texting 7

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A/N : I hope you guys don't mind late night updates.

I was a little drifted after completing Tutor and the current covid situation is not helping with anything.

Even my health is also not at it's best, I am a bit sick and will be testing for covid because you never know.

You : Why were you
scrubbing off my
number from the wall?
Message not sent

You : Why do you even
care about me?
Message not sent

You : Hi...

Jungkook : woah!
What's the matter

Jungkook : You
texted me first.

You : I wanted to
know something

Jungkook : Yeah?
What is it?

You : why did you
stay after school to
scrub off my details
from that wall.

Jungkook : well....

Jungkook : I don't
want you to assume

Jungkook : but I
will still tell you
if you want to know

Jungkook : I really
didn't want another
guy to harass you
like the one last
night.... it's really
traumatizing for
any girl.

You : Thank you

Jungkook : But I am

Jungkook : You saw
me, alone at the lab
scrubbing the shit
out of that wall for
hours but still you
didn't have the guts
to show yourself.

Jungkook : What a
coward, or maybe
just ego?

You : I am sorry

You : You are right,
I am a coward for

You : Thank you
Jungkook, and I
am sorry....

Jungkook : You
think I am taking
any of that?

Jungkook : I don't
even know why I 
worked so hard for
you, when you are
just there hiding
behind this number
and having fun out
of all these.

You : I am extremely
sorry. I know I dissapoint
people, that's why I
stay away from them

Jungkook : yeah
now you sound like
one of those whiny
teenagers who think
it's dope and cool to
act like a sociopath
and fuck up their
mental health just
because of their

Jungkook : you guys
are either think that
seeking help or talking
to others will be bad
for their mysterious
image, or either you
guys expect people to
help you without you
telling them anything.
People are not mind

Jungkook : mental
health is a serious
issue, but suppressing
it doesn't help anyone,
not you, no one. You
are not doing any good
to you.

You : What do
you want me to
do then?

Jungkook : Talk more,
open up about your
problem, be a little free.

Jungkook : It's not
that hard, you can
tell me about your
problems, I don't
even know your name.

You : but I don't
want people to burden
up with up my

Jungkook : here
we go again.....

Jungkook : My lecture
was of no use, I get it.
You would still continue
be like that. Trust me,
it's not hard for me to
tell that something is
off with you when I
text you. You delete
your texts several times,
ignore my questions,
get angry real quick,
fumble with your words.

You : I.... didn't
expect you to notice
all that...

Jungkook : yes,
I did notice....
anyone in my
place would.

You : What do
you want me
to tell you?

Jungkook : It's not
that hard to open up.

Jungkook : just start
with talking about
yourself, you don't
have to tell me your
identity if you are not
comfortable with it.
Like how would you
introduce yourself to
a stranger.

You :  I am 18.
A normal high
school student in
Busan who wants
to study and get to
a good university
at Seoul and leave
my house. I have
friends around me,
but I am mostly alone.
I like music, my favorite
artist is The Weeknd.
I don't really have any
other hobbies. I don't
like taking pictures.

Jungkook : that
was good enough.

Jungkook : why do
you want to go to
Seoul? Why not stay
here in Busan? There
are tons of good
universities here too.

You : I don't
wanna stay here....

Jungkook : why?
Busan is not bad
as a city....

Jungkook : come on,
don't hesitate. You can
tell me. I am your friend.

You : Friend? Really?

You : but I was
so rude to you ...

Jungkook : I believe
you had reasons for that.

Jungkook : Don't
worry.... tell me

You : I don't want
to stay with my

You : I guess that's
enough for today,
I am not prepared
to tell anything more
about me or my family

Jungkook : it's alright,
you at least tried.

Jungkook : Want
to meet? Anytime

You : maybe
after a few days?

Jungkook : Sure,
Good Night

You : Good Night

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