➟𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣

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̶̶̶̶ ̶«̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ ̶ ̶̶̶ ̶«̶ ̶̶̶ ̶       ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ ̶ ̶̶̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶

• ━━━━ •

     SHE DID A VERY CRAZY THINGS, because of her job, but this was maybe the craziest thing she is ever going to do. I got weird appeal to planes, thought Jessica. Of course the female was little bit scared, but she can hide her fear very well, even if there is not that much.

     The redhead rolls her head to stretch and then hearing a satisfied crack. The male next to her crunch his nose, gazing at her with a look of disgust which the agent only shrugged on. Everyone was little bit scared, but the dark skinned man was having a very hard time not to freak out. Well he already was. The woman wasn't the only one thinking of her friend.

     ,,Hey, Roman, you're freaking out, ain't you?" Spoke up Tej, saying her question that was running through her head the whole time.

     ,,No." Answers the asked male, his voice immediately telling them that he was lying.

     ,,Yeah, you are." Remarks his friend again, amusement in his voice.

     ,,I said no."

     ,,Listen, man, it takes a grown man to embrace his feelings. If you need to cry, just go ahead and cry." The blonde and the redhead glance at each other, laughing. ,,As your friend, you know I'm concerned about your well-being which is why I took the precaution of putting some adult diapers in your glove compartment." The duo then laughed more as the others followed.

     ,,Yo, can you just chill out, man?" Snapped Roman, but his friend only laughed at him, before another voice spoke up.

     ,,I have seen some crazy shit, Dom, but this really could make some waves. So let's just try to keep it as low key as possible, huh?'' Exclaimed Mr. Nobody, speaking from the other end of the line.

     A speaker crepitate, before the asked male answered his question. ,,Don't I always?" He said, hint of amusement in his voice, making the agent smirk.

     ,,I tell you what, you knock it down
a couple of notches this time and I'll swap out my Belgian for a keg of Corona." Comments the older man, continuing.

     ,,You'd be doing yourself a favor, there." The man laughed at the statement, a small smile spreading even on the Alpha's lips.

     ,,Can somebody just walk me through we're supposed to be doing?" Asked Roman, his voice filled with fear.

     ,,Come on, Rom, this is your plan. You gotta embrace it." Said Brain next to Jessica.

     ,,No, this was not my plan." Argued the dark skinned male. Their ears perk up when they heard alarm going off and the red light blinking, illuminating the dark room. She breaths out a big huff of air.

     ,,Oh, yeah, here we go. Game time." Exclaim the male next to the redhead, starting his car. The female agent buckle up, before gripping her seat, tightly. The cargo doors of the plane open, the light of the sun, brighting. The green eyed woman could feel the strong wind, running around them.

     ,,Roman, you need some fresh air? Because you're about to get a whole lot of it." Joked Tej, making the redhead, laugh.

     ,,Okay, here we go." Said Dominic. He then started backing into the open door. The female breathed in and out as she sees him ridding of the plane, falling down.

     ,,Just when you didn't think it could get any better, huh?'' Remarks the O'Connor male beside her. The female nodds, humming in agreement and gripping her seat rougher as they near the doors.

     Then she only felt how the car lean back, before falling when it had no ground to be on. Her eyes widen for a moment, feeling little bit sick to her stomach. Their vehicle shaked and the front tilted upwards. ,,Holy shit." Said the duo at the same time, having the same look in their faces.

     Before their car tilted, so the front was facing the ground, she sees Letty and Tej, falling out of the plane. They rolled over, the female gazing with her green eyes on the ground that was coming closer and closer. ,,Whoo, now we're moving." Spoke up again the blue eyed father in the driver seat. The agent's hand slapped at the roof, for her to calm down a little as the blonde pulls a walkie-talkie to his lips.

     ,,Everybody good? Everybody make it out?" He asked. No one answered, because of the situation, all of them trying to calm down. The male then glanced at his company, looking her up and down. ,,You good, Jess?'' The female nodded, swallowing. She was never a big fan of heights, but she never told that to anyone. The woman like challenges, so she did it and her mother always told her that, you must face your biggest fears, because bad people could use them against you.

