texting 6

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This award is very special and important for BTS make them win this year too

Unknown : Hey

You : excuse me?
But who are you?

Unknown : you might
not know me, I am a
senior, I am not in the
school anymore.

Unknown : I got your
number from that wall

You : it was a dare

You : whatever I
have written was
not true

You : please delete
my number,
I don't want
someone unknown
to have it.

Unknown : You are
fucking pretty

Unknown : I saw
when you wrote
your number on
that wall, I was there.

Unknown : you didn't
notice me, but I have
your number from the
very first day.

Unknown : I wanted
to text you for very
long but I couldn't
manage, now I have
time so....

Unknown : let's start
with the introduction...

Unknown : what's
your name? I am

You : I am
sorry Shiuk.

You : I already
told you that I am
not comfortable
with talking to

Unknown : why?
It's fun meeting
new people

Unknown : are you
in a relationship?

Unknown : is this
because of your
boyfriend that you
don't want to talk
to me?

Unknown : you
should break up
with him you know,
he is controlling.

Unknown : a mature
guy like me will treat
you better in every
way possible.

You : why don't
you understand?

You : I don't want
to talk to you!

You : and it's my
wish, no one is
controlling me

Unknown : you need
better treatment my

Unknown : if you give me a chance I can bring heaven down on you.

Unknown :

You : shut up!
You are creepy
as fuck

You : leave me alone,
I am blocking you

Unknown : wait!

You blocked this number


Jungkook : you are
not sleeping yet?
You don't stay up till
this late.

Jungkook : what's
the matter?

You : Nothing

You : Mind your

Jungkook : Something
is definitely wrong.....

You : stop being
so nosy

You : I told you
not to text me,
why are you boys
so stubborn and
can't take a no.

Jungkook : I am sure
something happened
from the way you are

Jungkook : what
happened? I am
genuinely worried,
tell me I won't bother
you again I promise.

You : some guy
got my number,
and he was texting
me stupid things
that made me

Jungkook : wait

Jungkook : who is
the guy? What did
he say?

You : I don't know
him, he just told
me that he is a
senior and he is not
in the school anymore
but he saw me the day
when I wrote my
number on the wall
and he had the number
for a long time and now
after so many days he
decided to text me.

Jungkook : what else?

You : he then just
started texting creepily
when I said that I am
not interested in
talking to him

You : He also send
me a picture of his
hand, and said creepy

Jungkook  : the fuck?

Jungkook  : what is he
saying now?

You : I blocked him,
he won't disturb
me anymore.

Jungkook : Wait, how
are you so sure that
he won't bother you

You : I blocked him
what do you mean?

Jungkook : he still
has your number

Jungkook : it's still
not safe

You : What should
I do then?

Jungkook : Do a thing,
unblock him, create a
group for the three of
us, I mean me, you and

You : why would
I do that?

You : why would
I listen to you?

Jungkook : I want to
talk to him, please do
as I say for one last
time. Please.

Jungkook : after this I
will never bother you

You : okay


You unblocked ××××××××××

Unknown : why did
you just block me

Unknown : you know
what? You are fucking

Unknown : what's with
all these arrogance? Huh?

Unknown : you think
nobody got pussy and
tits like yours? You hoe!

Unknown : you should
be fucking thankful
that I asked you, no
man will ever treat
you well like I did.

Unknown : Now you
are keeping me on
seen? Answer the texts
you bitch!


You created a group

You added Jungkook

You added ××××××××××

You made Jungkook the admin

Unknown : Wow!
Now what is this

Jungkook : I can say
the same thing, why
are you bothering her?


Unknown : so you are
with this hoe?

Jungkook : Mind your
language while talking
to someone.

Unknown : so I have
to learn from you?

Jungkook : yes you
have to, cuz you are
a dickhead

Jungkook : apologize
to my girlfriend right

Unknown : so so so,
you are her boyfriend?
Or just a random guy
up for her ass?

Jungkook : So you
won't apologize right?

Jungkook : guess I
have to take other

Jungkook removed you from the group


You : hey! Why did
you remove me from
the group??

You : you are not
reading my text,
what are to telling

You : Jungkook
what's happening?

You : .......

Jungkook : he was
being disrespectful
to you, I didn't want
you to read all those
so I removed you.

Jungkook : block his
number, I have
reported him to cyber
harassment program
of the government,
they will track him down.

You : okay....

You : thank you
for standing up
for me.

Jungkook : it's alright

Jungkook : whatever
I said their being your
boyfriend and stuff, it
was a lie I hope you don't
take that seriously.

You : I know...

You : thank you

Jungkook : welcome

Jungkook : Now it's
time to keep my promise,
I will never bother you again.

Jungkook : Bye

You : Bye
Message not sent

Nope I didn't take inspiration from myshatae

It was a coincidence that this chapter turned somewhat same from their book Online Crush chapter 16 especially the part when the group was created (Do give it a read it's pretty famous)

And those you complained against me to the author, I understand that you did it solely for the love you have for their books but I wanna make a few facts clear to all.

You could have asked me as well if I have taken any inspiration without harassing them or me at the middle of the night.

Keep this clear that though I am not a big author like myshatae but I am not a small one either. My books cannot be termed as underrated.

So I am not a fool to copy or plagiarize someone's hardwork knowing that 100k+ people are reading and I will get caught regardless.

This thing happened to me for the first time and I am still shocked.

I myself hate plagiarism, so in the future make sure to ask me if something like this is repeated which I am pretty sure won't happen cuz coincidences are rare. I don't take promts or inspirations as well if you read my other books you will know that those are fresh ideas. And I won't lie even if I take inspiration or admire a work and want to recreate it, there no shame in accepting that you are inspired by someone.

But till now I haven't taken inspiration from any wattpad author.

Peace ✌

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