Out of the Frying Pan, And into the Desert

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The Reds, Blues, and Carolina arrive at the desert. 

"This where you found the body?" Carolina asks hopping off her Mongoose. 

"Yep, she's right up there." Wash points. 

"We'll see. Take me there. Sync." 



"Automatic dishwasher." Caboose mutters. 

Wash, Zone, and Carolina run off to find the body. 

"Man, where was this chick when we had that awesome tank? Women love tanks!" Tucker exclaims. 

"I don't get it. What is she looking for?" Church says aloud. 

"You tell me! I don't know half of what's happening these days. You found me here remember?" 

"Oh yeah! You were actually kind of awesome that time." 

"Dude, I'm kind of awesome, all the time! You guys just happened to notice it then." 

"Ah, that's not true. I never noticed it." Caboose states. 

"Look, the point is she's not telling us everything. I just don't understand why." Later on Caboose was continuously running into Epsilon making him flicker. 

"Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop i-"

Sarge then runs up behind them. "Attention Blue Team! We would like to propose a temporary truce so that we may discuss our current situation. Do you accept?" 

"I don't get it, does he still think we're fighting or something?" 

"Maybe it's a trap." Caboose replies. 

"I doubt they're smart enough to think of that. But then again, neither are you." Tucker states. 

"How do you know that? Are you in with them?" Caboose asks. 

"Yes! We accept!" Church calls out. Sarge, Grif, and Simmons then run up to where the Blues are standing.

"So, what's up?" Tucker asks. 

"It's our mutual friend slash enemy slash companion. Or "friendenemepanion" for short." Sarge replies. 

"We're all starting to get a little concerned about Carolina." Simmons explains.

"Really. Did these concerns start before or after she left us to die in the desert?" 

"Dude, not now. The heat is killing me!" Grif cries. 

"Doesn't your helmet have cooling fans?" 

"Yeah, but I sweat so much they short circuited." 

"Geez, we haven't even been in the desert that long." Simmons says stunned. 

"The desert? These things broke during basic training!" Grif exclaims. 

"Yeah, I'm sorry, I don't see how this applies to the trap." Caboose mutters. 

"Guys, look, we need to focus. Now, I realize that's asking a lot of you since we're all a little uneasy about Carolina." Church declares. 

"No. 'Uneasy' is sitting next to a homeless dude on the bus." 

"Yeah, we've got a trigger happy psychopath." Simmons agrees. 

"It's like she's some sort of half- woman, half shark! Except the shark half has been given cybernetic powers. And the woman half is one-quarter jaguar!" Sarge relays. 

"Okay, okay, okay, we're all terrified of the scary Freelancer lady. That's why we need to stick together. It's just us. Against them." 

"Them?" Tucker questions. 

"We can't trust Wash. At least not as long as she's around." 

"What about Zone?" Caboose asks. The Reds and Blues were silent at Caboose's question. 

"Crap, hadn't thought about Rex." Sarge mutters. 

"Can we trust him? I mean he has been through a lot with us. CT, Wash, Tex, the Meta. We'd probably be dead if hadn't helped us." Simmons states. 

Church sighs. "Look...granted Zone has helped us, but...(Scoffs) you know I honestly don't know." Tucker and Caboose look at each other as do Sarge and Simmons. 

"Alright then, Tooth Fairy. What's the plan?" Sarge asks. 

"We need to figure out exactly what Carolina is up to. And why she isn't telling us anything." 

"Okay! I'll go ask her! Oh, uh, yeah, I promised not to bring up the trap." Caboose says starting to walk away. 

"No! Caboose! Look, just...don't." 

"Okay, fine. What would you like me to ask her?" 

"You could go ask her if she has the hots for me. I think I might've felt an emotional connection the last time she hit me." Tucker replied. 

"Tell her you'd like to make an emotional hot connection with her trap. Got it." 

"Oh, that's even better!" 

"Okay. A, please stop saying the word 'trap'. And B, you're an idiot." 

"How about ambush?" Caboose suggests. 

"Guys, I'm serious! We need something subtle - a way we can get close to her without her knowing." 

"Hmmm. Hey, Caboose. You were the one who put Epsilon in that floating alien ball thing, right?" Simmons asks. 

"Hover-Church can also solve crimes." 

"Well, how would you feel about putting him in something a little...different?" Simmons grins as he gestures to Carolina's Mongoose. 

"Oh screw you guys." Church retorts. 

"Oh, you are going to solve so many crimes!" Caboose gasps. 

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