     Brian nodded, before gazing behind him. ,,Where the hell is Roman?'' The agent glance at him, from beneath her lashes. Of course he didn't jump. The man beside her then placed the walkie-talkie against his lips, again. ,,Hey, Rom? Hey, what's up, man? Talk to me." Said the father.

     ,,I can't do it." The dark skinned friend answers. Furrowing her eyebrows in anger, the redhead rips the walkie-talkie out of Brian's grip. When I can do it, he can do it.

    ,,The hell you can't!" Speaks loudly Jessica, her load voice making the communication link squeal into ear piercing sound. Roman puts his one finger in his ear, wincing at the sound. ,,You throw that thing in reverse and get you ass here right now!"

     ,,Look, I can't do it, okay?" His voice was filled with fear and she could even feel a little bit of apologising tone in it, but the female ignored it.

     ,,Listen what I am saying! Now it isn't a time!"

     ,,I'mma stay up here with the pilot, we gonna circle around and make sure we holding it down from up here." Said the male, trying to, again, talk out of it.

     ,,You're running out of time." Spoke up the brunette. ,,The chute is guided by GPS, you don't have to do, anything!" She explained, but he didn't listen.


     ,,I am already on it." Said the named man.

     ,,Hey, man, listen. I'm sorry to let ya'll down, okay?" Apologized the man in the plane.

     ,,No, brother, I am sorry to let you down." Said the other dark skinned male to his friend.

     ,,What?" Asked the male, confused. ,,What do you mean you're..." He didn't even had the time to finish his question, because his chute spring out. This makes his car slide closer to the open cargo doors. The redhead's eyebrows furrowed not knowing what was happening. The blonde next to her shrugged with a smile of amusment when she glance at him in question.

     ,,Tej, what are you doing? Oh, shit! Tej! I hate you Tej!" Continue Roman and before the green eyed woman, could finally ask what's happening, her answer was right behind her. Her eyes widen, seeing the male flying out of the plane. Then she started to laugh, making Brian laugh with her too.

    Turning around in her seat, her eyes widen again, seeing how they were now close to the ground. ,,Get ready! Ground's coming fast!" Warned the blue eyed male next to her.

     What Brian did next was that he pulled out the button for the chute. The numbers got smaller and smaller by a second and when it reached one thousand, it turned red, alarm warning them. Dominic before them pressed his chute, the duo doing it too, right when they saw him take up.

     Their falling slowed down, the car tilting up, before they straight up. All of them flew around trees and as they saw the road right under them, they realised the chutes from their vehicles, making them fall on the ground. A big sigh of relief escaped Jessica's lips, thanking God they made it. She was never this happy to feel ground again.

     ,,Touch down, baby!" Exclaimed Letty, making the agent smile.

     ,,Car check. Call it in." Said the Alpha.



     ,,We're good, let's do this." Brian finished. A relief washed over her, again, hearing everybody that they are save, but something was missing. More like someone.

     ,,Hello?" Oh, shit, thought the redhead. I forgot about him. ,,Please, man. Get me out of here, somebody." The female lean to look out of her window, before seeing Roman still up in the air. ,,No, the trees!" He exclaim, when he come closer to them.

     ,,Oh, shit." Said the blue eyed man from the driver seat, gazing at the signt.

     ,,Sit tight, Roman. We'll come back to you." Spoke up the Alpha, trying to calm him down.

     ,,This is not the plan!" Freaked out the named male. The red haired female picks up the walkie-talkie, rolling her eyes.

     ,,Well if you would stick to it, this would never happened." Explained Jessica in calm voice, almost sounding like a mother talking to her child.


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     ,,ALL RIGHT, you got one chance to hit them here, Dom." Said the voice of Mr. Nobody, while they ride around the mountains. She would say it was beautiful view, but again this was not the right time to gush over something. ,,You miss, they'll make it to their black site and they'll squeeze whatever information they need oit of Ramsey. The device and your chance of ever getting Shaw will be gone for good." He continued.

