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Wash, Carolina, and Zone walk up to where Wash and the Meta had previously found CT's helmet. 

"Here. I have no idea how she got here." Zone walks up and picks the helmet out of the sand. 

[That's because she didn't.]

"Is that who I think it is?" 

"Zone you were here in the desert when you found the aqua-guy right?" Carolina asks. 

"TUCKER, has a name." Xi says appearing. "And yeah, we were here when we fought Headcase and his men. The aliens turned on him after the way he treated their artifacts. Church was the one that killed him." 

"How did this happen? Why did he pose as Connecticut?" Wash asked. 

[Best I can assume. After CT died, he took her place and was able to probably cut a deal with someone. Just thinking about everything that happened back then, the fact that they were the real good guys. And the Director made us kill them without mercy.] 

"None of us could've known Rex." Xi comforts him. 

"We should've Xi. All of us should've been more aware of what was happening." Carolina retorts. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" 

~Oh boy...~ Zone thinks worriedly. 

"I mean we're soldiers. It's our job to immediately know these things." Xi then appears in front of Carolina's visor. 

"There's a difference between knowing them and refusing to acknowledge or believe them. And you're one to talk after all the crap you did back on the ship." 

"What?" Carolina growls. 

"You always pushed everyone away and never listened to anyone but the Director. You never wanted anyone to be there and comfort you, listen to you, help you with your problems. All because of your stupid jealousy over Tex!" 

Carolina then punches the wall of the temple next to here. Rubble fell into the sand as she retracted her fist. Wash swallows as Xi just flickers, not ashamed of her statement. 

[Alright, alright. Enough!] Zone then stands between them. [Now's not the time for this. Let's just drop it before things get more out of hand? This is what the Director wants. Us wallowing in our past mistakes and blaming it on the people we care about.] 

There was a short silence until Wash spoke up. "So CT never made it huh?" 

"Apparently. We never did complete our objective." Carolina replies shouldering past Zone. 

"But why come out here? What's the motivation?" Carolina digs through the sand finding the armor. She then pulls out a data card. 

"I have a feeling this'll tell us." 


Meanwhile, the Reds, Tucker and Caboose were huddled around Carolina's Mongoose. 

"So, uh, how do you feel?" Tucker asks. The headlights on the Mongoose turn on as if on cue. 

"I feel like running over each, and every one of you." Church's voice rings from the vehicle. 

"So pretty much the same as before." 

"Yeah. Pretty much." 

"Y'know Simmons? I think I'm gonna let you call "Shotgun" on this one." Grif says awkwardly before running. 

"Screw that!" Simmons follows him. Church then appears on the windshield. 

"Man, this sucks!" 

"What are you complaining about? You finally got your own body." Tucker says gesturing at the Mongoose. 

"My own body? Tucker, I'm a fricking tonka truck!" Church declares. 

"Okay, yeah, but you could literally pick up chicks with this thing!" 

"Oh, yeah, because every girl just dreams about settling down with Optimus Prime-HONK!" Epsilon turns to see Caboose standing next to the horn. 

"Caboose! Don't do that." 

"Sorry." Caboose apologies. 

"Alright, places people! Here they come!" Sarge states before running to his men. Church immediately vanishes. 

"Don't forget to shout "Surprise!"" Caboose whispers. 

"Caboose, shut up!" Tucker seethes. The three Freelancers and Xi come up the hill. 

"Tucker, bring Epsilon over here. I've got some questions for him." Carolina orders as she walks over to the Elephant. 

"Great." Tucker mutters. Tucker walks to the Elephant, where Carolina, Wash and Zone are inside using the computer.

"Any luck?" 

[I think so.] 

"Alright, data pad accepted. Looks like we're in business." Wash replies. 

Tucker runs up to Carolina. "So, uh, what do you need Church for?" 

"I just told you." Carolina reminds him. 

"Oh...yeah, but I mean you could talk to me instead! 'Sup girl?" 

"Why on Earth would I ever want to do that?" 

