex kicks a barrel towards them. Grif quickly ducks down and lets the barrel hit Sarge before getting up and firing his battle rifle, but Tex rolls forward to avoid the bullets. She then grabs Grif and Sarge by their throats and smashes their heads together before knocking Sarge away with some punches and kicks.

Grif opens fire again but Tex knocks his rifle away and begins pounding on him with some powerful punches before knocking him to the floor, holding onto his right leg with one hand then raising her other in a fist.

"Wait wait wait-!" Tex strikes Grif in the groin extremely hard, then kicks him across the room, right into a crate. As he struggles to get up, a teleporter falls on him and he flies out the other end just as Tex knocks Sarge aside.

"Hey, Sweet Cheeks!" Tex dodges a plasma grenade that zooms past her. She turns and sees Tucker and Zone both activate their energy swords. 

"Remember us? Step away from the idiot!" Tucker snaps. 

Tex slowly approaches Tucker and Zone and they stand off. 

Simmons climbs on top of a crate behind her. "Oh God, please don't let her see me..." 

A huge crate falls between Tex, Zone, and Tucker. 

"Yes! I saved Zone and Tucker! Oh wait...I saved Zone and Tucker..."

[Caboose! What'd I tell you?!] Zone cries. [You screwed up our plan with Simmons, we were supposed to distract her for him.] 

Tex turns and sees Simmons on top of the crate loading his launcher. 

"YOU RATTED ME OUT, YOU SONS OF GUNS!" Simmons fires a rocket , but Tex jumps aside, grabs a teleporter and flings it towards him.

"Oh crap!" Simmons fires another rocket but it goes through the teleporter and out the exit that is right next to the pile he is standing on!

"Oh crap!" Simmons is thrown into the air by the explosion, right into the flying teleporter and out of the other end straight into Tex who grabs him and kicks him. 

"That was awesome-OW!" Tucker was hit by Simmons as he flew into him. (BOW CHICKA BOW WOW!) Zone then ran up and he and Tex began to exchange and dodge various punches. Zone then activates his forearm blades and tries to swing at Tex. The blades clamp onto her shoulder and he throws her into a teleporter. He spins and Tex is flying at him before he clothes-line her midair. He then runs back and helps his father. 

"What do we do Sarge?" Grif asks warily. 

"I don't know...I've never hit a girl in my life!" Sarge says pumping his shotgun. Zone and Tucker pull out their swords. 

"Yeah, I noticed. Try harder!" Simmons says reloading his rocket launcher. Grif looks around and grabs a cone, holding it like a bat. Tex charges forward, snatches Sarge's shotgun out of his grip, punches Tucker and Zone aside and kicks Simmons into another teleporter.

"WHAT THE CRAAAAAAAA-" Simmons flies through another teleporter. "-AAAAAAP!" As she turns towards Grif, Simmons flies out the exit from the previous teleporter and into another teleporter. He exits the teleporter and knocks right into Grif, knocking him straight into another kick in the groin. Tex slams Grif onto the floor with her foot and points the shotgun right at his head.

"Oh no, Grif!" Simmons cries. 

"Yikes!" Grif mutters. 

Tex tries to shoot Grif in the face with a shotgun, but it clicks, being out of ammo. 

"Private Grif, you should be ashamed of yourself. We've run out of ammo again! That's your responsibility!" Sarge reminds him frustrated. 

"Huh. I guess this is the first time my laziness has ever saved my-" Tex steps on Grif's chest. "Oof! Protect me, cone!" Grif holds the construction cone over his face, and Tex hits him in the crotch with the shotgun, knocking him into Simmons and Tucker, across the room.

"Watch it!" Simmons cries. 

"You watch it!" Grif cries back. 

"You idiots! Let me show you how it's done!" Tex punches Sarge in the face and knocks him back to Simmons, Grif, Tucker. 

"Nice demonstration, Sarge." Tucker says getting up. 

"Ah shut up." Sarge snarled. 

"Hey guys, look up there." Simmons points to a giant crate being held up over Tex and Zone. Zone gets to his feet and notices this. 


"What holds up that crate?" Caboose asks FILSS. 

"Mechanical controls are on the left side of the console." 

"Pull the two switches Caboose!" Xi tells him. The crate then drops and Zone dives out of the way as it falls on Tex. 

[Cannot believe that worked.] Zone looks up and sees Tex holding the giant crate over her head. [Okay, now I believe it...] 

Tex throws the crate at the Reds, Zone, and Tucker. 

"We gotta get outta here!" Grif yells pounding on the door behind him. 

"We'll be crushed!" Simmons whimpers. 

"Don't worry guys! I got this!" Tucker splits the crate with his sword, and the two halves go to either side of the Reds, covering them in medpacks. Zone and Tucker look back at them. 

"Aw crap. Tex, can you- OW!" Tex kicks Tucker in the helmet and punches Zone away. 

[Alright I've had enough of this crap! Let's get her Tucker!] Zone and Tucker whip out their swords and charge at her. 

Simmons walks out not being crushed from one of the halves of the giant crate. "Oh thank God, thought I was a goner. Sarge, where are you?" 

Sarge pops up out of a pile of medpacks. He shakes his head. "What happened? I feel defeated, yet inexplicably rejuvenated!" 

Tucker and Zone swing their swords at towards Tex. Tucker was making swishing noises as he does but Tex dodges each swing and strikes Tucker's exposed parts. Zone takes his own swing and manages to make a cut on her arm making her hiss in pain. She then jump kicks him as he flies and lands at Grif and Sarge's feet. They both help him up. They then watch Tucker skid across the ground, hit his head on a teleporter, flip over and then tumble straight through it.

