Long Live the King

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Sarge and the Blues have a Mexican standoff while Zone tries to stop them. 

"You have literally the worst timing." Tucker declares. 

"Stow it, thin mint. We're no longer fraternizing with the enemy." Sarge shouts. 

""Thin mint"?" Tucker looks down at his armor. 

"Now see, when he says "we" imagine he's only referring to himself. Do not group us together." Grif explains. 

"Dude, my armor's aqua! I think." 

"Dad what are you two doing?" Zone demands. 

"Uh, again, not "two," just him. I can't stress this enough." Grif says shaking his head. Sarge hops off the turret but keeps his shotgun trained at the Blues. 

"They made me believe that Reds and Blues can coexist, and we can work together as one people, and that we can all get together and be...a little...purple." 

"We can! We are! Seriously, what the heck is this about?" Wash asks lowering his weapon. 

"You kidnapped my men!" Sarge shouts. The Blues turn and look at Zone and Simmons. 

"Who? Us?" Simmons says confused. 

"Dad we weren't freaking kidnapped. Alright? I came over here to make sure Caboose and Captain Virginity over here were doing their exercise drills. And Simmons just happened to be here, begging me if he could call me sir." Zone explains taking in a breath. 

Sarge lowers his shotgun. "Is this true, Simmons?" 

"It's not your fault, sir. It's Grif's." Simmons points to the orange soldier. 

"What did I do?" Grif asks. 

"You're freaking disgusting, Grif!" Simmons retorts. 

"Well, yeah. But I've always been like that. Sarge was the one that decided to divide up the base and says who has to bunk with who." 

"Oh. Then I guess it is your fault, sir." Simmons replies. 

"Then that makes you a traitor!" Sarge yells hopping back on the Warthog's turret. 


"Threat level increased." Freckles states.

"Uh, yeah, no reason for panic. Everything's fine. Might anyone have a rolled up newspaper at the ready?" Caboose asks. 

"You weren't kidnapped! You deliberately joined the enemy!" Sarge snarls. 

"But if he wasn't kidnapped, that would mean we were never the enemy in the first place!" Tucker explained. 

"Don't try to confuse me with your words, shamrock!" 

"I'm aqua!" 

"Tucker, calm down." Zone orders. 

"Me? These guys roll up in a freaking assault jeep and you choose to yell at me?" Tucker says shocked. 

"Look, tensions are high-" 

"No kidding, Washington. I'm tired of you and Zone bossing us around." 

"Now is not the time for this Tucker." Xi snaps. 

"You know Xi, I disagree. Me and Zone were having a talk when Tweedledee and Tweedle-freaking-idiot decided to interrupt, so let's finish this." 

"There is nothing to finish!" Wash states. 

"Are we intruding on some sort of lovers' quarrel right now?" Grif asks. 

"You and Wash are the worst things to happen to these teams since blue-boy over there decided to show up." Tucker says thumbing at Caboose. 

"I am a man! Blue man!" Caboose clarifies. 

"You take that back. Zone is a great leader. And Wash I assume." Simmons protests. 

"Blasphemy!" Sarge shouts. 

"Deadly force authorized." 

"Seriously, I would rather follow Caboose into battle than you." Tucker says crossing his arms. 

"Oh, really? Then let's just make him the leader, see how much better off you are!" Zone snaps. 

"Well, I humbly accept your nomination and accept the position." Caboose says honored. 

"Shut up!" Zone and Tucker say. 

"Do not talk back to your commanding officer." 

"Zone and I are having an argument. I will be talking back to him. That's how arguments work, you stupid toaster." Tucker retorts. 

"Arizona is not the commanding officer." 

"What?" Zone says confused. 

"In a unanimous decision by the Blue Team, Caboose has been promoted to Blue leader. Captain Caboose is now your commanding officer. Do not talk back to your commanding officer." Freckles orders. 

"Oh, crap." Grif mutters. 

"Well, yep. This is gonna be a lot of fun." Caboose grins. 