"Well, you know, we're a perfect match. We're both super good-looking rebel loners, and we've got the same color armor! Greenish-blue." Carolina stares at Tucker.

"Uh, aquamarine? Turquoise? Hey, what color is this anyways?" Tucker looks down at his armor. Xi snickers at Tucker. 

"Listen, it's important that we figure out what's on CT's data pad. It might be our next clue to finding the Director." Wash explains. Tucker looks at the computer and sees the Monitor. 

"Hey I know that thing!" 

"Wait, you recognize this artifact?" Wash asks. Zone turns and his arms drop to his sides when he sees the Monitor. 

[You have got to be kidding me...] Zone groans in annoyance. Xi turns and laughs at the screen. 

"Heck yeah! It was the biggest pain in the butt!" 

Caboose then runs up. "Ah, it's Church! Yeah, he had lost a lot of weight." 

"What?" Carolina says shocked. 

"Oh yeah, Caboose transferred Epsilon from a memory unit into that thing a long time ago." 

"Where is it now?" 

"I dunno, who cares?" 

"I do." 

"Oh. Well in that case, uh..." Tucker side-steps and pats Caboose on the back. "Caboose tell her where it is." 

"Right. Yes. Okay. Right. Yes. I will do" The Reds were watching the scene transpire. 

"Well Sarge, You've always wanted to watch a Blue die. Looks like your going to get your wish after all." Grif sighs. 

"Actually Grif, it's always been my wish to watch you die." Sarge clarifies. 

"Oh, right." 

"Yep. Every night after you boys would retire to your bunks, I would climb up to the top of the base and just wait. Hoping I would see a shooting star. So that I could wish for your violent, and unbearably painful demise." Sarge says dreamily. 

"Okay, you can stop now." Grif says slightly annoyed. 

"I even even had a little jingle to go along with it." 

"Please don't." 

"I just wish that Grif was dead!" Sarge sings. 

"I hate you." 

"Put a bullet through his head!" Sarge continues but stops midsentence when he realizes that Simmons was singing too. 

"What the-? Simmons how do you know that song?!" 

"Oh, it's been in my dreams for years! Now it all makes sense! Oh thank God!" Simmons sighs in relief. 


"I thought I was crazy when I woke up with that rifle in my hands!" 

"Heh heh heh, well ain't that the power of music!" Sarge chuckles. 

"Simmons! Why didn't you tell me about this?!" Grif cries. 

"Oh, shut up. It wasn't even loaded." 

"How can you just leave an ancient alien artifact on the floor of a warehouse?!" Carolina asks one the verge of punching Caboose. 

"Okay, hold on, I mean, to be fair, you know, he had already broken it." Caboose says defensively holding his hands up. Suddenly the computer glitches and says (DATA FILES CORRUPTED.) 

"Uh-oh, that's not right..." Wash says nervously. 

"Ugh! I can't believe we came all this way for nothing!" Carolina groans before running off. Zone runs off after her. 

"You guys are not making my life easy right now." Wash states. 

"Do they ever?" Xi replies. 

"Good point." 


Zone enters the temple and sees Carolina. 

[Sorry we went on another goose-chase.] 

"This is getting ridiculous." Carolina shouts before colliding her fist with the wall in front of her. Zone sighs and walks up to her. 

[I understand your frustrated, believe me, I am too. But punching everything in sight isn't going to help the situation. Or find the Director.] Carolina then sighs. 

"Look, there's someplace I have to go. Shouldn't be more than a day or so." 

[You mean that island? Uh, I don't think-] 

"Zone...I don't want to hear it. I'm not in the mood. Worry about yourself." 

[Okay, okay. Just be careful alright?] Carolina puts her helmet back on, as does Zone before they exit the temple. 

"Keep the Sim Troopers in check while I'm gone. I'll be back soon." Carolina gets on her Mongoose and leaves. 

[Alright, everybody inside the temple. It's gonna get dark soon.] 

"Zone where's she going?" Xi asks. 

[She just needs to be alone right now. Needs some space. She'll be fine.] Zone and Xi then follow the Reds and Blues into the temple. 

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