"Whoa, did you see that?!" Grif asks stunned. 

"How could I have missed that?" Simmons replies annoyed. 

Tucker emerges from a teleporter into Tex's grip, Tex grabs his sword, and the sword goes out. 

"What's the matter Tex, you having trouble keeping it up? Don't worry, it happens to everybody. Well, not me, but..." Tex then begins to hit him with the hilt. 

"That rocket launcher's one of the older models, right?" Sarge asks. 

"Yeah." Simmons says. 

[Dude, than that means it has heat seeking! Now lock onto her and fire!] 

"Oh right, I forgot about that." 

"Ow, holy crap, you just don't know how to use it-" Tucker flies through a teleporter, emerging completely black. "-jerk! (Coughs) Dang it, I hate this black stuff, what the heck is it?" 

"There she is!" Grif points at Tucker. 

"Huh?" Tucker looks at the Reds. 

"Get her!" Sarge and Grif charge at Tucker. 

"Wait, guys..." Simmons says as he and Zone watch Sarge and Grif start beating on Tucker, but Grif quickly loses steam. 

"Ow, come on! I'm not Tex, I'm a Blue! I'm not the one you're fighting. Leave me alone!" Tucker protests. 

"Kicking's hard." Grif says turning around, exhausted. Sarge gets Tucker in a headlock and punches the top of his head repeatedly. 

"Why are you hitting me, I'm not Tex!" Tucker groans. 

[Dad, wait, hold on, hold on!] Sarge stops punching and looks at Zone. [I think that's Tucker, not Tex.] 

"See I told you!" Sarge punches Tucker one more time. "Ow, you jerk! Why'd you do that?" Tucker then breaks out of his headlock. 

"Meh, force of habit." Sarge shrugs. 

"Man you guys are n-" Tucker, trips over a medpack and into Grif. 

"Hey, watch it- whoa!" Grif cries. 

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa!" Tucker says tying to gain his footing. Grif and Tucker begin to back up until they're both stand on the edges of a teleporter. 

Tex looks at it from the adjoining teleporter. 

"Hold still, hold still, I can see her." Grif says. "She's right over there by the other-" Tex puts her head through the teleporter and emerges beneath Tucker and Grif. "Uh oh." 

"Grif, I see her." Tucker whispers. Tex punches Grif in the crotch. 

"What is your problem with my balls?!" Grif says before falling in the teleporter. 

"Whoa, who-whoa, whoa! Aw crap." Tucker falls through the teleporter and backs into Tex, who suplexes him and goes for the mount and starts punching him. Tucker immediately tries to block her punches by putting his arms over his face.

"O-ho, wow, right into the mount, huh? O-hoa, not even gonna buy dinner? Come on, I like your style!" Tucker groans. 

Simmons tries to position himself to fire at Tex. "Simmons, what're you waiting for?" Sarge says holding Zone's arm over his shoulder so Zone was leaning against him. 

"They look the same! Which one do I shoot?!" Simmons asks. 

"Ow! Shoot the one who's winning, you idiot!" Tucker yells. Grif is holding his crotch as he walks in the line of fire. 

"Grif! Watch it!" Simmons yells. Tex kicks Tucker forward, knocking him into Grif before grabbing his leg, pulling him back and punching him to the ground so hard that the black ash flies off his armor as he skids back towards Sarge, Zone, and Simmons.

"Wow, knocked the black right off ya!" Sarge says shocked. 

[That wasn't racist at all.] Zone groans. 

"You're all clear Simmons, now shoot her!" 

"Fire in the hole!" Simmons fires at Tex, who takes off and leaps into a teleporter, flipping out the other side and then running straight towards Tucker and the Reds; the missile still on her tail.

"Are you freaking kidding me? Run!" Tucker yells. Tucker bumps into Sarge, Zone and Simmons. Then Tex runs up and knocks all four of them down with a single punch before sliding right under Grif's legs. Grif looks up and spots the missile moving right towards him.

"Oh God, please no." Grif covers his crotch as the missile passes through his legs. "Oh thank God. I thought I was-" Grif turns around, just as Tex leaps into a second teleporter on the floor and the missile flies past her and towards a pile of propane tanks. "SCREEEEEEEEEEWED!" He says in slow motion. As the missile hits, the tanks ignite and jet towards Tucker, Zone, and the Reds like mini-rockets. Grif is sent flying by a tank that hits him square in the groin while the others are knocked into the air by the tanks' explosions.

Meanwhile Tex rolls out the other side of the teleporter and watches as Tucker, Sarge, Simmons, and Zone come crashing down to the ground. Tex then approaches a cement barricade and carefully pushes it aside and soon pushes it a few more inches. She then waits as Grif finally comes crashing down on top of it...crotch-first.

"Why won't you just kill me?!" He begs. As Grif slides off the barrier to the floor, Tex turns and starts towards the others... but then a monitor bounces off the side of her head and she turns in its direction... to see a cobalt-blue soldier standing in the doorway, holding a sniper rifle in his hands.

"How 'bout you pick on somebody your own size?" Church says smugly. Tex was about to charge at him but feels something hit the back of her and falls unconscious. Zone stand over her exhausted and deprived of energy. He falls to his knees as Church walks over and helps him up. 

"You okay?" Church asks. 

[(Groans) I'll live.] Zone says cracking neck. 

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