"No, Caboose, you can't-" Freckles turns towards Zone. "Look, Freckles, this is a misunderstanding!" 

"Caboose is team leader? Screw this." Simmons begins to walk away. 

"Augh, don't worry, Simmons. As my first duty as leader in the position of the nomination, I say you and Zone can be on Blue Team...forever!" Caboose yells. 

"No thanks, I'm good." 

"Private Simmons." 

"Oh no." Simmons swallows. 

"Deserting your post will designate you as AWOL. This designation is punishable by death." 

"WHAT?!" Simmons cried. 

"Uh, hey Sarge? Now the Blues have kidnapped Simmons." Grif states. 

"THEN IT'S WAR!" Sarge yells. 

"Wait! Stop!" Wash begs. 

"Say hello to robot Satan, you mechanical son of a-" 

"Bail!" Grif shouts as he throws himself out of the Warthog just as Freckles shoots it, sending both Grif and Sarge flying out of the blown up vehicle. 

"Woah!" Tucker cried shocked. 

"Sarge!" Simmons yelled running to help him. 

"Freckles! Bad! Bad! No!" Caboose commanded. 

"Primary threat eliminated." 

2.0 runs into the area at the sound of explosions. <What was the explos—HOLY CRAP. WHAT DID YOU DO?!> 

"Sarge! Are you okay?" Simmons asks helping his leader. 

"No, Simmons. I'm afraid I won't be okay...until I exact my revenge!" Sarge says through clenched teeth. 

"Seriously, I am not affiliated with this lunatic. He does not speak for me." Grif says fearfully. 

"HYAAAAH!" Sarge runs at Freckles. 

"Engaging target." 

"Freckles, no!" Caboose yells. 

"Dad, don't!" Zone tackles him to the ground before a shot is fired in the air. The Reds and Blues all turned to see a familiar pink armored soldier. 

"Man, you guys are really noisy." Donut states. The Reds and Blues all cheer and run to Donut. 

"Aww! You must have really missed me!" 

"Donut, thank God you're here!" Grif laughs. 

"We were just about ready to kill each other." Sarge adds. 

"Speak for yourself." Tucker snaps. 

"Where's the ship?" Wash asks. 

"What ship?" 

"The ship you came here on. The rescue team." 

"Ohhhh. Hah-hah, duh! Allow me to introduce: the rescue team!" Donut steps to the side and gestures to another familiar soldier dressed in dark purple. 


"Doc?" Simmons cried. 

"Wait. What is this?" Xi asks. 

"Donut told me you guys needed help." Doc shrugged. 

"So I got the best help money could buy!" 

"You didn't pay me." 

"And I didn't tip the pilot! That's formality." Donut adds. 

"What pilot?" Sarge asks. 

"The pilot that dropped us off, dummy." 

""Dropped you off"?" Tucker says shocked. 

"As in, he's not here anymore?" Grif asks. 

"Exactly." Donut replies. Caboose comes up to them. 

"'Sup?" Caboose waves Donut and Doc. 

"So you're telling me...that you heard our distress signal...grabbed Doc...hopped on a ship...and then TOLD THE SHIP TO LEAVE? AND THAT'S YOUR IDEA OF SENDING HELP?!" Zone yelled. 

"What? No! I brought Lopez, too!" Donut then moves away to reveal Lopez's head on the ground next to 2.0. 

<What. The heck.> He mutters. 

"Kill him!" Sarge yells as everyone minus Zone and Xi charge and tackle Donut and Doc. The duo watches them drag the pink and purple soldiers behind a rock and listen to them beat them. 

"Someone get this maniac turquoise guy away from me!" Donut cried. 

"I'M AQUA!" Tucker screamed. 

"We're never getting out of here, are we?" Xi asks. 

"We will Xi. Gotta have faith, even if you misplace it sometimes." Zone says still watching the Reds and Blues pummel Doc and Donut. From on a hill the green and black soldier from before watches Zone and Xi converse with each other. 

"You were always the positive one Wolford. A true soldier." The figure then cloaks and leaves. 

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