     ,,That ain't gonna happened." Spoke up the named man through the communication link.

     ,,I'll see you at the pick up." And with that the conversation ended. The team by a second come closer to the enemy, seeing cars surrounding bus.

     ,,Ramsey will be in the bus." Spoke up the redhead, her eyes not moving off her target.

     ,,Then let's do this." Remarks the brown eyed female as they ride through another turn. They come closer to them by a single moment and the agent was thinking if they noticed them already. And her question was answered.

     The cars that were before them, split, making the redhead gaze at it with a hard look. She leans forward to have a better look, but suddenly her jaw clenched as she sees two of the car's doors open and her eyes meeting two guns,aimed at them. Everyone silently cursed, before they fired.

     Their vehicles were bulletproof, but the shots almost pirced through. Brian pulled his head down in instinct as he tries to dodge the bullets. Suddenly he lost control over his car, driving into trees that surrounded the mountain next to them. Their car drived into them, making them groan as they almost hit a rock. ,,Tej, shield!" Exclaim Jessica beside the blonde.

     ,,I'm on the way!" He answers, before she sees him driving into the center of the road. The bullets fend off his vehicle, only little bit scratching it, while the enemy didn't stop firing at him.

     ,,Alright formation!" Said Dominic. The duo speed up, making out of the side of the road, before going behind the dark skinned male, being the first in the line. It was matter of seconds, before everyone was behind him. ,,Punch it!" Orders the Alpha, speaking again. Everyone speed up, hitting the car before them. The redhead and the blonde were hit by Letty and then they hit Tej, speading up even more.

     They near the two cars, the green eyed woman lips slightly parted when the dark skinned agent ride between them, hitting each side of the cars. By the impact they flipped, making a clear path for them. Then another two cars flew right before the duo, the blonde dodging it by driving to right and passing the others, before they again hide behind the Jeep.

     The duo and Tej spead up to each side of the bus, the female pulling out the gun with the blowing disk. Pulling her window down, she aims at the vehicle. Pressing the trigger, the bullet pierced into the metal, the agent then satisfied sits down on her seat, putting the gun away. But then their victory come short as doors at the side of the bus, open. It revealed three set of guns, slowly turning to face them. Her eyes widen, the female immediately closing her window, like it would help.

     ,,Get out of the way!" Warned the male beside her, but just as he said that the cannons fired. The duo immediately shield their heads, because the bullets easily pierced through their car. Unfortunately the blue eyed father lost again control over the car, driving into the side of the road.

     But before they could crash, the blonde's hands find the wheel again, driving faster and trying to miss the bullets. ,,Those aren't guns, those are goddamn cannons! Armour-piercing rounds!" Said the dark skinned male, just as he and the duo met each other on the road.

     It's time, thought Jessica when they slowed down, making a path for the Alphas to be at the front. ,,Hook them up!" Remarks Dom. Then he and the female realising the hooks from their cars. They pierced into the doors successfully, but the agent behind them sees that they have a company.

     ,,Brian, Tej, blow it!" The two then pressed the button, completing his order. The bullets at the sides of the bus exploded, the redhead heart raised, seeing behind them that they had RPG aimed at them.

     ,,Lock it up!" The duo at the front slammed their feet at the breaks, the door by the impact realising from the bus. The doors flies right at Jessica and Brian, but before it could hit them, they dodge it, the metal hitting the enemy right behind them, their cars exploding into flames.

     ,,Jess, you're up!" Said the Toretto male, after she turned to the front. Not wasting her time, the woman's hand meets the glass, the window pulling itself out of it's frame.

     Buckling herself off, the redhead stand up, before fully taking off the glass that then falls on the road. Her hands finds the roof of their car as her legs tried not to slip of the metal. ,,Little closer, Brian!" Shout the agent, gazing little bit behind her to give him a nod.

     The blonde speed up quickly, her hands going off the car. Hitting with their vehicle the bus, she jumps, the impact of the hit, making it better for her to push herself off.

     She come face to face with a man and before he could do anything she send him on the ground, her fist meeting his face, knocking him out cold. Then a next male charged at her. By his confusion, the woman kneel down, his arms holding him up before her legs kick him behind her. Turning her head to look, she realized she send him flying out of the bus.

     The female couldn't pay it anymore attention, standing up as another soldier rush to her. In his hands was a gun, the redhead grabs it, twisting it in his hands. Seeing a bars next to her, she grabbed them, roughly opening them and hitting him with it. The man groans and before he knows it, she collided her fist with his nose, making his vision blurry.

     Hearing footsteps echoing before her, she gaze up, finding two males with weapons. The man, she was still holding, was pressed against her body to shield her from the fire. The bullets hit her shield, the agent quickly aiming her own gun at them. It happened so quickly that you couldn't even catch it. Pressing the trigger, Jessica shot the duo in their chest, making them immediately fall on the ground.

     Breathing heavily from the adrenaline in her veins, she realised her grip on her shield, making him fall too. Raising her gun again, she shots the lock of the other bars, before running to them.

     Her fingers curled around the bars, before pulling to open them. Her lips parted, when she saw the person before her. It wasn't doubt that it was a woman, but the redhead quickly shake off her shock, taking off the bag from the female's head.

     By the sudden touch, the dark skinned woman jolted, a scared look flickering in her eyes. ,,Ramsey?" Said Jessica in disbelief, being little bit proud that it was female. It doesn't have to be always a man. But the named female didn't looked any less scared, only crying out, her tears making her make-up run down her cheeks.

     ,,Stay away from me! Stay back!" She said, her voice cracking at the end. ,,Don't you touch me!" The dark haired hacker cried out, raising her hands to shield herself. At the motion, the agent finally spotted the plastic cuffs on her hands, being too much blinded by her shock.

     Her hand goes to her back pocket, finding her knife. Ramsey gazed at the sharp weapon, scared of what she will do next, but then she little calm down, when the agent started to speak. ,,My name's Jessica. I am gonna get you out of here, but I need you to settle down, alright?" Explained Jessica to her in soft voice. The girl eventually nodded, swallowing her tears. The redhead nodded too, before grabbing her cuffs. Her knife pressed on the plastic, by a seconds cutting them off.

     ,,Come on." Said the green eyed female, helping her up. The dark skinned woman immediately recognized the agent. Everybody knows her and she knows that she wasn't a bad person. Well, only for her enemies. Her heart rate little bit slows down, while they walked to the doors, where they were.

     Gazing out on the road, the agent sees the Alpha waiting for them. ,,Come on, closer!" Shouts the friend of Dominic Toretto, gesturing for him to ride closer to them. Then the redhead turned to the dark haired hacker.

     ,,You're gonna have to jump." She said to her. Her brown eyes widen at the statement and her head starting to shake out her answer.

     ,,No, no, no!" The female repeats, shaking her head. The agent tries to calm her down, the man in the car gesturing to hurry up. The female freaks out, saying again and again the same answer. The other female had it enough, her hands finding Ramsey's forearms.

    ,,You don't jump, we're gonna die! Okay?!" This seems to stop her from freaking out, only for a moment. Looking into each other eyes, if she understand right, the girls then turned to the car. ,,You're jumping." Muttered the Gray woman, but again this seems to freak her out and before she could protest any longer, the green eyed female push her off the bus.

     The hacker screams, not expecting that, but it was maybe better not knowing when it would be coming. Landing on the car, she slips, before she could take Dom's hand. Gazing at the duo, suddenly Jessica's ears perk up, hearing another unfamiliar engine.

     Maybe it's Roman, she thought, but her questioning was answered when another car slammed into the two, making the dark haired female almost fall. Forming her forest green eyes into slits, she recognize the driver as no other then Deckard Shaw.

     Suddenly, not expecting someone to grab her from behind, she stumble, falling down on the floor. Before her stood a Asian male who was ready to slam his foot into her face, but she dodge it, placing her hands on the floor to throw herself up.

     She punch him in stomach and before she could hit him again, he evaded it, sending his own fist in her direction. She must say that he was good, well trained and expecting good her next move. By each punch they send to each other, the duo come closer and closer to the front. The female had enough of him, pulling out her gun, ready to fire, but again he expect this, throwing the weapon out of her reach.

     Slamming her foot in his stomach, he stumble a little, before throwing his own foot to her. Unfortunately the redhead grabbs it, twisting it in a painful angle. Her eyes then landed on a screen, seeing a enemy car with RPG, aiming, then an idea come to her head. The male cried out and then screamed as she slammed his head on a red button, activating the cannons and sending the vehicle out of the road.

     The dark haired man, looks at her, seeing she's not paying attention. Throwing his hand into her's, she looses her grip on him and then stumble as he punch her. Her eyes widen as the male goes to her gun. Grabbing it, the redhead quickly grab his hands before it could hit her, but she didn't know that the bullet shot the driver of the bus.

     Hitting the Asian with her elbow and grabbing the weapon, they both slipped as the bus drives into trees. Raising her gun, a smirk come to her face. ,,It was nice meeting you, it's a pity you won't survive it." She pouts, before pressing the trigger. But nothing happened. The man smirked, while the woman gives him a innocent smile.

     Throwing the gun away, the duo rushed to each other, but then they fall on the ground. Her eyes were filled in confusion, but she snapped out of it as the bus falls on it's side and still don't stopping. Looking up the woman sees the horrific signt, her eyes widening. Gazing behind her she exchange a look with the male, before they started to run to the back.

     Jessica was first to reach the doors, but again he pulled her back. Pulling herself up, she was ready to rush out of the vehicle, but the bars were slammed right in her face. ,,Too slow." He shrugged as she tried to reach him. The man then jumps off, leaving her in the bus alone.

     Her mind races, trying to find a way to safe herself, but when she turns around, she only got one idea. Rushing to the front, her heart pound loudly in her ears. Coming to the front, she sees that the half of the bus was already hanging in the air. Gazing around, her eyes fall on a red button to open the doors. Pressing it, the female holds her breathe as she climb down the doors.

     Something squeal above her, making her look up. Suddenly the body of the driver falls right on her, the redhead dodged it in the last second. Jessica cries out, when she use her strenght to pull herself up and then trying to reach with her hand the metal. It was too far. Closing her eyes for moment, to steady her breathing, her orbs then snapped open, her arms using all of her strenght to jump up.

     Her left hand slipped, but her right still hold her and saving her from falling. Giving the cliff last glance, she quickly climbs up, but just as she reached the roof, the bus started to lean over the cliff. Her heart never pounded so loud, thinking she will have a heart attack by a second as the agent run on the roof of the vehicle.

     The redhead comes to the end of the bus and then she didn't know what to do. Not stopping, the female jump. Jessica thought there was no way for her to make it out, but then Letty Ortiz drives with her car on the edge of the cliff. The green eyed woman almost didn't catch the back of the car, but she did it, unfortunately her muscles gave up, thankfully falling on the hard ground.

     Rolling over on her back, her throat felt dry like a desert and her head puls from the sound of her racing heart. Hearing a door opening, she glance behind her, the agent seeing the brunette standing in the door. ,,You good?"

     The Gray woman scoffs, sarcastically, making her laugh. ,,You kidding?! Never been better!" Breathlessly remarks the redhead, before standing up and going in the car.



this is like the longest chapter i ever written and i am exhausted

guys again i have to ask you, if you want a mission impossible fanfiction, because i would love to write it

and i have bad news for you, i have to
concentrate on my school, so one chapter a week or maybe more, we will see, don't worry i am not going to stop writing, because i love writing this story so much



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